elChi has forum problems!

F*cking hell that post is like a Where's Wally picture...

(Where's Waldo, if you're a filthy filthy Yank:))
I'm a filthy Yank. ;(

[Edit]: El Chi, you should do an ASCII art poem. That would be awesome.
Haha, Wally...

And out of all the British people on these forums, el Chi, you use the most... funny words...
indeed el chi does
but then again he's watson.
what did you expect?
seriously, scrawl it onto a canvas, add some line numbers..and make sure your handwriting is almost incomprehensible. then send it to your uni's art centre...they will worship you.

i still think that format is good. works on so many different levels.

still trying to deciphre that last one for any hidden messages ;(
Dedalus said:
seriously, scrawl it onto a canvas, add some line numbers..and make sure your handwriting is almost incomprehensible. then send it to your uni's art centre...they will worship you.

i still think that format is good. works on so many different levels.

still trying to deciphre that last one for any hidden messages ;(
Oh huzzah for me <Does a small, very tired dance. But like really tired>

I won't lie to you, there is an inter-digital cross-continental genre-defying convention-muntering quality to my work.
Do any of us
Really tell​

Perhaps there's hidden meaning, perhaps I'm just tired, perhaps I want to leave you guessing.​

Perhaps I'm hoping if I go to the right places and impromptu the same drivel, someone will sleep with me.

It's hard to say.

Ooooh errr, missus.

This puppy's for Letters: Cheers me ole mucker fer singlin me good self out fer extoling the virtues of the English vernacular - you know you want it you sssllllaaaaaag. What I can I say!? I am teh quintissential Englishz0rz.
And you should see me dance!
Ikerous said:
Lol, you should post like that
From now on in all your posts
I'm sure people would enjoy it
Looks like too much work to me
You definitely should though.

i actually kind of find it annoying because i have my eyes on the left side of the text and only on the left side and it makes me frustrated not to look on the right side :P
hehe, quality. i think you're close to nailing your style :p

actually, i'm gonna use this format for a poem i'm gonna write for that certain someone. hope you don't mind? or do i have to get in touch with your solicitor and request a release of copywright or some such malarky? :/

*off to get some brekky*
Dedalus said:
hehe, quality. i think you're close to nailing your style :p

actually, i'm gonna use this format for a poem i'm gonna write for that certain someone. hope you don't mind? or do i have to get in touch with your solicitor and request a release of copywright or some such malarky? :/

*off to get some brekky*
Write it for that Certain Someone - I know I have. What the hell is it with CertainSomeone? I mean she can be so inconsiderate sometimes. It's not cool.
Although breaking your words up is. Even though it may look like pretentious twaddle (you like that, don't you Letters... Yeah you do) it can help put that emphasis on things that desperately need it.

CyberSh33p said:
don't get too excited or you might drop your monicle el chi!
I swallowed my monacle in a fit of excitement AGES ago. Tastes like chicken.

Stern you're absolutely right : a person with "el" in front of their name - and I say this impartially - is generally wonderful and a fantastic lover.
Form an orderly queue ladies...​

Neutrino, your post made me giggle muchly. I may be tipsy and sleep-deprived but who cares when you have the gift of laughter? Thank you :)

Okay chickpeas, this is el Chi signing
for a while.
Basically I'm moving into a new house sans internet = no me here. But don't start celebrating just yet. No no. Because I'll be back to plague you soon enough. My flatmates couln't organise a piss-up in a brewery but I'll be back soon hopefully.
It's generally a nice community, with a lot of good people.

Here's hoping we get the good news we deserve whilst I'm​
Ikerous said:
Perhaps you shouldnt be
So easily upset then.
Why do people post
in whole sentences?
Its just what they prefer
I prefer this.

Actually, people post in whole sentences because that is the way the english language works and it is far more effective at getting one's point across.

To be honest, I pretty much just skip over your posts most of the time as they're pretty annoying to read. But don't let me rain on your parade at all. Do carry on. :cheers: