End game discussion *spoilers of course*

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For the citadel to fall on City 17 wouldn't an explosion have to come from the bottom not the top?Also i just came up with a wild idea of DOG saving Alyx at the last second from the explosion.
At nearly the end, Breen talks to a big-bug like creature but we do not have a final boss..........Just shoots down two crap planes and stops breen.....But I really like the EX gravity gun....Its is a very creative and I grab and shoot like a monster.
not enough gun, not enough big bosses. should have had some big high tech syth thing to battle at the end. Or just before the end anyway.
there are only two ways alyx could possibly live

1: g man saves her

2: explosion turns out to be not too big.
FireCrack said:
there are only two ways alyx could possibly live

1: g man saves her

2: explosion turns out to be not too big.

really only one IMO, the first of course. Even if the explosion wasn't that big (which it was, 'cause it was the citidel's power source) the whole citadel prolly colapsed. There's no walking out of that
Who says it collapsed? if it wasn't that big it wouldnt collapse.

What our'e saying is basicly like,

If the sun exploded, but the explosion for some reason happened to be realy tiny, like a hand grenade, you wouldnt survive anyways becasue the earth would be blown up.
I dobut the citadel is going to collapse, the top was probably just blown right off.
That'd be funny. To Freeman, It'd look like the explosion was gonna become massive. But in reality, it just expands and goes out.

*then there's a power cut*