"easy" way to get sentry guns to stand?



Have to mess with it for about 10 minutes till I can get it to stand up..

Is there a special technique for this?
Grab it with the manipulator, it stands upright straight away.
What ^^ said, if it doesn't work, walk backwards, so there is some free space for the turret to turn/pivot around...
Yup. Well, it's nothin to do with putting them up, but if you're on the part where you have to stop waves of combine coming by putting 3 sentry guns up; here's the best way. (If you're not there, then don't read, may contain spoilers.

Look around the place and you'll notice railings with a balcony up behind them, and then using the grav gun, stack boxes up until you can reach up to the balcony. Now take each turret and place them on the balcony, and quickly get ready for the combine. This now makes the whole thing simple, and you won't even get scratched :D. If you're not on that part, then sorry lol.
If you hold them via 'use' key or manipulator and they don't stand up, it's because they're stuck on the floor, you have to move your aim cursor higher up in the air to allow them to have room to stand up on. Then set them up.
OH MAN. That would have helped me alot. I found that whole sequence the hardest part of the game. Grrrr. I had some trouble getting the things to stand up too.

I tried all kinds of combos to kill as many combine as possible I ended up stacking the boxes to block one of the routes and put the guns facing the other routes. Neat how different people work the situation.
In order to have time to pile up the boxes, you can put a turette in the other halley. The Combine will get busy with it and it'll give you time to pile up the boxes.

In fact, the combine get busy with you if they see ya. So you you just place the turrette and hide on the top of the balcony, you'll be safe and pass alive

i stuck the turrets back in their holes, facing the other way. then i hid in the 4th hole with my shotty and royally messed up the overwatch that found me.

i think i got shot maybe once because my train of thought got derailed.
another sure fire way is simply pick it up using E (in other words, with your hands not the manipulator)

then look up, he rotates it into the stand position, now you can look down and press E again to gently drop it into standing position.

edit: and I can't believe that I missed Llyranor saying it before me.

also Llyranor, your name makes me want to play World of Warcraft, damn you. :cheers:
luketabor said:
i stuck the turrets back in their holes, facing the other way. then i hid in the 4th hole with my shotty and royally messed up the overwatch that found me.

i think i got shot maybe once because my train of thought got derailed.

That is dammed funny.
LOL! Some great strategies there for dealing with that part of the game. Wish I'd thought of those. I did it the long and hard way, and kept putting the turrets back up after the Combine knocked them down all the time. Grr.
There is a very thin gap at the end of the smg ammo hallway where a combine metal wall meets a prison wall. Stick a turret's back leg into that spot and it'll never fall down.

There's also enough boxes and cabinets to block off three entries - make sure on your next playthrough to throw the cabinets from the office up top down to the main floor.
Exploiting the game's physics is the best part of the experience.

I entered the scene like any other game, thinking I could just survive 'like a man'. Well after 2 minutes I was fiddling around with no ammo, piss farting with a 9mm pistol whilst the combine pack raped me after knocking over all my turrets. I was left for dead in a pool of blood and a severely stretched sphincter.

I tried again. Like someone above me, I blocked off a route with boxes and barrels so there was only one way the combine could come and get me. I set up the turrets in the opposing hallway to pick off any combine...with 3 turrets, none of them stood a chance. All I had to do was concentrate on picking off those pesky combine who were trying to break down my beautiful wall. A shot to the head with the magnum through a crack in my wall quickly sorted them out :)

Using the physics like this used to give me a faint feeling of 'I'm cheating here...should I be doing this?? Am I allowed to do this??'. Once I dropped that mindset a whole new dimension of gaming has opened up for me in HL2. You can actually use your imagination.

Coming to great forums like this and seeing how other people used their imagination just continues to astound me.

I've come to the conclusion that it's the greatest game ever, and I haven't even finished it yet.
I just set the 3 up in the hallways by the force fields, then I went back in the room and hid in one of the lockers the sentry guns were in, didn't have to use much ammo and had a huge pile of dead soldiers and plenty of leftover ammo!
ive been stuck on this level for hours...so intence!!!

btw...best game ever!
Heh. I simply took one turret and hid in a small room while picking off the combine that opposed me with my trusty shotty! i though it wouldn't work at all, but it did! :D
Yea, that was what I did, I sprawled the turrets across the areas without planning any strategic positionings or anything. And grabbed one turret with me and hid in one of the rooms. I just stuck the turret out of the doorway so that it does all the shooting, and if a manhack comes, I'll drop the turret down and smash it into pieces, or if the combine throws a grenade, I'll blast it back with my manipulator.

Easy victory. :D
Using a turret held by the gravity gun, as your personal Combine shredding machine, was a lot of fun. :hmph:
i hid in one of the cells and used the gravity gun to hold the sentry gun up right..mowed all the soldiers down that came near me :D
Best level so far (now on overwatch level).

I took the 2 turrets from the other room and added them to the 3 other turrets. I brought all the stuff to build walls, covering up the higher hallways. The funniest part was building the walls, and managing to get through the last hole myself lol
Just take another turret with you, means I had 4 turrets over there, that made it sooo much easier ^^
Sir_Shunt said:
Just take another turret with you, means I had 4 turrets over there, that made it sooo much easier ^^

SHIT!!! I never even thought of this, and it would have made the whole mess so much easier!! Oh well. I Love the number of possibilities with this level (and others as well). Great design VALVe!!!!! :cheers:
massivechicken said:
Exploiting the game's physics is the best part of the experience.

I entered the scene like any other game, thinking I could just survive 'like a man'. Well after 2 minutes I was fiddling around with no ammo, piss farting with a 9mm pistol whilst the combine pack raped me after knocking over all my turrets. I was left for dead in a pool of blood and a severely stretched sphincter.

I tried again. Like someone above me, I blocked off a route with boxes and barrels so there was only one way the combine could come and get me. I set up the turrets in the opposing hallway to pick off any combine...with 3 turrets, none of them stood a chance. All I had to do was concentrate on picking off those pesky combine who were trying to break down my beautiful wall. A shot to the head with the magnum through a crack in my wall quickly sorted them out :)

Using the physics like this used to give me a faint feeling of 'I'm cheating here...should I be doing this?? Am I allowed to do this??'. Once I dropped that mindset a whole new dimension of gaming has opened up for me in HL2. You can actually use your imagination.

Coming to great forums like this and seeing how other people used their imagination just continues to astound me.

I've come to the conclusion that it's the greatest game ever, and I haven't even finished it yet.
hehe yeah speaking of "a slight -I'm cheating- sensation" I watched my bro play through Hl2, and at the parts on coast when you had to get your buggy through various checkpoints
you had to get out and blow an apc down the hill to kill the power source on one gate, and the other you had to get out and find 3 batteries to place in the battery slots to open it

he got stuck at so many places, but on coastline he merely shot his jeep over or around checkpoints... tapped me on the shoulder and said that was easy.... I was like "omfgzor noob!! thats not how you do it!!!! you cheater"
hehe, all he did was go around the problem rather than deal with it.. it didn't even occur to me to do so.
In that situation where you have to mount 3 turrets before the combine come in and attack you I tried several different ways and kept dying. What did eventually work was I went into one of those dark rooms that's about 8x6. I planted a turret near the entrance looking in each direction left, straight, right. and i sat on the bench in the room with my gravity gun ready. so soldiers would come near and my turrets would take them out and if they threw a grenade in the room. i'd grab it with the gravity gun and throw it outside the room. very simple.
I tried that! Putting the three turrets infront of the small dark room. It didn't work for me. I don't know if you were playing it on easy or somthing but the combine from my game threw more than one nade.

If they weren't throwing a nade at them the man hacks get by into the room and distracted me while some combine threw more nades at my guns. I think you were just lucky.

As for hinding in those boxes...WOW just wow. You guys make me laugh. Gorden the hero who hides in a box like a little girl :)

I won't lie I tried to hide like a school girl too. It didn't work though. So I blocked one route & faught like hell to save myself in the others.

Very cool collaboration of thoughts though. Love the creative gameplay. If Valve should pick up on anything; this is the jewel of modern gameplay.
Pick one turret up and use it as an aim-botting, infinate ammo smg :D
hasn't anybody realised the bit with the 3 turrets was on triggers? Simply A) Place blockade of barrels over door of choice
B) move 2 turrets to positions of choice
c) place last one and hide.
I blocked one end of the turret room with barrels and desk from upstairs, kicked a cabinet from the start of the level up the stairs and over the banisters (dont try that home kids) and wedged that in the other door. Dropped the 3 sentries behind that and went for a cup of tea :)...god i love this game.
I did it the manly way and stacked 2 turrets back to back and one lone turret on its covering the other entrance, in the end i 1 hp left! then alyx showed up..thank god :D
You mean there're THREE turrets? o_O

DAMN! I just finished the thing with TWO!!! >_< *beats self on head*