Eat your Fiber and drink your Water!

A friend of mine made a curry the other day. An hour later I was shitting for England. He used way too many spices.

Next time you're constipated, eat my friends curry.
Willie your avatar is smoothly animated and of notable quality. Vegeta would be proud.


Raz you stupid idiot why didn't you use non-interpolated scaling to size it up to 200x200px? God.
I always suffer in some uncomfortable way if I eat bad food. Every now and then I'll crave a pizza or something, eat it, instantly feel terrible and then remember why I eat healthily in the first place.
cue vegeta bitching about image quality in 5...
You think that's bad, I used to be on a forum in which your avatar had to fit in with the colour scheme. They had a palette of "acceptable colours" and everything. If it was deemed unfitting, mods / admins would remove it and you would be scorned by the general community. FOR DARING TO BE DIFFERENT.
You think that's bad, I used to be on a forum in which your avatar had to fit in with the colour scheme. They had a palette of "acceptable colours" and everything. If it was deemed unfitting, mods / admins would remove it and you would be scorned by the general community. FOR DARING TO BE DIFFERENT.

That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.
The only time I've been banned from a forum. Although I did also upload a picture of my butt with "Hi, Pictures Of You Thread" written on it.
Here -

Could have changed completely by now though. It was years ago. Probably still Nazis about the avatars though. They really did like their uniformity over there.