embarrasing moments, 5000th edition.


Apr 24, 2004
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so today i was bored in the classroom while the teacher was grading papers and everyone was making noise. i thought about a good tune i liked, so i grabbed two pens and started beating the snare while coordinating my foot with the drums (pretending of course). A dude passed by and said, "andrew's got the battery". i grew hot in the face but then i laughed.

got any new embarrasing moments?
these threads aren't even worth posting in anymore, it's not like anyone ever reads anyone else's comments anyways :|


yeah, farting in karate class
I read this thread!

hahaha j/k

I was walking in the hall of my school and I fell down the stairs. :)
evil^milk said:
i know i do, at least.
Ditto. But I cant be assed to ty pe out a long explination of what was most embarassing, so I'll say..

Standing up in class with a woody.
really, i think i've posted my story twice, and it's been read probably less than 5 times. We should all just make a thread with our embarrassing story, because people only read the first and last ones.

edit: i got a pool stick broken over my head and i just collapsed on the ground. I had to have my friends walk me out, it's embarrassing because since i wasn’t really hurt (just stunned and bruised).
CyberPitz said:
Standing up in class with a woody.

LOL, I know a kid who was reading a speech in front of the class, and a fat phugly teacher walked in and he got a woody right there on the spot, I laugh whenever I see him, :)
basketball.. i suck so much at it ..people were palying hlaf court so i just got pissed stole the ball went to the other half and jsut as i was about to shoot i tripped and fell
My girlfriend crying in public, right outside of a Pizza Hut and Subways. A woman came out of nowhere and asked, "Do you need help!?" I was like ZOMG! This isn't what it looks like biiiatch. My girl was like,"NO"
oh shiat... let me think. Probably this one time in 5th grade. I was kind of a spaz back then, and I had a crush on this girl. I stuck a box of chocolates with a note attached in her locker, signed "an admirer". Word got out that it was me, and when she found out, she just dropped her head to the table as if she found out she had terminal brain cancer. I saw the whole thing... and I don't think I've ever turned a brighter red.
HMm, well most embarassing moment, I would say, was this one time, where I was at the park.

I walk up to this mother and her daughter in a baby carraige (she was young, atleast I presumed).

The mother was trying to give her daughter a lollypop and she didnt want it, and they went back and forth for like 10 minute suntil i screamed "SHE DOESNT WANT THE %$@#*^! LOLLYPOP LADY!" and everyone just had a dead stare at me.

Okay so that never happened.

No but really, my real most embarrasing thing that ever happened to me was uhh... you know I can't really recall anyhting TOO embarassing. Hum, how about that? I wasted your time with a pointless and untrue story that wasn't even that great, and now I'm badgering you by making you read my silly explanation. Once you finish reading this sentance, you've already read it.
Can't think of anything too embarassing, surprised this thread isn't as popular as the last one.

Sig limit is 4 lines btw Skaadi and Dog--.
SimonomiS said:
Can't think of anything too embarassing, surprised this thread isn't as popular as the last one.

Sig limit is 4 lines btw Skaadi and Dog--.

Oh come on, don't bitch about that, we are one line above the limit. What's the point of mentioning it?
cos its breaking da rules and thusly we tell you, jsut stick the last phrase on the other end of your sig
Joims said:
cos its breaking da rules and thusly we tell you, jsut stick the last phrase on the other end of your sig

The last thing I'm going to say on this matter is that it doesn't matter, don't bitch. PM me if you wan't to discuss it further.
Skaadi said:
The last thing I'm going to say on this matter is that it doesn't matter, don't bitch. PM me if you wan't to discuss it further.

My sig was edited by The Great Zerimski.
Tried to fart on this kid in 7th grade, but ended up shitting myself.

Luckily, nobody knew. I am a good spy :)
OH I JUST FORGOT. It isn't the MOST embarassing, but its pretty damn funny. Above the schools gym *this was years ago..bleh* there's another piece of gym. Anyway, in teh morning, nobody is up there, its all dark. Well, we saw this girl/guy go up there. So we decided we were gnna go watch them. so me and 2 friends went up the side hallway, and peared through the glass door. They didn't realize we were there. Anyway, right before any good shit started goin on, Ronny, this annoying, whiny, tattle taling, "I want to be your friend cause I aint got any" kinda a guy..., came walking up the stares, and walked right into them and said "You better stop the teachers will get mad."
I scream at him, walk out the glass door, they scream and run, and I continue to plot his death...a real life pr0n, ruined :(
I once took a sh*t at my classroom toilet.. That was a bit embarrasing, even though no one noticed..
( Our scools toilets are very crappy, that why i find it quite embarrasing. )

Its distputing my honor!
sinkoman said:
Tried to fart on this kid in 7th grade, but ended up shitting myself.

Luckily, nobody knew. I am a good spy :)
You should have just shit all over his face. Though you probably would have been taken to some kind of institute...that would have been an even more embarrassing story.
I've done and said some pretty ****ing stupid things in my time, although not so many 'embaressing moments' :)
Arghh i just remembered one...geebus! Sit tight.

I had back problems a few years ago and the doctor sent me to a physio. So i make an appointment and rock up. My physio is some Austrian woman, blonde, tanned, phwoarrrrr man, strong accent. Anyway, the session begins i take my top off and lie face down on the bench, she starts manipulating my back and she keeps saying "can you feel that" (with that accent) and i say "yeah" then she says "goot goot" (love the accent). Anyway while she's massaging the muscles surrounding my spine i am of course sitting there in a world of insane sexual thoughts. Constantly hoping this would turn into a real life pronoo (thanks cyberpitz). So yes i got a massive boner from those thoughts plus a real human woman working my body. Pretty uncomfortabe lieing on your stomach + pants rocket. I didn't really think much of it nothing i can't handle. So she then says "ok turn onto your back"

"holy ****ing shit" is what i thought. This was no time for a boner. Desperately tried to think of the most repulsive things i could conjur up but nothing worked. I was red faced and feeling quite...inadequate.

So i turn over and am just lying there on my back with that stupid bulge in that area. Idiotic imagination betraying me again. Anyway, she starts massaging my shoulder to get some movement and flexibility around that area. But then held my arm right out and brushed it against her breasts so i could actually feeel nipples. Ehh just an accident physios must do this all the time i thought nothing of it. Then she did it again, brushed my arm right across her chest, boobs and all. Ok was that an accident? I don't know...was she tempting the bulge even more? COULD THIS BE DELIBERATE??!??!

Rest of the session was pretty normal. I guess i'm like most guys who wish life was more like a porno but had i actually grabbed her i would have been thrown out, reported to the police for assault, court, jail, fine , permanent record, embarrassed, shamed etc. Though there's always that remote 1 in a million chance she was actually interested in violating the patient-doctor relationship :naughty: I just don't know...
ComradeBadger said:
I've done and said some pretty ****ing stupid things in my time, although not so many 'embaressing moments' :)
ComradeBadger said:
bothered mate
'Nuff said


Check the other 'embarassing moments' threads for my moments, because the stories are long and I'm lazy