I'm glad this has been cleared up. I'm not really comfortable paying a monthly fee myself, but then I'm not really pro-steam either. Both are interesting initiatives, but just out of personal preference, I'll be sticking to the good old "buy it once" from the store method of getting my games 
I'm sure if I had a faster internet connection though (broadband's so expensive here in Australia) I'd be advocating steam a bit more, but I still prefer to have a physical box\manual\cd\dvd.
As long as there's a version available in the store, which there appears to be, that has everything (HL2 sp, mp, mod capability) I'll be happy :cheese:
I'm sure if I had a faster internet connection though (broadband's so expensive here in Australia) I'd be advocating steam a bit more, but I still prefer to have a physical box\manual\cd\dvd.
As long as there's a version available in the store, which there appears to be, that has everything (HL2 sp, mp, mod capability) I'll be happy :cheese: