Eat healthy in Scotland, get free iPods/XBoxes and more ...


Jun 8, 2004
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Hey yo, G Dubya. Obesity problem in the states? Take note of Scotland.

This program is a great idea. Obesity is such a huge problem here because none of the kids care about the long term effects of their eating habits. They get fat and only then do they care about doing anything about it. But by then they're usually too lazy or accepting to actually make a change. Give them a strong initiative before hand though and it's a different story. We seriously need something like this over here.
Brilliant initiative!

We western country fat bastardos of gigantic proportion need better incentives than this vague promise of "feeling better".
Scotland. Only three types of death... Liver failure, heart attack or death by hag in the traditonal way. Fighting topless in the highlands while breast feeding a baby.

Feeling better is exactly what you do feel though... Since I started working out properly, instead of just riding my bike, I've become almost addicted to exercise and the benefits are endless... Things you wouldn't even think about.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Feeling better is exactly what you do feel though... Since I started working out properly, instead of just riding my bike, I've become almost addicted to exercise and the benefits are endless... Things you wouldn't even think about.

Try telling that to a fat kid standing in line trying to decide between pizza or a salad though. He just won't care about the long term benefits as opposed to the short term gratification of shoving his face full of a greasy slice of pie. Promise him an XBox though ...
More attractive "slow" food needs to be availible. Shovelling pizzas and burgers onto kids plates is just lazy and fuelling the obesity epidemic. That's what they're trying to do in schools now with so called Jamie Oliver food.

But apparently the food's not changed at all, despite the good press it's being getting.
Bah, I hate them all. Really, really despise them.

Who am I referring to? Take your pick when it comes to this topic.

I exercise so much that I'm underweight (and probably malnurished) despite stuffing myself with fast food, sugary drinks and junky snacks. That's my problem, no one else's, just as if it'd be my problem if I was a twenty stone blubberball.

Blame parents, don't blame the adverts. I'd have got a clout round the ear if I'd tried to employ so-called "pester power" for sweets or toys.

*ahem* But any kind of initiative is a good idea, because the problem (undeniably) requires attention.

Can I get an X-Box since I'm a stick insect? I'm part Scottish!
Edcrab said:
Bah, I hate them all. Really, really despise them.

Who am I referring to? Take your pick when it comes to this topic.

I exercise so much that I'm underweight (and probably malnurished) despite stuffing myself with fast food, sugary drinks and junky snacks. That's my problem, no one else's, just as if it'd be my problem if I was a twenty stone blubberball.

Blame parents, don't blame the adverts. I'd have got a clout round the ear if I'd tried to employ so-called "pester power" for sweets or toys.

*ahem* But any kind of initiative is a good idea, because the problem (undeniably) requires attention.

Can I get an X-Box since I'm a stick insect? I'm part Scottish!

I used to be underweight but I made sure I got 3 good meals a day, without eatting sweets and junk, and now I'm in the middle of the healthy region.
I'd say exercise makes you put on weight if you're underweight, it makes you hungry and eat, then build up muscle. That's my experience anyway.
The on the spot gratification from junk food just doesn't cut it for me at all anymore... Whenever I eat stuff like that, I feel like crap afterwards because it just gives an energy rush and then a longer lasting low from the crash... I had a can of red bull the other day. That was a big mistake :x I felt the rush for about 10 minutes, and then for the rest of the day I just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up. Felt depressed too...Fortunately, I've found another stimulation drink called XS :D Its suger free, so you get a nice warm giddy buxx form it that doesn't leave you feeling empty afterwards.

And exercising is so fun :D Seriously, after lifting weights I feel so fired up, I just wanna tear down buildings, release my creative juices (Not a pun for my next comment:P) and do other things...with my significant other. Ahem.

Don't place the blame on any one thing. Its a natural reaction, but our society is far more complex than that.
Farrowlesparrow said:
The on the spot gratification from junk food just doesn't cut it for me at all anymore... Whenever I eat stuff like that, I feel like crap afterwards because it just gives an energy rush and then a longer lasting low from the crash... I had a can of red bull the other day. That was a big mistake :x I felt the rush for about 10 minutes, and then for the rest of the day I just wanted to go to sleep and not wake up. Felt depressed too...Fortunately, I've found another stimulation drink called XS :D Its suger free, so you get a nice warm giddy buxx form it that doesn't leave you feeling empty afterwards.

And exercising is so fun :D Seriously, after lifting weights I feel so fired up, I just wanna tear down buildings, release my creative juices (Not a pun for my next comment:P) and do other things...with my significant other. Ahem.

Yeah Macdonald's make me feel really really bad now, like I just ate a bag of sugar or something. I can't deal with junk food so much anymore, I'm into all that fancy posh home cooking stuff now.

Exercising is fun, but I gave up a couple of years ago, since I live a 40 minute walk from the gym :(
Gonna start again hopefully if I live anywhere near a gym next year.
Farrowlesparrow said:
And exercising is so fun :D Seriously, after lifting weights I feel so fired up, I just wanna tear down buildings, release my creative juices (Not a pun for my next comment:P) and do other things...with my significant other. Ahem.
I know what you mean. After excercising, i totally own in counter-strike. The heart pumping, blood flowing and increased level of adrenaline lifts my awareness and decreases my reaction times.

I'm serious btw and i think pro-gamers should seriously consider excercise before tournaments. :thumbs:
kirovman said:
Yeah Macdonald's make me feel really really bad now, like I just ate a bag of sugar or something. I can't deal with junk food so much anymore, I'm into all that fancy posh home cooking stuff now.

Exercising is fun, but I gave up a couple of years ago, since I live a 40 minute walk from the gym :(
Gonna start again hopefully if I live anywhere near a gym next year.
Heh, I do it all in my room apart from the riding my bike and walking (Walking is good, especially if you're carrying heavy weights. Its low impact so it doesn't damage wear at your joints like running can but the impact is enough to strengthen your leg bones)

I'd prefer to go to the gym, but I don't have the money anymore.
Edcrab said:
I exercise so much that I'm underweight (and probably malnurished) despite stuffing myself with fast food, sugary drinks and junky snacks. That's my problem, no one else's, just as if it'd be my problem if I was a twenty stone blubberball.

If you excercise a lot and are so underweight you've probably got a high metabolism (as do I), so eating fatty and sugary foods aren't really going to help you gain weight. You're just going to burn it off fast and it'll make you feel like crap. Stay away from the fatty foods and load up on high carb foods like breads and pastas. You'll have more energy when you excercise and you'll maintain the extra weight you want.
All four of my flatmates are Scottish and not one of them is overweight. The gits.
" array of items, from book tokens and cinema tickets to the latest iPod mp3 players and Xbox games machines."

So eat well and you win a bunch of stuff you can only use while sitting on your arse burning minimal calories. The only thing you can use on the move is the iPod. I think I've just spotted the flaw in this idea.
UltraProAnti said:
" array of items, from book tokens and cinema tickets to the latest iPod mp3 players and Xbox games machines."

So eat well and you win a bunch of stuff you can only use while sitting on your arse burning minimal calories. The only thing you can use on the move is the iPod. I think I've just spotted the flaw in this idea.

How is it a flaw? The system's already been highly successful and those are activities kids would be participating in regardless of what they eat. I think you're reading too far into this. The most important part is that they're establishing healthy eating habits.
I know it only helps in some ways... but I never understood why people dont just do a few pressups and situps before they go to bed or something.

It takes like less than 10 minutes (I'm sure you can miss that much sleep) and you will notice benifits in a really short period of time. :)

Don't complain, do something about it!
When I went to scotland I asked for a salad and got 1 piece of lettuce and half a tomato -_-

true story

btw that aint a bad idea but they're trying too hard
Might as well pay for lipo, or a firing squad. Let the fatties eat what they want.
I touched on obesity when i was just ready for joining the royal marines as an officer............damn BMI, makes us hulks look like puddings.
Getting healthy is.... awesome.

I'm not being sarcastic.
Hmmm, one could create a vast student-prize farming mafia and thus make millions while benefiting the public good.

I can't understand why people let themselves get fat. Want to solve an obesity problem? Send them to workcamps. ;)

"Shovel faster fatty or no bread for you tonight!"
ACLeroK212 said:
If you excercise a lot and are so underweight you've probably got a high metabolism (as do I), so eating fatty and sugary foods aren't really going to help you gain weight. You're just going to burn it off fast and it'll make you feel like crap. Stay away from the fatty foods and load up on high carb foods like breads and pastas. You'll have more energy when you excercise and you'll maintain the extra weight you want.

Thanks for the advice but I'm perfectly aware of my metabolism and these days I'm quite happy with it :laugh: I'm just using my abnormal physique as an example as to why the blame culture shouldn't be allowed to prosper in the nutritional area of life- people need to realise their own (and their childrens') strengths and weaknesses- in all regards- and start taking responsibility.

I actually weigh a little over ten stone, which is more than you'd expect if you were to look at me. Then again, doesn't muscle weigh almost twice as much as fat?

Look at me! I'm stealth-muscled!