election coverage gets a-rolling

Damnit. NVM on the college application. I was thinking there wasn't an application fee if you applied online...oh well...
Moral betterment being standing in the way of the march of science for religious reasons... stomping all over people's rights and discriminating against people of a certain sexual orientation?

Morality derived from Religion should never have a place in making decisions that affect the whole populance of a country, religious or otherwise.

I thought you had a seperation of Church and State?
sublidieminal said:
Just a coincidence the secretary of state was also Bush's campaign manager. Wait let's not stop there! Don't forget, George Bush's brother is the governer of florida. I'm sure they did nothing to twist the vote...

I smell conspiracy. Okay, JC Denton, go save us.
sublidieminal said:
Just a coincidence the secretary of state was also Bush's campaign manager. Wait let's not stop there! Don't forget, George Bush's brother is the governer of florida. I'm sure they did nothing to twist the vote...
Wow! All those republican politicians are corrupt! How dare they tarnish the purity and perfection which Democrats brought to the word politician.

Come off it. They're all crooked. I would argue liberals even more so. But let's not get into vote racketing now.

Edit: O DAMN! Iowa in dead heat!
as of 12:18 pm

Bush = 269
West Virginia
S. Carolina
N. Carolina
S. Dakota
N. Dakota

Kerry = 213
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
New Hampshire
sublidieminal said:
Just a coincidence the secretary of state was also Bush's campaign manager. Wait let's not stop there! Don't forget, George Bush's brother is the governer of florida. I'm sure they did nothing to twist the vote...


try researching the 2000 election for a change, as F9/11 doesn't count.
othello said:
doesnt matter, bush is going to win the popular vote by nearly 4 million.

Yeah man. Just like how Gore had the popular vote. Oh, that's right. Bush became President. :|
othello said:

try researching the 2000 election for a change, as F9/11 doesn't count.

I wasn't referring to the movie. Can you please explain why it wasn't knackered then?
Any Americans want to move to Britain?

Tough luck, it's crap here too ;)
Top Secret said:
Yeah man. Just like how Gore had the popular vote. Oh, that's right. Bush became President. :|

In this case, Bush has both the popular and electoral vote. My vote just went down the crapper with Kerry. Great.
sublidieminal said:
How does moral betterment improve our world? You'r saying things like gay marriages should have been a vital factor in this election?

You think of the term "moral betterment" in such narrow terms. Moral betterment isn't just about gay marriages and abortions. It is about everything a person does. Does you classify a Christian as a person who is just against gay marraiges and abortions? No, Christians try to represent a larger moral good (as in being kind, respectful, etc). In this belief, when you have a moral good, that moral good will be used to make wise decisions.

Granted, Bush hasn't been the perfect president, but nobody is. He has done dramatic things during his presidency. He was strong during September 11, he endorsed drastic economic policy decisions to attempt to rescue the economy. People believe that he will continue to try to make the best decisions possible.
Does anyone feel like there is a knife lodged into their stomach now that Bush has won? I feel that, and more. We are screwed, and us that live in reality know it.
sublidieminal said:
Does anyone feel like there is a knife lodged into their stomach now that Bush has won? I feel that, and more. We are screwed, and us that live in reality know it.

Yeah, four years of Bush really killed you. Wait you're still posting here. :rolleyes:
sublidieminal said:
Does anyone feel like there is a knife lodged into their stomach now that Bush has won? I feel that, and more. We are screwed, and us that live in reality know it.

Yeah, because everyone who disagrees with you and believes Bush would make the better president is obviously living in a fantasy world.

EDIT-why the hell does my TV have to be in another room? I don't feel like getting up and going out there to watch it.
When 4 years pass and the world hasn't ended... I'll say, "I told you so"
blahblahblah said:
Yeah, four years of Bush really killed you. Wait you're still posting here. :rolleyes:

It's sure gonna be killing my paychecks and income. Bush is just going to put us into deeper debt. Oh lo and behold, I wonder who'll be paying for that debt? Hmmmm, could it be myself and my generation?
MadHatter said:
It's sure gonna be killing my paychecks and income. Bush is just going to put us into deeper debt. Oh lo and behold, I wonder who'll be paying for that debt? Hmmmm, could it be myself and my generation?

How old are you? I'm 17. Paying for a war that I support doesn't bother me in the least.
MadHatter said:
It's sure gonna be killing my paychecks and income. Bush is just going to put us into deeper debt. Oh lo and behold, I wonder who'll be paying for that debt? Hmmmm, could it be myself and my generation?

No. it'll be foreigners :thumbs:
Top Secret said:
Yeah man. Just like how Gore had the popular vote. Oh, that's right. Bush became President. :|
Some stats for you, sir.

Bush-50,456,002 == 47.87%
Gore-50,999,897 == 48.38% (difference == .49%)

2004: (sorry for rounded off percentages, but still)
Bush-49,274,678 == 51%
Kerry-45,994,805 == 48% (difference ~= 3% [max 5%, min 1%])

One could say Bush has the majority of popular vote. Gore never did.

Raziaar said:
No. it'll be foreigners :thumbs:
MadHatter said:
It's sure gonna be killing my paychecks and income. Bush is just going to put us into deeper debt. Oh lo and behold, I wonder who'll be paying for that debt? Hmmmm, could it be myself and my generation?

Yes, lets blame Bush for the entire $7 trillion defecit.

Sadly, the narrowminded part of moral betterment is what played a part in this election

Yeah, narrowminded democrats don't exist in this great land.
MadHatter said:
It's sure gonna be killing my paychecks and income. Bush is just going to put us into deeper debt. Oh lo and behold, I wonder who'll be paying for that debt? Hmmmm, could it be myself and my generation?

Very well put. As for me, along with most of America's youth, I am worried about my future more than ever. That's the knife thats lodged in my stomach.
sublidieminal said:
Very well put. As for me, along with most of America's youth, I am worried about my future more than ever. That's the knife thats lodged in my stomach.

Well get it overwith already! I'm tired of you talking about it!
blahblahblah said:
Yeah, narrowminded democrats don't exist in this great land.

They do, but 80% of the people said they voted for moral reasons were republican according to the votes.
sublidieminal said:
Very well put. As for me, along with most of America's youth, I am worried about my future more than ever. That's the knife thats lodged in my stomach.

What is funny is in all of the political debates I have taken a part of in this forum, you guys haven't mentioned the defecit once. Somebody is making excuses.
Did anyone else find it funny whenever Kerry was on TV giving a speach he always said stuff like/

"The people of America are ready to move in a new direction"

I swear, every single member of the Kerry camp has said that at least 500 times in the last month. Dunno about you guys, but that always annoyed the hell out of me.
blahblahblah said:
Yes, lets blame Bush for the entire $7 trillion defecit.

Yes. Actually, it doesn't rest soley on Bush, but it's Bush AND the republicans. They spend money like upper-class clueless girls at a mall. Bush is making the deficit worse again. So yes, I blame him as well. He got us involved in Vietnam 2 while he and his administration sit in office with their thumbs up their asses, spurtin' out bill after bill while they ship our jobs overseas.
Well isn't that a 'swing state', Iowa.
Kerry was ahead then by only 1,000 or so.
Now Bush is ahead by ~7,000.

Very very close. (92% counted)
PunisherUSA said:
Some stats for you, sir.

Bush-50,456,002 == 47.87%
Gore-50,999,897 == 48.38% (difference == .49%)

2004: (sorry for rounded off percentages, but still)
Bush-49,274,678 == 51%
Kerry-45,994,805 == 48% (difference ~= 3% [max 5%, min 1%])

One could say Bush has the majority of popular vote. Gore never did.

My point still stands.
blahblahblah said:
What is funny is in all of the political debates I have taken a part of in this forum, you guys haven't mentioned the defecit once. Somebody is making excuses.

Clinton Leaving office = 5.6 trillion $ surplus.

Bush ending 1st term = 2 trillion $ defecit.
sublidieminal said:
Knife represents betrayal buddy.

Not to nit pick or anything, but usually betrayal is a knife in the back, not the stomach.