****ed up . . .



seems like my other idea for a mod didnt go down so well, i think survival horror mods are looking cool, but I was thinking on creating one that would psychology scare people instead of jumpy scare, with this i mean ****ed up sound and music, sudden flashes of images, and the shining style atmosphere. once again im just throwing ideas around but it would be cool to see some really ****ed up game instead of ohhh noes zombies
really... don't create a thread to express anger that nobody wanted to join ur mod... it's called spam, and u get warnings for spam

um... "Expect this to be closed". i love saying that :D
Ranga said:
really... don't create a thread to express anger that nobody wanted to join ur mod... it's called spam, and u get warnings for spam

um... "Expect this to be closed". i love saying that :D

what the hell are you on about, this is a completely new idea, go read my other post and get your facts right, and im not expressing anger at all.
"sudden flashes of images"

Be sure to add an epilepsy disclaimer...LoL
Fluffy Kitten said:
Then what are you doing ?

Hes giving an Idea for a mod. One where people a scared with something other than cheap thrills and "make-you-jump" random events. I think its a good idea for one, it would have to be pretty desturbing to work. Highly mature stuff i would think.
This is an idea for a mod ? I thought it was just a guy bitching and complaining about god-knows-what ? Interesting
It's a good idea in general, but you should come up with some more detailed ideas before you actually post it - For instance, a basic background story for the mod, or the outline for the first few minutes of the game as you see it, or perhaps some kind of concept art if you're artistically inclined. Something to impress possible team members, something that would make them choose your mod over the dozens of other mods out there.

It also helps if you have a skill you can contribute to the mod, such as modelling, mapping, skinning, etc..
Ranga said:
really... don't create a thread to express anger that nobody wanted to join ur mod... it's called spam, and u get warnings for spam

um... "Expect this to be closed". i love saying that :D
Oh please, give him a break.

That kind of heartless negativity is *worthless.*


cocook, I agree, jump-scenes are lame. Real horror is in the mind, not in the sudden loud sounds and surprises.

It's like, are you trying to scare people or mess up their nerves? :LOL:
Umm, cheap thrills? Doom II + III scared me shitless throughout the entire game. It's not like I'm lolly gazing through a hallway and then BAM I jump outa my chair because a Hell Baron screams as he pops out of a doorway. I was constantly on my nerves because I knew for a -fact- that something evil and mean would try to main my already disgruntled body. If you had scary shit happening every 15 seconds of the game, you'd desensitize the player so much that it'd be damn near impossible to keep up that kind of fear over such a long term period.

Zombies aren't scary at all. Because I've already killed 189,372,813,781 of them and I know every nook and craney they might jump out at me. Flashing images on a screen is good for a one time thing, but after that it just gets annoying and repetitive.
Doom 3 is crap - They use the same shit to scare you throughout the entire game. Sure, it was scary the first time the lights went out and then flickered back on and a zombie was there. But all 400 times after that, it kinda loses its effect.
Dario D. said:
Oh please, give him a break.

That kind of heartless negativity is *worthless.*

i must have mis-read his post.... just IT seemed rather full of worthless, heartless negativity!
Flippage said:
Doom 3 is crap - They use the same shit to scare you throughout the entire game. Sure, it was scary the first time the lights went out and then flickered back on and a zombie was there. But all 400 times after that, it kinda loses its effect.
*Shrugs* I personally enjoyed Doom 3, but then again, I'm different.

-Angry Lawyer