Elitist IQ site

The questions are different on every test, I can't see how you can compare one result with another.
xcellerate said:
yay! 106 and i didn't read a single one!

The best part is how when a group of people (like on a forum) do these things, it's amazing how 99% of the people will be in the top 5% of the world.

Aside from the fact that this isnt the same as a real iq test and it doesnt even ask for your age, most of the stupid people are too embarrassed to post their scores, or lie about them, probably.
New Theory:
Computer games stimulate intelectual capabilities.


Smart people are attracted to video games.

ha ha
Reaktor4 said:
Aside from the fact that this isnt the same as a real iq test and it doesnt even ask for your age, most of the stupid people are too embarrassed to post their scores, or lie about them, probably.

yea, i know it's not a real IQ test. But that's the point, the test makes everybody a 'winner'. And you can see this when a lot of people (like on a forum) all take the test, and 99% of them get into the 'top 5%' category. Clearly the test is scaled or something, so that it makes everybody look good. This way they can more easily take your money. Besides, how could they...mere simpletons, scam somebody smart enough to fall into the top 5%.
Some "smart" people lack more "common" sense, which is how they could be scammed.
122. Either I am getting stupid or knowing Muhammad Ali's illness really shouldn't be considered in an IQ test.

votesham bs_iqtest.
This test gave a boost to my ego, but I have to agree that a real IQ test would NOT include a 'general knowledge' section. Or include simple linear equations.

PS: How do they take your money?
I just clicked randomly and got 106. That's the harder one too.

...that's fvcking stupid.