Enemy Territory Quake Wars trailer!!!

Thanks for the link!

As for the engine, modified Doom3, I'm 99% sure. Though I would bet that Carmack lent a very helping hand here and there.

Carmack's next engine isn't on the table yet, as far as I know.
Damn, thats the one that was shown @ E3 last month! Oh well, its still nice to see it again. :)
Never seen that before, looks pretty cool. It even has STEREOTYPICAL VOICE OVER GUY™, awesome.
<Shens> I watched that earlier.
<Shens> It was liek whoa.
<Shens> Alan Wake is cooler.

Rantings of a madman.
Can't wait to not play this game.
It's a good idea for id to moderize ET. They did quite a good job (IMO) with Wolf: ET. It's probably the most teamplay you can find in any online game. I hope they can stick with such a formula in ET: QW so teamwork is re-emphasized just as much as Wolf: ET had it.

Probably a paid game, doesn't look like a free game, unless they are just going to take Quake 4, change the stuff up and recode and release as free (yeah right).
Looks a lot like another Battlefield game IMO. I rather they stick with infantry, I bet there will be a ton of people standing there camping for vehicles.
Somefool said:
Looks a lot like another Battlefield game IMO. I rather they stick with infantry, I bet there will be a ton of people standing there camping for vehicles.

QFT. I liked how Wolf: ET had vehicles to complete the objective, not as part of the gameplay. They might as well make a vehicle-only mode.
It's nice to have something to look forward to.
I high have hopes for this game.
Saw this during e3, cant wait for this game.
Somefool said:
Looks a lot like another Battlefield game IMO. I rather they stick with infantry, I bet there will be a ton of people standing there camping for vehicles.
Yeah, when I play BF2 like half of my team are camping the homebase waiting for aircrafts to spawn :\
Trailer looks cool (but they always do). I guess I'm tentatively looking forward to this.
Can't wait to see this bad boy in action. Hopefully it'll be as good if not better than the last ET.

/me goes to watch trailer :)
It had better not be as identical to BF2 as it looks in the trailer.
Or else....

Iced_Eagle said:

The trailer rocks!!! Awesome that it's all in-game.

Now here's my question that I hope someone can answer. They said it's using the MegaTexture engine... Is that a modified Doom3 engine, or is it the new engine that John Carmack is making (and thus, his last full engine)?
Its Doom 3 engine. Mega Texture is a texture compression method or generator(can't remember which) that is being used for large terrain textures.