Enemy Territory:QW info


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
some highlights:

- Strogg classes can suck health out of human players waiting to be revived for their own use or even set the body up as a spawn host.

- Fireteams will be a feature similiar to BF2 squads

- class specific vehicle skills (maybe)

- base building: Deployables include artillery guns, radar and base defense turrets. These things don't just magically appear, so you'll have to pay close attention to the helicopter bringing in these deployables, or the enemy might shoot the transportation unit down.

- A new physics system in place as well. Let's just say you expect to see a lot of Quake Wars stunt videos. Individual wheels can come off, you can rig a vehicle with explosives, you can do donuts, drive a car on its side with two wheels, do barrel rolls in airplanes, etc, etc.


looking forward to this game
Very promising, although I expect nothing less from a Dev. team of that calibre.
Now I'm thoroughly stoked for this game. :bounce:

Those are some nice features.
We may actually see a scenario where a squad escorts a vehicle across the map.
Sounds great, this is my next big game Im looking foward too.
Sounds great but I won't be getting a new comp til late 2k7 prolly.
Too bad it doesn't seem like this'll get ported over to the next-gen consoles..:(

It'll rape my comp that's for sure.
Sweet jesus I better have some form of broadband before this game comes out.
Dammit and the ID software is making it too.... this game is gonna F*cking rock!!! :cheers:
I dont think iD Software actually have much to do with it however. I think they just own the quake license and are over-seeing the project. At least that's my understanding.

That strogg health-suck feature sounds like it could make the game incredibly unbalanced
Sparta said:
I dont think iD Software actually have much to do with it however. I think they just own the quake license and are over-seeing the project. At least that's my understanding.

That strogg health-suck feature sounds like it could make the game incredibly unbalanced

Well the stroggs can't get revived, so the fact that the humans can should be something a skilled strogg could take away.

And I'm pretty sure the developer is splash damage.
This game is very high on my wishlist. One thing is a bit desappointing tho: the map size.

It's not yet decided how many people will be able to play the game online simultaneously, but the number will probably be somewhere between 24 to 32. Count on some server admins cranking the player limit to 64 players, but the 24-32 number is what the maps are being designed for.

I'd hoped for a bit bigger maps.
The screenshots give off a kinda Halo-esque vibe. Which IMO is a great thing.

Except it looks darker and cooler.
I hope to god they keep RTCW's no-recoil/light-spread that made ET so addicting in addition to the objective mode.
DreadLord1337 said:
My PC should run it fine. Looking forward to it.

If you couldn't run it I would die. Dual GeForce 7800 GTX's you lucky bastard!
more ET:QW details


the EDF airship is called the Anansi (named after an African spider god and pronounced like ah-NAN-cy). It uses the principles of ground effect technology to move around and has reverse thrusters mounted on the side that let it stop, hover, or move backwards. With some practice, you should be able to handle it like a helicopter.

But the Strogg airship, called the Hornet, uses four "gravitonic repulsors" that control how or whether gravity affects it based on four swiveling engines. The idea is that rolls, hovers, and other maneuvers work differently for each type of vehicle.

Consider also the Strogg Goliath, a heavy walker, and the EDF Titan, a tank. The Goliath is a huge mech that isn't very maneuverable, but it can hunker down into an immobile emplacement with a flexible turret. The Titan, on the other hand, enjoys better maneuverability.

PC Zone UK has a very extensive ET:QW preview.
[No Scans Allowed]
This game is looking so sweet!
Shakermaker said:

PC Zone UK has a very extensive ET:QW preview.
[No Scans Allowed]
This game is looking so sweet!

No scans allowed? Too bad. If anyone wants the link, just PM me.
I hope what the devs or w/e said about a 360 vers in the works is true, I want a 360 vers of this game seeing as it'll rape my comp, and I won't be buying a new one til the first Vista-designed comps becomes avaible.:p
One of the games i cant wait for! Picking this up on release.
Can't wait!!! :D

Hopefully they will have a nice long demo at this year's E3... Hopefully a demo perhaps, but I'm wliling to bet that won't happen.
I wish it had an actual release date that was soon. TBA 06 makes me think late in 06.

EDIT: Looking at some of these screens it reminds me of how I was looking forward to TF2. I just hope it doesn't go the way of TF2 and DNF :P

Speaking of DNF...I didn't think it was worth a new thread, but I was digging up old stuff on DNF just to remember what it looked like.


That trailer still looks badass. I would buy that game in an instant if it came out now just like it is there.

I was joking with my friend about how funny and cool it'd be if DNF was just a game where you progress in graphic engines. You start out in their first crappy looking engine, then as you go on you upgrade graphics engines and new things come into play such as physics. As you get hurt the graphics start to get worse and worse until it's a pixellated (sp?) mess on the screen as you die :P

The weird thoughts that come to your head before you goto bed :D
Haha wow I forgot that I had Computer Gaming World sitting on my desk from a day or two ago... Didn't look at the cover (they have those ads covering them...) but they too have an ET:QW cover feature :P

Looks amazing!

(I don't have scans :( )
anyone notice that their machinegun that they use is the same as the doom3 machine gun?
Though I eagerly anticipate Quake Wars, one of the few things I fail to see addressed in many game forums is the fact that the original source texture for a single 32,000^2 map itself in 6 gigabytes. Sure it may compress down to only 8 megabytes, but that's only in the video memory. The texture size itself would eclipse the entirety of HL2. This is a huge disadvantage for modifications and map makers who which to distribute their maps and mods across the internet. Even the game itself would take unbearably long to install if it contained any more than a couple of maps, taking up an excruciatingly large amount of hard disk space. Carmack's "solution" for image compression better work its magic on the source textures, or else there would be little possibility of customization for the game.
I saw the article in PC Zone and there's only one thing that I don't like.

Driver Consent:

If you're driving a vehicle, you can always use all of its weapons, but they'll be constrained by your line of sight. However, another player is able to fire it the full 360-degrees. We didn't want a situation where you're having fun controlling a vehicle, then suddently another player jumps in and takes over one of the weapons, so we have a consent system wehereby you can choose wheter you want to work with another player

Bad idea if you ask me. Take BF2 for example, not only is it hard enough to get people to work together, but imagine if people could control the tv missiles or chain gun on a helicopter even a little bit. Sure there's people out there that want the help and extra functionality of the weapons but I'm willing to bet there's PLENTY of selfish players that want it all to themselves. That alone isn't great, but the fact that the driver can DENY other players entry to the vehicle is just bad. After all they're doing to make this a team game...this takes it in the opposite direction if you ask me.
I'd have to agree. It's just like communism- it would work if people didn't suck so damn much.
Garfield_ said:
Which game engine are they using ?

Doom 3.

Yes i know its hard to believe.

Doesnt look anything like it.
Crisis King said:
Screw BF2, I'm saving up my pennies for this one.
Now how do you think that makes battlefield 2 feel. I think you owe it an apology.

My only concern is one of the reasons I so like BF2:
Balancing and tweaking games like this are hell. If you don't do it just right, its not fun. Battlefield 2 gets it right (in the same way early Battlefield:Vietnam didn't). And we won't know until the demo.
TheSomeone said:


LoL I already said that on the page before (erm, I wasn't that excited though :P )

Oh, here's CGW's description of that "Driver Consent" feature... Maybe the other magazine got it wrong.

If you hop in by yourself, you steer and have limited field of view control of the guns. Player two takes the turret, giving him a full 360 degree shot at stroggs. Player three, sitting in the passenger seat, has a command console that allows him to designate targets and make it easier for everyone to focus their aim. "The vehicles in this game aren't meant to feel like buses," says Cloud. "They are an extension of your character." Wedgewood, of course, quickly points out that these vehicles are not final and a lot of tinkering will still be done.

It sounds like driver will always have ability to shoot in that limited view until a passenger comes in and takes control... It seems that driver doesn't have a choice if a passenger can use the guns or not... (he can of course not pick anyone up, giving him limited access to the gun thus the "drivers consent" )