Eclipse Download

Sep 28, 2003
Reaction score
The Eclipse mod, one of the mods Valve recently highlighted in a steam update, has been finished and is now available for download! This third person singleplayer mod is focused on making the player think tactically and logically and take full advantage of their psychic powers, in order to survive.

[br]To download the mod, click here. Visit their website for more information.
Woohoo, this is the one I was looking forward to.

The other one not so much.
This is a really great game, worth the download even though it's a bit short.
omfg. that video is amazing, ill try the demo later. looks rad. I think we'll get more mods from schools, thats by far the best way to produce something
As far as I'm aware, this is the full completed version.

It was a school project after all...
wow this was amazingly well done. Beautiful environment. didnt have too much time to play, but from what i saw it was very well done
Did anyone else like how the colors changed when you die?
Just finished the game and it was very good. Although it was short I did enjoy the mod. It is definately the best looking game on the source engine (better then HL2 itself) but it does have some high system requirements. I liked the physics combat and the few puzzles they through in. However this game seems made to not so much be played as watched. I was always in awe of how good it looked which kept me wanting to see the next area. Definately worth the download on broadband but not so much on dialup (unless you have a very fast PC).

Agreed the death shader is amazing!
oh, wow, from what I played it's really cool. Game is definitely pretty. However, I can't see the intro- after the Valve video plays, the screen glitches and a window pops up, which says something about an indeo codec, then when I click ok it goes straight into the frontend... hmm.
that game is really gay. huge mushrooms. butterflys everywhere. magical fairys. and you dont even get a sword. it sucks
it looks a lot more like an mmo

the gameplay style is like fps though?
rocklegendfm99 said:
that game is really gay. huge mushrooms. butterflys everywhere. magical fairys. and you dont even get a sword. it sucks

hurrr yeah what kind of stupid fantasy/rpg game has stuff like fairys and exotic scenery. and how dumb is it not to give you a really generic sword, who wants to use telekenesis and spells that no fun..... :sleep:

sarcasm aside, this mod really surprised me. it's a lot of fun to play and the music is absolutely incredible. i dont quite know what i was expecting when downloading it, but i'm glad it didnt turn into the typical boring ass sword slashing style some people apparently wanted. i hope the guys that made this keep it up, i wouldn't mind paying for a full length version of this
This mod was very fun while it lasted.

Lots of fun and great environments/level design. Absolutely fantastic job.

Is anyone else but me oblivious of how to kill those Keepers, or whatever those weird things are that break down that first door after picking up the second journal? I keep throwing shit at it, but it doesn't die. I just ran past it and got to the second
Malfunction said:
Is anyone else but me oblivious of how to kill those Keepers, or whatever those weird things are that break down that first door after picking up the second journal? I keep throwing shit at it, but it doesn't die. I just ran past it and got to the second

hold down alt fire after picking up the items to build up some strength to the throw if you havent tried that yet. one full charged throw takes em out
Very nicely done, could use more spells abilities and monsters, but yeah, it was a project for a school, A ****ING PLUS! :D

If they added more monsters, abilities, and maybe co-op they could probably go retail
Somefool said:
Did anyone else like how the colors changed when you die?

yeah then again I had to unistall since I couldn't run the game for nothin... poor ol fx5200 couldn't take it. :x
Thanks for the really fast response guys. I just finished the game, and I was really impressed with the whole weapon system, graphics, and music. For a school project, wow, that was excellent.
If you're getting the "can't find Steam" problem..

Just reinstall Steam using the installer from the Steam site. It adds in the correct registry settings for the installer to detect.
I dont know about you guys, But this Mod plays better as a first person shooter. (Better acurrancy)
Good game. I reccomend that if you can, download it.

I just think that, it was way way way too short. That was like, flash game short. And, the whole game needed allot of improvements. The levels looked too low polly, the monster hittboxes made it seem like I was trying to fight their personal space bubble, and the ai needed a helluva lot of work. I found myself trying to lure them out of the caves at the end of the game. They don't even attack you unless you're right infront of them. I also noticed that the game would shut down the ai on it's own allot, and I would have to reenable it myself. I do have a legit copy of HL2, and haven't notticed this in any other source based game.

But overall, it's an excellent game. They should make a full blown game out of it. I would definetly pay money to play it. :thumbs: :thumbs:
Somefool said:
Did anyone else like how the colors changed when you die?

I never died :(

It was pretty easy, even on Medium. Cool environments, really nice effects. A bit heavy on my PC, 5-20 fps on my 6600gt with no AA and everything on High, turned it lower and I got a decent 20-35. Short, couldn't watch the intro video, didn't have the driver concept, nice art, overall WASTE OF 15 MINUTES.
Pesmerga said:
I never died :(

It was pretty easy, even on Medium. Cool environments, really nice effects. A bit heavy on my PC, 5-20 fps on my 6600gt with no AA and everything on High, turned it lower and I got a decent 20-35. Short, couldn't watch the intro video, didn't have the driver concept, nice art, overall WASTE OF 15 MINUTES.

I got 10-25 fps. The game isnt that well optimized.
And i have a 9800xt! HL2 runs at a smooth 60fps.
I had to dissable the bloom effect to get it to run at a tolorable rate of 30 to 35 fps...
It was a good game, if it were a real project I would imagine it would be a real seller. Considering its a mod, and they did it in school, im amazed. The music is awesome, I wonder if its original work. The art is great, concept is great, and the events are fun. I particularly like breaking down those lookout-posts or whatever they were. I will play it a few times, its really well done, but it only takes like 20 minutes to beat. And it is pretty easy on medium... I think the most I lost was 3hit points at a any point. I was disapointed that I didnt die, since I wanted to see the effect. Next time maybe they will get me ;)

And yeah, I have a 9600pro and I didnt get very good rates. Its playable, but sometimes it comes dangerously close (but never touching... like an asymptote) to a "slide show" situation.
I hated the "fuzzy" effect it had it made it really hard to see (also how your vision got sharper when you were concentrated, also looked like a photoship filter)

Had some good uses of displacements thought and landscape looked good. I'm thinking it would have been cooler in first person but whatever... no weapons other than telekensis and the fire thing got kind of boring.

Overall i'd give it a 7\10 (and its one of the first mods that uses pretty much its own assets)
Very fun, cool "puzzles" that didnt leave me frustrated, and some very fun fights. Last lvl I didnt enjoy as much but I liked the second lvl a lot!! Wish there was multiplayer, and I hope these guys change their minds about not doing anymore work on it, I wish they'd give it a bigger signle player (and multiplayer) and polish the animations, ai etc.
Is there a player character besides that horribly cliched woman?
Doomed is my graphics card (GeForce4 MX440), but from what I see from screenshots, videos and your reactions, it must be great :(

I'll just go to my cousin, he has an aTi radeon 9800 pro.
i didn't played it yet but if music in game is the same as in the's lineage2 remixed theme :/
Is it just me, or is this the first real mod to be released? I mean, I know we've seen a lot of maps and some small tweaks here and there, but has there been any other full blown conversions? I've been kind of dissapointed in the lack of modifications for HL2 -- I was expecting much more, especially this far after release.
Eternity said:
Is it just me, or is this the first real mod to be released? I mean, I know we've seen a lot of maps and some small tweaks here and there, but has there been any other full blown conversions? I've been kind of dissapointed in the lack of modifications for HL2 -- I was expecting much more, especially this far after release.

Quality takes time. ;)
I finally got around to downloading this title and let me just say this: This game is gorgeous! It reminds me of the tech-demos on the 3DMark 2003 benchmarking tool.

I sure hope the students involved received an A for this project.

Anyone know of any tweaks to play this game above 20 FPS? I've lowered the resolution to 1024x768 and disabled FSAA and the framerate occasionally dips into the single-digit realm when I start chucking more than one object at something.

Pressing 'Q' will bring up a nifty stat-display. Here's what I'm getting for performance on my system:
CPU: 2.8 GHz Northwood (533 MHz FSB)
VIDEOCARD: BFG Geforce 6800 Ultra OC (430 MHz/1100 MHz) AGP
HDD: 120 GB WD Caviar Ultra w/8 MB cache (7200 RPM)

Not a state-of-the-art system but the majority of gamers can't afford to stay on the bleeding-edge.
So, uh... Guild Wars, anyone?

It might not look as good when you compare the two on the absolutely maximal settings, but damn if it doesn't look and play better on my computer; it's very much the same kind of atmosphere and environment, too. It's like someone decided "let's make a GW single player campaign on, get this, the Source engine!"
Feel free to prove me wrong, I'm open to arguments.

Still a very good mod, though. I just want to see all their stuff used by someone else now; maybe you'd think it was lame, but as long as the mods take less time to come out and have the textures and such the team wanted, I'm happy. That or I'd like to see someone picking up the project and continuing(hopefully with an entirely different story), because if you look in the forums the team seems to be encouraging that kind of thing.