EForce mod - Realism over Fun Factor

Realism over Fun-Factor

  • Fast action, fun. die and respawn, 7 weapons carry, jump 2 meters.

    Votes: 17 18.7%
  • Relistic, 2 wepons only, die and wait, team needs to stay together.

    Votes: 20 22.0%
  • Bit of both

    Votes: 54 59.3%

  • Total voters

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
I need your opinions, do you guys prefer the kind of game that is fast paced, were you run fast, take at least 200 shots and you are still alive, jump high, you die then respawn, were you can carry over 7 weapons (In a modern or WW2 era)
Or do you prefer the not so fast game, 10 shots and you are dead, only 2 weapons carry plus equipment, no jumping like a cheetah, die and wait for your turn. ??

Is just a statistic we need to know.
Thanks you for your time.

Information gathered for the Eforce mod - www.eforce.moddb.com

Adrien C
Public-Relation departement.
I think it's hard to say what I like more. It completely depends on what kind of game it is. I enjoy realism in a game like Call of Duty, but in a game such as Half-Life I prefer more unrealistic play.

I think a very careful balance of the two is best.
prefer 2 weapons make it more realistic and its not good if its like the unreal tournaments, jumping 2 metres its harder to kill people that way.
I think it's kinda both. I like fast respawn but not 200 shots to die etc... :)
I actually like it a little in the middle, not too much realism, not too much godlikeness. Of course I like whatever seems more fun, take HL2 for example. Throwing things around with a manipulator is not realistic but it is fun . The overall amount of fun you have while playing is what makes a game, you wouldn't want to play an overly realistic game where you die in one shot and can carry only a main weapon and sidearm. Theres just not much fun in that.
Yeah, I like games that have both. I want something that's close to real life, but different enough to be an escape, as opposed to "Oh, that happened exactly as it would in real life... so why am I doing it on a computer?"

I think the HL genre has really captured this, which is why it's so popular. Gordon can only do stuff that a normal human can do, and the all the abnormal stuff he does can be the blamed on the HEV suit. So it's possible, but not immediately plausible.

Hope that made sense...
Adrien C said:
I need your opinions, do you guys prefer the kind of game that is fast paced, were you run fast, take at least 200 shots and you are still alive, jump high, you die then respawn, were you can carry over 7 weapons (In a modern or WW2 era)
Or do you prefer the not so fast game, 10 shots and you are dead, only 2 weapons carry plus equipment, no jumping like a cheetah, die and wait for your turn. ??

Is just a statistic we need to know.
Thanks you for your time.

Adrien C
Public-Relation departement.

Public-Relation for what?
The Poll says theres a lot of CS gamers here.... I'm a HLDM/Unreal fan personally. Gimme 20 guns, let me run as fast as a cheetah and let me bunny hop. Thats satisfaction to me.
Or do you prefer the not so fast game, 10 shots and you are dead, only 2 weapons carry plus equipment, no jumping like a cheetah, die and wait for your turn.


(Something about CS level of realism is my taste. Any more and it's not much fun.)
Ya, too much realism, and you get into an Americas Army type game, AA gets pretty boring after a few hours.
realism...is what life is for.

games = funfactor! shoot, even BF1942 was to "realistic" for my taste. played it for all of a week before I was sick of it. wasted 50$ right there...

UT, half life, halo, XIII, GTA3, farcry...now THOSE are games. :)
i like fast respawns but i don't like having to jump around another peson at 40 mph while hitting him with 200 bullets to make him die

notable exeption being TFC, simply because it is TFC

i prefer slower gameply, not counterstrike-esque though. It has been done to death, undeath, rebirth, and death again. We need something fresh.
Everything about the success of a game depends on its fun factor. It is a game after all. Who in their right mind would play a game that's not fun?

If the game is done right it will be fun weather it's super realistic, or completely fictional. That said, some people prefer the tatical shooters with hyper realism. Some people would rather die and respawn 10 times in 30 seconds. It's pretty much impossible to appeal to both of those crowds. Almost every attempt at satisfying both groups of FPS gamers ends up being - at best - a mediocre game for both.

That said. I prefer fast paced action over ultra realism. If I wanted to walk around a ghost town killing people (or being killed) with 3 shots from an SMG, I'd play paintball.
I like the Blend that Firearms has, you can die from one shot to the head, you bleed unless you bandage yourself, you can only get weapons with a preset number of points, and respwan is instantionous, with a limited number of respwans per team.
I prefer realism if the game is taking place in historical/present day settings. A little of both if it's a sci-fi setting
:cheers: Games like MOHAA, Call of Duty blend in a bit of both which is good. Sometimes realism IS the fun factor though; Rainbow Six. I voted for a bit of both though.
Depends on the style and setting of the game. Half Life, for instance, was a way-out sci-fi with a man who ran around in a suit of powered armour. I see no real problem with carrying a shitload of weapons, apart from the fact that he'd look a little odd...

Then there are games that attempt to be more realistic, in which case that realism is definately helped by things like a limited weapon-carrying ability...
Thanks a lot on the feed-back.
Its true, what we need is a little bit of both, we are trying to get away from the Counter-Strike type, we will be aiming for a bit of both, realistic in a point were you can't jump like a Scandinavian athlete, limited weapon carries and some other thing we will think of, we also do not want to die like in rainbow-six, we just want people to think before acting, some people just runs into battle gun blazing, when you ask them what is the point of doing that they will just answer : "Well if I die I can just respawn and start killing again"

We want to change that atittude, we want people to think, ensure teamwork and react according to the situation, this way when they kill another player they will have a satisfaction.

For the guy asking Public Relation of what: www.eforce.moddb.com
That’s what a PR is supposed to be.

For the 1000 post guy, congratulations.

Adrien C
PR department
I believe the requirements are different depending on whether its SP or MP.

In SP some fun over realism is needed, if its too realistic you will die all to often..then the game turns into a overgrown memory game i.e a game where you must memorise the position of every enemy. Factors like high jumps depend on the map, factors like limited inventory imo add some challenge and a player must decide what type of player he/she is and choose weapons accordingly (DX1's inventry box was a nice variation, often I would juggle items around to squeeze in that extra gun :p).

MP is totally different, I don't want a scene where it takes forever to kill a player... I want a situation where a few accurate rounds will down an opponent so I can switch to another fast enough.
Personally I don't care for opponents that hop around like a crazed kangaroo on speed to avoid shots, so for me some realism in that department is important (DoD does it nicely).

The original HL had a good balance in SP, you could get ambushed and still escape the situation, and you still had those tense moments when you were low on health/armour and a enemy barely needs to sneeze in your direction to kill you.

DoD got a lot right in the MP department, a few accurate shots will down an enemy no matter which gun you use but each weapon had limitations so you chose your weapon to match your playing style.
Personally I like realistic. The thought of having to <shudder> wait to respawn adds seriousness to gameplay because you're more careful to not get killed.
I don't think it works this way: 'fun' vs. 'real'. I think that 'real' can be fun and that 'fun' (fast) can be boring. I mean, the whole point of a game is to be fun, just that there are many different forms of fun.
It really depends on the philosophy of the game. If it is CoD-like then realism prevails, if HL2 or Doom3 fun factor and realism must be tuned in some kind of cooperation, if Super Mario Bros, then fun all the way.

The game mustn't pretend to be something what it claims to be or people will be disappointed.
a good mix of both. You know...
...like half life.
Adrien C said:
I need your opinions, do you guys prefer the kind of game that is fast paced, were you run fast, take at least 200 shots and you are still alive, jump high, you die then respawn, were you can carry over 7 weapons (In a modern or WW2 era)
Or do you prefer the not so fast game, 10 shots and you are dead, only 2 weapons carry plus equipment, no jumping like a cheetah, die and wait for your turn. ??

Is just a statistic we need to know.
Thanks you for your time.

Adrien C
Public-Relation departement.

Who is 'we' ?
Next time make it more obvious what your thread is for, some people were actually thinking this was for Half-Life 2. Moved and edited.
Nemor said:
This is for Half-Life 2. He posted the link to the mod..

No, he says things in the 'we' sense, meaning his mod team would like to know what kind of multiplayer is preferred. It's not for Half-Life 2.
Daiceman9 said:
Ya, too much realism, and you get into an Americas Army type game, AA gets pretty boring after a few hours.

More like three minutes!