Eli and Gman??


Oct 4, 2007
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so i was laying in bed a moment ago and suddenly thought of this question and had to post it.
might be a stupid question but i really want to know.
during episode 2, Eli talks about Gman and what he is doing to his daughter and blah blah
my question is.
does everybody know who the gman is?
does alyx? kliener?
is gman known world wide?
and if not, how does Eli know of him?
I'm not sure, I think only Eli knows of Gman's pressence.
Alyx doesn't know about him, but is clearly under some measure of his control. If you watch the scene where she repeats the unintended consequences line to her dad, right before that she looks over at the screens and sees him flash up and goes into a hypnotized state.

The vortiguants obviously know about him too. Breen also seemed to have some idea about his presence. And there was that time you see him talking to Odessa Cubbage, wherever he went off to and whatever that was supposed to mean.

I think that's it, though, at least, that's as far as we've been told.
unintended consequences told.

Unforseen consequences. ;)

I think all the important people in the rebellion know about him, including Kleiner and Barney.

Kleiner: "My god! Gordon Freeman! Well, I would have expected more warning..."

Barney: "You and me, both, Doc!"
Exactly Pinkle. The distinct lack of suprise at the reappearance of Freeman if obvious. Maybe the Vortigaunt tell them you're on your way or something but I think that Eli talking later about your mutual friend puts pay to that idea.
It seems to me that Eli hired you via the GMan for HL2. Breen tries to use this to his advantage and whilst he does so both Eli and Alyx are shouting to you not to listen.
I agree that there are more characters than Gordon who are aware of the Gman however, I think most of them have the same amount of knowledge Gordon does about him.

I have a feeling though that the vorts know exactly who he is.
Nah, I think they'd have told the humans whatever they know about the G-Man if they did. I'm still not sure if I think that Kleiner and Barney and them know about him, or if it's just Gordon and Eli.
The thing I don't get is, didn't Eli in BME say that Alyx and the family photo were the only things he got out of BMRF? Now the Gman is saying he pulled Alyx out of BMRF. So was Eli just lying to cover up his knowledge of G-man or did G-man manipulate Eli into thinking he rescued Alyx in BMRF?
The thing I don't get is, didn't Eli in BME say that Alyx and the family photo were the only things he got out of BMRF? Now the Gman is saying he pulled Alyx out of BMRF. So was Eli just lying to cover up his knowledge of G-man or did G-man manipulate Eli into thinking he rescued Alyx in BMRF?

Yes I think he was basicaly lying and playing dumb. After completing Ep2 in the conversations with Eli, I got the distinct impression that he was indirectly apologising for not saying anything about "their mutual friend".
Also I'm fairly certain that only Eli, Breen and the Vortigaunts knew about him.
Kleiner and Barney were expecting Gordon maybe because Eli told them something along the lines of: "I got an anonymous tip that Gordon is coming" or something like that.
I wonder if Alyx herself knows about him. It appears to the contrary based on the way she went into an unconscious state when she announced Unforseen Consequences to Eli. But surely she must be curious as to how Eli managed to get her out of BM safely. Perhaps during their alone time he hinted at it or flat out told her about his involvement in her survival.
Eli never lied. Alyx and that photo was the only thing he got out of Black mesa. If Gman helped him so what? If Alyx only where an infant at RC, then i don't see why she whould know anything. If she was infact older, then maybe she where unconscious. Eli Probably had the help of some Barneys too.