Effective dieting tips & exercises


Jul 25, 2007
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So, to some of you more health conscious people, what are some effective techniques (i.e. special diets, exercises etc.) that you may have used that has shown significant results? I jog around 9 miles everyday and have cut out most sugars and starches from my diet, along with several reps of 50 curl-ups, and 25 push-ups a day, and although I have seen some results, (I've lost around 15 lbs. in the past three months), It's just not happening fast enough for me.

Some new things I learned on Yahoo that I intend to try.

One said effective method I've heard was to rub preparation H (I have no idea why preparation H) and wrap saran wrap around all over the back and torso, topped with a trashbag over the top, while exercising during the hottest part of the day tends to be effective, but I have yet to try this method yet. Alternately, do this while exercising in a sauna has been said to procure some effective results too.

Share some ideas and links to effective exercises, diets, and techniques that have been know to work. It would be much obliged. I want to be in the best shape possible before boot camp.
Way to keep heads up matey! maybe we both can learn from one another! ;)

BTW, I'd better get busy then. I'm not gonna get any fitter sitting around the desk typing shit all day.
One said effective method I've heard was to rub preparation H (I have no idea why preparation H).
It's so you have to awkwardly explain to the person at the pharmacy that it's strictly for working out or for your new tattoo.

They never believe you.
You know when I see threads like this, I fume.

Because I am underweight. After my exams, I'm going to go on a serious routine of gymming and increasing my food intake I tell you. No more Mr. Small guy..
You know when I see threads like this, I fume.

Because I am underweight. After my exams, I'm going to go on a serious routine of gymming and increasing my food intake I tell you. No more Mr. Small guy..
Wanna trade body types then? I wanna eat starches damnit! :angry:
eat less, exercise more.
According to my BFI, which is currently %20, I'd have to eat at least 2100 calories to gain weight. I've been calculating every single thing I eat lately, and I try not to go over 1500 calories, and that's on a bad day of binging. Most every other day, I usually don't go over 800 calories. I'm not sure if this calculation takes into account metabolism rate and carbohydrates though.
I've started eating more healthy food and less junk with 3 meals a day instead of just eating randomly while exercising every weekday with push-ups and weightlifting. Lost about 8 pounds in 2 months. Haven't seen any real difference body-wise though (how much do you need to lose to see any difference at all?).

I still need to go out and walk, preferably a few miles a day.
Simply eat less and in smaller, more frequent meals. It helps to speed up your metabolism and gets your body to spend the food energy faster. Since you're eating more often, too, you won't feel compelled to snack as much and whatnot.
An excellent strategy sea. I think I'll buy some healthier snacks like yogurt and almonds like that link suggested, and munch on something just before exercise. According to another study I found, eating a small snack before exercising helps keep the appetite at bay, since exercising releases a hormone called, "grehlin" (nicknamed, "gremlins" LOL) which does just that. (increases appetite)

(how much do you need to lose to see any difference at all?).
I once got down to 168 lbs. (my BFI then was %7), and tbh, I didn't really look or feel much skinnier then than I do now. This is because of my stalky body type. I'm built like a f**king tank. :p

Also, I'm approximately 5'6 in height.

Funny thing is, even if I lost evey bit of fat, (BFI of %0) I'd probably only be around 159 or so. The weight requirement for the Air Force is pretty steep.
(The NAVY weight requirement is no more than 198 lbs. with a BFI of %24) They asked me to get down to 158 lbs. to qualify. Needless to say, that would be impossible for me.
You know when I see threads like this, I fume.

Because I am underweight. After my exams, I'm going to go on a serious routine of gymming and increasing my food intake I tell you. No more Mr. Small guy..

I've been doing this for quite some time. Dieting sucks ass.
I don't have a small frame any more. Well I never really did. At 6'1" you really can't have a small frame no matter how thin you are.:p
According to my BFI, which is currently %20, I'd have to eat at least 2100 calories to gain weight. I've been calculating every single thing I eat lately, and I try not to go over 1500 calories, and that's on a bad day of binging. Most every other day, I usually don't go over 800 calories. I'm not sure if this calculation takes into account metabolism rate and carbohydrates though.

Honestly man, 800 calories a day just isn't healthy at all. A year and a half ago I was 215 lbs, I got sick of it and started exercising and eating better. 5 months later I was down to 160, which was almost too light, so I'm at 180 right now (I'm 6'1"). I ate roughly the same stuff, but cut out fast food, ice cream, etc. It's all about portion control.
I once got down to 168 lbs. (my BFI then was %7), and tbh, I didn't really look or feel much skinnier then than I do now. This is because of my stalky body type. I'm built like a f**king tank.

Also, I'm approximately 5'6 in height.

Funny, I'm about 169-170 lbs at the moment with a height at 6' but still have a bit of a belly left. :(

According to my mom I was skinny as **** when I was about 14-15 years old. I don't have any memory from that though, which is strange.
Funny, I'm about 169-170 lbs at the moment with a height at 6' but still have a bit of a belly left. :(

According to my mom I was skinny as **** when I was about 14-15 years old. I don't have any memory from that though, which is strange.
I'm quite muscular naturally. I don't know how tbh, because I didn't really do alot of physical work nowadays before I just started exercising again. There was that one time about two years ago I had a gym membership for about 6 months in which I'd go about three times a week to do some weightlifting. Remnants maybe?

My back is almost solid muscle. No joke. It's almost incapacitating because my flexibility is rather limited because of it. I've been having trouble with my parade rest for this reason.
eat one small meal a day. ive lost atleast 15 lbs in a little over a week!

oh wait. im depressed.

but its still losing weight :D
I'm quite muscular naturally. I don't know how tbh, because I didn't really do alot of physical work nowadays before I just started exercising again. There was that one time about two years ago I had a gym membership for about 6 months in which I'd go about three times a week to do some weightlifting. Remnants maybe?

How I envy you. :p
Unfortunately I don't go to the gym so I only train at home, wish I did tho.

Sea said:
I guess I used to be 230 pounds or so and now I weigh 120.

That's impressive. :)
I'm 5'7", though, which I suppose is significantly shorter than most everyone here.
I got you beat. I'm an inch shorter.

120 lbs.? Definately another "wire frame" fellow aren't you? :p Damnit.
Um, are you supposed to be "overweight" in one of these pictures? :p ...and yeah, your definately a "wire frame" type. :p

How you went from 230 to 120 is a mystery indeed. Very very little muscle, if any at all.

Tbh, I wish I wasn't so muscular. It seems to have been working against me lately.
Honestly man, 800 calories a day just isn't healthy at all. A year and a half ago I was 215 lbs, I got sick of it and started exercising and eating better. 5 months later I was down to 160, which was almost too light, so I'm at 180 right now (I'm 6'1"). I ate roughly the same stuff, but cut out fast food, ice cream, etc. It's all about portion control.

Aye, 800 calories a day will shock your body, and I believe your cholestrole level sky-rocket from doing that too. You're not losing fat, you're losing all your muscle, and once thats gone THEN you'll start losing the fat. You should probably just go eat 1500 calories, and then exercise.
Interval Training is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better then running long distances, not only do you burn more fat (and increase your metabolism greatly throughout the day), but you also decrease chances of getting injuries because you aren't putting your body through endurance running, or long periods of stress.
Weight lifting is always good too, muscles burn calories, so having muscles just sits there will slowly eat away at your fat and food you consume.
And despite some popular beliefs, cardio doesn't effect your muscle gain from weight lifting (It depended on your body type according to the study, but the study concluded even then, there was very little difference of muscle mass in the groups of individuals they studied on)
I really need to get out of the house more and start exercising... But on top of my guilt that I'm not studying, and my general anti-social reclusive behavior that has developed over the past two or so years, I find it really hard to just get out and do it.

I really want to go biking, as I find that a much better way to stay motivated than just walking and stuff, but I don't own a bike that doesn't fall apart due to shoddy craftsmanship.
I'd go outside and walk every day, but its 8,000,000,000,000,000,000 degrees with a humidity of 700% ><

Course, I am overoveroveroverexaggerating, but it's ****in hot. D:

Plus I'm a pussy, but, no biggie.
I've only read the first post, and I study Applied Science in Human Movement Studies (simply put Exercise Science). And I will give u a tip, would help more, but do not do 'curl-ups' - they are bad for your back and hips and are only effective during the around the first half of the exercise.

A much better alternative is doing abdominal crunches (google it), which is basically the same thing, except you don't go the full way up to your knees, just to when u feel the most tension in your rectus abdominis and other various abdominal muscles (spelling?)

If you want more help with specific questions I could try to help
According to my BFI, which is currently %20, I'd have to eat at least 2100 calories to gain weight. I've been calculating every single thing I eat lately, and I try not to go over 1500 calories, and that's on a bad day of binging. Most every other day, I usually don't go over 800 calories. I'm not sure if this calculation takes into account metabolism rate and carbohydrates though.

20% BFI is healthy (we call BFI -> BMI in Australia (Body Mass Index) so it might not be the same). Try to eat foods which are Low GI (Glycaemic Index (spelling?))
I'm quite muscular naturally. I don't know how tbh, because I didn't really do alot of physical work nowadays before I just started exercising again. There was that one time about two years ago I had a gym membership for about 6 months in which I'd go about three times a week to do some weightlifting. Remnants maybe?

My back is almost solid muscle. No joke. It's almost incapacitating because my flexibility is rather limited because of it. I've been having trouble with my parade rest for this reason.

lol genetics I think. I'm exactly the same... all the men in my mum and dads family (uncles cousins etc) have all been bodybuilders/marathon runners etc, so maybe might explain it for you too
eat one small meal a day. ive lost atleast 15 lbs in a little over a week!

oh wait. im depressed.

but its still losing weight :D

don't do that. Your body needs intake of vitamins, minerals to function properly. I'm sure the reason you're depressed is because you are eating so poorly. Eat healthy meals, 3 times a day. Just burn off the calories you intake with exercise.

30mins of walking a day, everyday, can have significant effects.

Also, if you guys are interested (if you have a stroke or something lol I dunno) training up a limb by itself (i.e. building up your right arm only), will cause a significant strength change in the opposite side (left arm). Through increased effectivness of local neuro pathways.

Also, most effects of any kind of training will occur around 6-8 weeks, don't be impatient
Aye, 800 calories a day will shock your body, and I believe your cholestrole level sky-rocket from doing that too. You're not losing fat, you're losing all your muscle, and once thats gone THEN you'll start losing the fat. You should probably just go eat 1500 calories, and then exercise.
Interval Training is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better then running long distances, not only do you burn more fat (and increase your metabolism greatly throughout the day), but you also decrease chances of getting injuries because you aren't putting your body through endurance running, or long periods of stress.
Weight lifting is always good too, muscles burn calories, so having muscles just sits there will slowly eat away at your fat and food you consume.
And despite some popular beliefs, cardio doesn't effect your muscle gain from weight lifting (It depended on your body type according to the study, but the study concluded even then, there was very little difference of muscle mass in the groups of individuals they studied on)

True beans. This guy is correct. Mind you, I wouldn't recommend starting on an intense interval training regimine, you don't want to kill yourself.
I say we change the title of this thread to "Effective dating tips and sexercises"
Exercise: There are three types: flexibility exercises like stretching, aerobic exercises like jogging, cycling, swimming, etc. and anerobic, which is things like weight training. Though all will benefit you, aerobic is the most important. The key is finding one you enjoy - I personally like cycling and swimming. Remember, even walking is an exercise. Exercising 5 times a week (though longer if possible) is best, but even at 4 times a week the benefits will be substantial. You should do your favourite exercise about an hour or so a day.

How to avoid tediousness? Do it with a friend, listen to music, or get a stationary bicycle and watch TV or something. The advantage of home exersice equipment like treadmills is that if the weather is poor, you can still exercise.

Oh yeah, and if you are out of shape, don't push yourself to far. Despite what some say, pain is not good, and if you feel any pain then you should stop, because it can be serious.

I'm very short on time at the mo', please PM me for more info on exercise, but also other things like diet and often overlooked things (e.g. stress)...(I have loads of info). I am happy to help you :)
Where the hell is Terminator? He'll get you in shape. Even if it means hiding in your back yard and breaking through windows with his bare fists and snatching the doughnut from your meaty hands, he'll do it.
I've been eating healthily and walking 4 miles every day for the past couple of weeks.

I've only lost 5 lbs so far, and I even gained two this week. ;(
What's your waist size, though? Weight isn't necessarily the best measurement system for how fit you are, especially if you're gaining muscle. Start keeping track of your measurements, or just judge by how you look and how your clothes fit. You could be doing better than you think.
My waist size is 34', although I wear 36' because I prefer the looser fit. Actually, I don't have a fat waist at all, but I do have slight lovehandles. Those have been shrinking pretty well though, and those are usually most men's trouble spots. I do have trouble buying "form fitting" clothes because I'm so damn barrel chested and short. I mean you could literally use my chest as a side table. :p

lol genetics I think. I'm exactly the same... all the men in my mum and dads family (uncles cousins etc) have all been bodybuilders/marathon runners etc, so maybe might explain it for you too
Sucks dunnit? :p

20% BFI is healthy (we call BFI -> BMI in Australia (Body Mass Index) so it might not be the same). Try to eat foods which are Low GI (Glycaemic Index (spelling?))
Thanks for the tip mate. In return, I'd be happy to offer a tip of my own. *Pssst. try using the "quote tags". Double/quadruple posting is frowned upon around here* ;)

Where the hell is Terminator? He'll get you in shape. Even if it means hiding in your back yard and breaking through windows with his bare fists and snatching the doughnut from your meaty hands, he'll do it.
I'd love to work out with "Ah-nuld" :) BTW, doughnuts I have no trouble at all ditching. Anything Potato is my weakness. (Apart from potato chips. I've never been a junk food junkie)
That trash bag and saran wrap/ sauna stuff will probably show "results" because you will lose all of your water weight. Its great if youre trying to make weight for wrestling the next day but not if you want to steadily get in shape or lose weight. I think you should just continue what youre doing. Youre probably not losing weight as fast as you want because youre gainging muscle. You might want to consider changing your exercise routine to be less focused on specific muscle groups (less curlups, push ups etc.) but it sounds like you mostly jog so that shoudlnt be a problem. Plus if youre planning on doing something army related maybe you want those muscles anyway. I didnt know they had a weight requirement. Thats strange.
I didnt know they had a weight requirement. Thats strange.
Of course. The U.S. military doesn't want any fat/overweight people riding in their vehicles. (especially the Air Force) It costs in fuel. :p