Eb games has posted....

Actually, quite a few retailers (Amazon included) list it on or around September 1st. Now, I seriously doubt all of them looked at each other's dates and figured "ah, what the hell, let's change ours to that, too!" Like someone said, it's rather silly to assume that's just a wild guess for retailers, and more likely than not they know more than we do (also not very surprising). So, wait and see.. I'm keeping my hopes up ;)
If you think about it, retailers can set there date for anytime just to get pre-orders, and if it dont ship buy 1st or whenever then they just blame the game manufacturers and publishers so if you ask me i think getting a release date from a drunk tramp would probably be more reliable.
ItchyFish said:
If you think about it, retailers can set there date for anytime just to get pre-orders, and if it dont ship buy 1st or whenever then they just blame the game manufacturers and publishers so if you ask me i think getting a release date from a drunk tramp would probably be more reliable.
The point is, retailers appear to have mysteriously and independently decided that September 1 is the release date. It's not conclussive but it's certainly intriguing.
I think the release date was september. So it could be mid to late september. Just a thought.
Crusader said:
Anyone think it was interesting the way they went on about "hoping HL2 meets your expectations" in a press release about the CS: S beta... That was intriguing I thought..

Yes I noticed that as well.....hmmm i sure hope thats a good thing...ive never really heard them or at least doug say something like that before strange how they said it almost sounds as if......????
The Good OLD EBGames in Toronto, Canada gave me Sept 2 as the release date for both the special edition and normal edition when I preordered a couple of weeks ago, but I still don't believe them.
I honeslty dont believe that it will be out sep 1 or 2 probably later on next month...but yet It is intriguing how almost all sites and retailers have the same release date now just like they did with d3 or maybe all game sites and retailers are just aligning like the stars and moon for the coming of gordon freeman and HL2... hmmmm one can only hope... :angel:
I don't think a September 1/2 release date is that far-fetched.. from the official responses thread there was an answer to an e-mail posted in late July stating that at their current rate of fixing/finding bugs, they'd be down to 0 bugs in 16 days, putting it about mid-August. Whether or not that actually happened/happens remains to be seen, but it does show (I think) that they're pretty close. I suppose we'll just have to wait and see.
i just wish valve would tell us something about the dang collectors edition man... seriously how are they expecting people to preorder it when they dont even announce what is going to be in it!?

Heheh, well, having bought several collector's edition games, I'm guessing the HL2 one will at the very least come with a T-shirt ;) There will also probably be a bonus CD/(DVD?) with maybe some music and/or art, and I'd imagine there will also be a little booklet with concept art and whatnot. Just my guesses here, but this kind of stuff is what generally seems to make it into "collector's edition" games.
No money, no Collectors Edition :). I just hope they include HL:S in the normal edition (as an excuse for all those delays, so to say). Otherwise I'll have to mooch it off my friend.
i think they are including all the games in the original edition... oh and when i preordered my original hl2 off ebgames it was like this 12 hour special and i got free on day air shipping and an hl2 t shirt :)

I have an EB 10 min from my house, so on some day in September, I'll be there, first in line, ready to bash in the door if they don't open it at exactly 9:00 AM.
lazicsavo said:
I have an EB 10 min from my house, so on some day in September, I'll be there, first in line, ready to bash in the door if they don't open it at exactly 9:00 AM.

They're having a midnight opening at my local EB :p
63SixThreeSix3 said:
They're having a midnight opening at my local EB :p

Didn't even think of that, gotta call them and ask. If so, I'll just get in line on my way back from university, but then I wouldn't get any sleep the entire night and fail the test that I would be writing the next day.
lazicsavo said:
Didn't even think of that, gotta call them and ask. If so, I'll just get in line on my way back from university, but then I wouldn't get any sleep the entire night and fail the test that I would be writing the next day.

Which EB is it, I'll probably be going to Dufferin Mall, although there's a Future Shop 5 minutes away from me. Can FS be trusted for getting games in stock on time?
GuNzABlaZiN said:
Which EB is it, I'll probably be going to Dufferin Mall, although there's a Future Shop 5 minutes away from me. Can FS be trusted for getting games in stock on time?

Yeah, I life 10 min away from Dufferin Mall, that's the one I preordered it at. I just don't like Futureshot since they overprize a lot of their stuff and I'm unsure of their return policy (not that I ever would want to return HL2).
Mountain Man said:
The point is, retailers appear to have mysteriously and independently decided that September 1 is the release date. It's not conclussive but it's certainly intriguing.

i guess if u put it that way.. but still.. with Doom3 there were rumors all over the net about the August 3rd release date way before retailers got a handle on a set date IIRC... so if u go with that line of thinking.. then quite a few things need to be cleared up (ie. Collectors Edition contents, different game versions, how the CS:Source beta goes.. good? or bad?, pricing and Steam subcriptions) before even retailers have a definite release date.. and personally i think the news about the game will be all over the net way before retailers get a handle on the real date.

Yes I noticed that as well.....hmmm i sure hope thats a good thing...ive never really heard them or at least doug say something like that before strange how they said it almost sounds as if......????

u know.. the just the other night i quoted Mr. Fusion.. or was it Mr. Reak on the fps genre and how gamers' expectations are so sky-rocketed with Doom3 and HL2.. i still believe some pple will be disappointed with HL2 just as some were with Doom3.. simply cause the comparasions to previous games (HL1, Doom1+2 etc..)

merc said:
i just wish valve would tell us something about the dang collectors edition man... seriously how are they expecting people to preorder it when they dont even announce what is going to be in it!?


now u understand why pple were so desparate for u to ask Valve about the Collectors Edition just before u went for ur visit? :p

GuNzABlaZiN said:
Which EB is it, I'll probably be going to Dufferin Mall, although there's a Future Shop 5 minutes away from me. Can FS be trusted for getting games in stock on time?

u live near Dufferin Mall? :D
i used to live like a 15 minute walk away from that place :)
anyway i wouldn't trust Futureshop's release dates.. they tend to get games later than other places like EB.. at least from my personal experience anyway :p
I live near Bloor/High Park. Do you think that Canadian EBs will get the game the same day as the American ones?
GuNzABlaZiN said:
I live near Bloor/High Park. Do you think that Canadian EBs will get the game the same day as the American ones?

i do know tho that EB tends to get new games sooner than Futureshop does.
and like laz pointed out, Futureshop's pricing is through the god damned roof.. talk about price markups.. :rolleyes:
Dr. Freeman said:
i do know tho that EB tends to get new games sooner than Futureshop does.
and like laz pointed out, Futureshop's pricing is through the god damned roof.. talk about price markups.. :rolleyes:

Really? My EB gets things a day after everone else on a regular basis. They're the closest place to my house (30 minutes), so I'm forced to go to them. The next closest places are all together, but they're an hour away. They were the last place to got DOOM 3. Losers.
Ummm, futureshop has decent prices, jeez :p

59 bux for HL2 in cad, thats better then american prices