Entanglement tips! (minor spoilers)



I have a couple tips that might help some of you, or some of you might find interesting. I don't doubt that I am not the first to discover this... or even to post it. However, I can not find reference to it... so here goes.

The 2 sections near the beginning of entanglement that require you to set up enemy turrets can be quite easy if done correctly.

First of all, in the first room, you are given 2 turrets. Simply put, place one at the top of each stairwell, near the wall, so it can't tip. Then, grab a movable object from the room (I used a table and a file cabinet) and pin the turrets against the wall. This way, they will take down the enemies that wander up with very little chance of being tipped.
After that, I hid in the room in the middle, near the barred room. I waited there, the turrets killed the enemies, and I shot down the flying enemies that entered with the phys cannon.

The second one was getting on my nerves, I was having a tough time with it.

You are placed in a cellblock, and given 3 turrets. You must stave off wave after wave of enemies until Alex arrives. I must have died 5 times to this, it was getting frustrating. I don't know how you're supposed to do this, but the damned grenades kept tipping my turrets, no matter what I did to set them up.

So, I tried something new and it worked out FAR better than I had imagined.

I took 2 of the turrets with me, and went to one of the open cell rooms. I put each turret in the front corners, facing diagonally out, with the firing areas crossing each others.

Before I placed the third turret, which activates the enemy waves, I went and blocked off the entrances to the room. There are crates and barrels lying around. I stuck 2 crates, or a crate and barrel at each of the 4 force field entrances. They blocked completely. I then went and placed the final turret.

What happened next surprised me. I had not needed to set up the turrets at all. The turret found and shot ONE guy... No more came from anywhere.

I just sat in the cell... waiting. Not one single additional guy showed up... it just kept going through all the different voice notices from alex. Finally, she was on her way. I popped out and shot one single guy who was on the top, and she appeared.

That was it...

I assume it was because I blocked off the doors with objects that could not be avoided to the AI. No fighting was involved.

This also helped for another reason. All 3 turrets were still active when it was over, and I was full health/armor. I then went to one of the turrets, and grabbed it with E. I carried it with me to the next section.

When you have it in front of you, it will still act like a turret. Why waste ammo? During the entire next scene, I simply carried it in front of me, and it took out anything that was near me. If I was getting it, I just placed it down and let it clean up the room.

Again, it might not be news to some of you, any of it. This helped me a great deal, and getting past that frustration of the turret part was wonderful.

Happy gaming. :)
you can bring one of the two original turrets with you, giveing you four, that make it very easy
a buddy of mine was stuck on that part for a while too, he said when i get stuck let him know so he'd know i was at the same part. i ended up beating that part second try i'll tell you what worked like a charm for me and a couple of friends of mine. like mentioned above your on a cell block in the shape of an oval with some rooms in the middle. what i did was went in one of the rooms in the middle (the one with some boxes ,barrels and an ammo crate) i crouched against the wall with the ammo crate on my right (against the same wall) i setup two turrets on the doorway on my right just slightly inside the doorway( kinda diagonal trajectory but barely) and put the other turret in the left doorway (just slightly inside too) i also helped the turrets by shooting targets of opportunity. they managed to knock two turrets down (one time each) but i just blasted the fools that did it and put them right back up (slightly tweaking their aim point) like i said i tried this method the second time i played that part and it worked like a charm. it was acctually my first idea but i thought they would have grenade'd me. little did i know i set it up almost perfect and they never got a chance! :sniper:
pappy_dag said:
you can bring one of the two original turrets with you, giveing you four, that make it very easy

I took both of them with me. :p
Yea, I tried to bring one of the original ones, but lost it in the electrified water area.

Still, though, blocking the doors is the easiest... there is no risk involved, because there are no enemies.... :D
All you gotta do is sit and chill while it runs through the voice scripting.

Also, what is the best way to set those things upright when they are tipped? I find it difficult to do quickly... basically, I just bang it around til it's standing up... but that's nearly entirely random.
i hid myself in one of the places were the turrets stand (closet) and put the turrets in front of me. first time they were to far awat from the closet so i died when they kicked hem over but second time i didn't see any combine. ut the turrets were shooting constantly
I used the middle room and didn't get a scratch either.I blocked the side with 3 first floor entrances with the 3 barrels and had a turret inside the room with me facing out that way. the other two turrets i placed on the outside on either side of the middle rooms door on the other end, tucked into the alcove thingy. Just grab the shotgun and blow up any manhacks that get through.
I tried to stay hidden in one of the cells with the turrets in front of me...it didn't work all that well.

So I once the turrets got knocked down I had to get out and just keep setting them up over and over again.

There really wasn't any kind of method to my madness, I was just running around the place setting up my turrets whenever they got knocked down, but it still worked pretty well.

My favorite time with the turret was in the teleporter room, I didn't have to do anything! Alyx owned the guys that game from the left of the teleporter (if you're facing the platform which lifts up), then I had two facing the larger entrance in the back left of the room, then one facing the top right of the room.
Heh , yeah carrying the turrets can be incredibly useful.
Just dont try it with hostile ones.

It hurts....................................a lot !
In the first one, I put my turrets in the broken windows facing the force fields...on the left i have to use the grav gun to move the table.

Since they were behind the window I had nop issues. I jumped on the console and helped out whichever one was shooting.