Egyptian symbols question.


Jan 27, 2008
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Well I have a simple question to anyone who knows egyptian symbols, I'm looking for tattoos to put inbetween my knuckle and where the finger bends... you know where some people put letters?

anyways... I already got a few choices not relating to egypt... but I'm curious to know whether or not there is a symbol that represents Set (Seth), the night god of egypt?

is it simply the eye of horus on the opposite side? instead of facing -> it faces <- or does that not matter at all?

there has to be a symbol for him somewhere... I can't find any.

someone help!
Google says no!

However, putting tattoos in between your knuckles is pretty lulz. Despite,

well i just want symbols not stupid shit like tribal tattoos or skulls... since i hate jewelry i figured why not, instead of wearing rings?

2 things i'm getting done for sure is a pentagram and an ankh

i got 2 more ideas... my zodiac sign but neatly done, and maybe an iron cross but i'm not totally sure about that one..

edit: some kind of yin yang would be cool... i'm trying to find a mixture of a moon yin yang... can't find anything... google blows when it comes to tattoos.
Couldn't you have tattoos that mean things instead? Or at least look good?

I mean, who sees a guy with a ying/yang tattoo and thinks "oh, how interesting and original, how aesthetically brilliant that is, I mean not only does it look cool and great, but I bet the guy is really into the philosophy behind it as well"?
This thread kills my brain cells.
Couldn't you have tattoos that mean things instead? Or at least look good?

I mean, who sees a guy with a ying/yang tattoo and thinks "oh, how interesting and original, how aesthetically brilliant that is, I mean not only does it look cool and great, but I bet the guy is really into the philosophy behind it as well"?

pentagram and ankh both mean something buddy... maybe you should research... iron cross is probably a bad idea and i don't think i'll go with it... my zodiac sign stands for leadership. so thats 3 fingers...

here's what it says about eye of horus.

According to legend, the left eye was torn from Horus by his murderous brother Seth, and magically restored by Thoth, the God of magick. Together, the eyes represent the whole of the universe, a concept similar to that of the Taoist Yin-yang symbol. Spiritually, the right eye reflects solar, masculine energy, as well as reason and mathematics. The left eye reflects fluid, feminine, lunar energy, and rules intuition and magick.

so if i get a left eye of horus it would have meaning to me... thats 4 fingers... i got 1 ring on 1... i won't get my thumbs done... pentagram and yin yang always go together when doing certain things... but a yin yang isn't original i agree... thats why i'm trying to find a moon version..

this thread isn't about your personal beliefs or the you... it was about finding a symbol for set... which i don't think there is any... so left eye would do if i were to choose it.

instead of bashing me, maybe you should contribute, name a few symbols and give me ideas.
pentagram and ankh both mean something buddy... maybe you should research... iron cross is probably a bad idea and i don't think i'll go with it... my zodiac sign stands for leadership. so thats 3 fingers...

here's what it says about eye of horus.

According to legend, the left eye was torn from Horus by his murderous brother Seth, and magically restored by Thoth, the God of magick. Together, the eyes represent the whole of the universe, a concept similar to that of the Taoist Yin-yang symbol. Spiritually, the right eye reflects solar, masculine energy, as well as reason and mathematics. The left eye reflects fluid, feminine, lunar energy, and rules intuition and magick.

so if i get a left eye of horus it would have meaning to me... thats 4 fingers... i got 1 ring on 1... i won't get my thumbs done... pentagram and yin yang always go together when doing certain things... but a yin yang isn't original i agree... thats why i'm trying to find a moon version..

this thread isn't about your personal beliefs or the you... it was about finding a symbol for set... which i don't think there is any... so left eye would do if i were to choose it.

instead of bashing me, maybe you should contribute, name a few symbols and give me ideas.

Nowadays the popular meaning given to "Pentagrams" and "Ankhs" is "Fail", or at least "Trying to look hardcore".

Go with the Heirglyphs line. Personally I'd rather get Chinese characters or some sort of epic dragon tatooed, but whatever.
Nowadays the popular meaning given to "Pentagrams" and "Ankhs" is "Fail", or at least "Trying to look hardcore".

Go with the Heirglyphs line. Personally I'd rather get Chinese characters or some sort of epic dragon tatooed, but whatever.

that would require several symbols... i want 1 per finger lol... and chinese characters isn't original either but i'm not here to criticize you... i'm 24 soon... not sure why "hardcore" would be applied to things i'm interested in... maybe for teenagers and americans.

pentagram here isn't popular... i'm not doing it for "coolness" or whatever... maybe you'll laugh at me for saying this but i've been into black magic since age 14... almost 10 years ago... does it work, does it fail? those could create an entire new thread... not even going to talk about it... but since i'm interested in it why wouldn't i use that symbol?

ankh is eternal life... which i always believed in... i don't see people with that anywhere here either... maybe because i've been out of school for ages?
2 things i'm getting done for sure is a pentagram and an ankh

Those aren't cliche at all.

Edit: I just this forum doesn't like accented e's.

I'd be too embarrassed to go out in public with those tattoos.

Double Edit:

i've been into black magic since age 14... almost 10 years ago...

pentagram and ankh both mean something buddy... maybe you should research... iron cross is probably a bad idea and i don't think i'll go with it... my zodiac sign stands for leadership. so thats 3 fingers...
Oh hey, guess what. Do you know what meaning is? It's a process. That's why they call it meaning. It requires a meaner and a perceiver. Also guess what: it's conventional. Meaning depends on context. And guess what ankhs and pentagrams mean in the context of our modern society (we live in it, even if one tries to pretend otherwise)? Pretty much sod all. Alternatively: "i'm a nonce".

But oh hey! The left eye of horus represents bits and bobs of an ancient myth randomly reconstituted out of its beautiful context by shuck-and-jive hucksters combining it with a kind of pseudo-significant conception of gender politics and freakognomic mysticism that is guileless, artless and old as the hills. So...great.

I guess...I guess maybe you could do something with it? Maybe it could work? Whatever; apparently there is no help to be had from the internet. Only cold, stern derision!

Alterantively you could draw the symbol. Being into black magic I presume you are acquainted with some would-be artists and/or own some expensive books on the subject, lulz.
Surely dark magic uses glyphs. Just kinda use one of those.
Maybe getting cliche'd tattoos has meaning for someone? That they're giving into the system after years of fighting it? Perhaps they're trying to portray their simpler nature, or... their... maybe he's trying to pick up goth chicks?

I'm going to get like this tribal barbed wire tattoo around my left arm. Pretty cool, eh?
I'm going to get like this tribal barbed wire tattoo around my left arm. Pretty cool, eh?

Dude, get it around your bicep. It'll look rad and people will know not to mess with you.
I'm going to use the word "freakognomic" more often.
That's where I was gonna get it. Plus, Abercrombe doesn't want any visible tattoos on it's workers, so it's hidden by normal shirt sleeves. I'm getting my hair frosted this weekend.
Alright, you yankee bastard, what in the name of bourbon biscuits is a hair frosting?
That's awesome, brah. You should come see my new Honda, I pimped it out with a body kit and neons. Shit was SO cash.
Oh hey, guess what. Do you know what meaning is? It's a process. That's why they call it meaning. It requires a meaner and a perceiver. Also guess what: it's conventional. Meaning depends on context. And guess what ankhs and pentagrams mean in the context of our modern society (we live in it, even if one tries to pretend otherwise)? Pretty much sod all. Alternatively: "i'm a nonce".

But oh hey! The left eye of horus represents bits and bobs of an ancient myth randomly reconstituted out of its beautiful context by shuck-and-jive hucksters combining it with a kind of pseudo-significant conception of gender politics and freakognomic mysticism that is guileless, artless and old as the hills. So...great.

I guess...I guess maybe you could do something with it? Maybe it could work? Whatever; apparently there is no help to be had from the internet. Only cold, stern derision!

Alterantively you could draw the symbol. Being into black magic I presume you are acquainted with some would-be artists and/or own some expensive books on the subject, lulz.

all the symbols in books are online... what you see is what you get... trying to find new symbols is kinda hard unless you make one yourself... i do have several artistic friends good at drawing but they don't draw symbols... i guess i could ask them but inventing my own symbol imo is like having a tribal tattoo... i could mix symbols but i want to fill 8 fingers... so far i only found 4 and only 2 i really want... so mixing shit would take less fingers ...

there isn't enough history/myth shit out there that interests me ;[

i was checking up on deviant art for ideas... i found this one which is pretty cool minus the 3 trinity symbols
Perhaps you could use a Discordian apple. Tatooing it on yourself would be like against the tenets of that very religion, except going against the religion would be in accordance with the religion, except - oh, I dunno. Bloody Discordians.
In all seriousness, I had one idea for a tattoo that I was going to get.

It was going to be Edward Scissor Hands and he was going to have it arms extended out so it looked like he was cutting my pubes. He'd also be smiling and winking at whoever was down there. Twas a good idea, in my opinion. Oh yeah, and a herd of donkeys on my left arm.
In all seriousness, I had one idea for a tattoo that I was going to get.

It was going to be Edward Scissor Hands and he was going to have it arms extended out so it looked like he was cutting my pubes.

creative! do it!
I thought the herd of donkeys was more creative. :arms:
It's extra cool cause I get to pull my pants down in public and the tattoo artist will have to rest his arm on my dong. I'll pop boners just to mess with him.

I haven't bloody seen you for ages, Pressure. Where've ya been?
Not egyptian, but it's meaning is obscure.


It's the hebrew triad. The middle circle represents The White Crown, kether; and the other two represent mother, Chochmah; and father, Binah. All three signify the first three Sephiroth of the Qabbalah.
It's extra cool cause I get to pull my pants down in public and the tattoo artist will have to rest his arm on my dong. I'll pop boners just to mess with him.


I just spit on myself but bursting out laughing at this, thanks.