Enterprise: Temporal Cold War


May 21, 2007
Reaction score
Star Trek: Enterprise - Temporal Cold War
24th April, 2153

A day that become indelible in humanity's history.

The day when the first Xindi probe reached Earth...

...and launched a devastating beam of energy, killing seven million people.

When humanity learned that its own existence is at stake...

...as it becomes clear that the Xindi probe was just a prototype, and the construction of a more powerful weapon is underway...

...and that the goal of the Xindi's is not determent...

...but the destruction of the whole human race...

...and Earth.

The Enterprise NX-01, the flagship of the fledgling Starfleet, the first long-range exploration vessel of humanity, is called back to Earth only to leave it once again for her most dangerous mission so far...
Based on a highly unreliable source of information, she has to enter the Delphic Expanse, a dangerous and uncharted area of space, and has to find the perpetrators of the sudden attack...
But besides the Xindi and various anomalys throughout this extremely dangerous area, the hardened crew of Earth's first Warp-5 capable space vessel has to face with an even more dangerous threat...

...temporal agents...

...trying to sabotage Captain Archer's mission.


"Star Trek: Enterprise - Temporal Cold War" (or E:TCW for short) is based, as its namesake implies, on the latest installment of the Star Trek saga, "Enterprise", and is a total conversion for the award-winning computer game, Half-Life 2.

The mod's story is set between the second and third seasons of the series, after an alien probe launched a surprise attack against Earth, killing seven million innocent people. "Starfleet", the fledgling organization of humanity's space exploration, recalls all of mankind's starships, and orders them to defend Earth - including Enterprise, Earth's first Warp-5 capable starship, which is therefore the only human ship during the story which can travel through the enormous distances between solar systems within a reasonable time.

After the origin of the attackers becomes clear (thanks to an unknown and unreliable source), and humanity learns that the Xindi builds a much more powerful weapon to destroy Earth, Enterprise is refitted, and following a couple of Intrepid-class scout-ships, enters the "Expanse", the suspected home of the attackers.

The demo that is being planned now is set in the refit dock itself, while the main mod is set 6 weeks after the Enterprise entered the Expanse.

At the moment, the single-player part of the mod is under development, but a multi-player co-op style game-play mode is also planned.

Fans of Star Trek probably ask the question: what species will be featured in the mod? Well, as the mod is set in a period that had not appeared in the series, it was decided to add a couple of species that no one has seen before (and are therefore designed by the team itself), but the mod's players will also encounter with already existing Trek species, including Andorians and Klingons.

There is one more thing regarding the story that deserves more detail, namely the "Temporal Cold War". It is a special conflict within the series which is based on the fight between various temporal factions, whose main goal is to change (or preserve) the timeline to be able to strenghten their influence and power in times to come, and at the same time, weaken the rival factions.
These so-called "temporal agents" will constitute an important part of the mod, and will show up to try and effect the time-line when it is the least expected or wanted. Sometimes their goal is to sabotage the ship, sometimes to support Enterprise in her quest. Whether these temporal agents will appear as "map-bosses" or not is yet undecided.

The events in the mod will effect the whole timeline of the series, or will be woven into it, so the events that took place in the mod will not disturb the Enterprise series storyline in any way.

As the mod is set in an unknown 6-week-period, we will introduce some of the other temporal factions not seen in the series to spice up the game-play.

The usable weapons will also remain faithful to the series. It will consist of the standard Starfleet issue weaponry, (including a stun baton, stun grenades, phase pistols and the MACO phase rifle) and also several alien weapons, including the well-known Klingon disruptor.
The player will also be able to use the communicator, and the scanner-like tricorder in various missions, just like the map props, as it can be done in Half-Life 2.

The Enterprise herself will be completely built for total exploration. In between major missions of the mod, you will be given the opportunity to roam around the ship and even be able to store items that you have collected during the previous mission in your own quarters.

The mod will be released in an episodic format, as it suits the series perfectly. Whether the next episode will be released or not will depend on the response from the modding public and Star Trek fans. But, after the major release, the entire map set will be included with a bonus pack that will allow anyone who wants to mod E:TCW to produce their own maps and missions.

The 13th Media Update of the mod was just released, containing both images and a video. Here is a brief excerpt of the newly released material:

Links to the video:

The rest of the pictures can be found:

1. In the relevant section of the Mod's forum:

2. At the mod's Media Gallery: (http://www.enterprise-tcw.com/gallery/)

3. And on ModDB: (http://mods.moddb.com/7240/star-trek-enterprise-tcw/image-gallery/),

As it was stated earlier, E:TCW is made by a group of talented developers for free in their spare time. The main rule of modification development is that one can never have enough people working on a project like that. :)
The same applies to this mod as well. So, if you have found the mod interesting, and would like to contribute in its making, and are experienced in Programming, Animating or Texturing, please contact us on our forum in the "Recruitment" section (http://www.forum.enterprise-tcw.com/viewforum.php?f=2)!

Thank you for your attention, if you are interested in the mod, please visit the forum at: http://forum.enterprise-tcw.com/
and vote for "Star Trek: Enterprise - Temporal Cold War" at ModDB by clicking on this link: http://moddb.com/scripts/topsite.php?ts=3950

Thank you for your attention!

Live long and prosper! :)
I have been planning to do this for ages, thank God someone professional is doing it instead.

Will we see Patrick Stewart models? D:
*sees T'pol model...get vaseline and tissue papers ready
Media Update 14


Chief Engineer's Log
10. May, 2153

The Engineering Team is working at full speed to get Enterprise combat-ready. Although we work quite fast, we are still not as fast as I would like. So I have requested some additional workforce from Jupiter Station... They should be here soon, along with the Captain's promised military detachment and the new crewmen who are going to replace those who resigned from their post and won't go to the Expanse with the NX-01. I've heard that Starfleet Command managed to fill all posts with these new people, which would become otherwise unoccupied. The newest list includes two engineers, one navigator, a programmer to calibrate the newly installed consoles, and a new member for the security team. I guess Malcolm will be happy about this one...

I just took a short trip around the dry dock with an inspection pod not so long ago. The ship looks alright, although Travis found a leak on the outer hull of the Enterprise as soon as we left her. That guy has an astounding eye... Here are the photoshoots I have made during the trip:

Chief Engineer's Log, Supplemental
10. May, 2153

We have just completed a test flight with the Enterprise. The new injectors work perfectly. Now we are able to maintain a stable speed of Warp 4.95... Although (according to Malcolm) the armament and the hull plating is fully operational, the Captain did not want to take the slightest risk of encountering with that Klingon again... So we were escorted by the Intrepid and the Sydney. I have included the photoshoots which were made by them:

Time to get back to work... I just noticed that whenever I'm at the Warp Core, I stop thinking about Elizabeth...

...and about my revenge....

I was really iffy walking into this thread.

But goddamn does that look good.
Media Release 15

Star Trek Enterprise: Temporal Cold War
Media Update 15

The end of the month is closing by, so it is timely to give an accurate report about our current status. There was a great progress in the development of the Teaser Demo maps this month. Right now, the layout and design of the HUD is finalized to be able to start its coding as soon as possible. Weapon animation is also underway, and our talented voice actors have just started to record the first voice samples.
We are perfectly aware that we cannot get rid of the hot weather - still, consider this Media Release as a sort of refreshment, as some of the pictures were made in the darkness (and coldness) of space... ;)

To begin with, let us show you our J-Type freighter, the Horizon:

Since asteroids (besides spaceships) are also rather frequent in space, it is timely to present CaptainSource's asteroids in a Media Release for the first time:

We have had a great progress with the Launchbay this month too. You can see the results below:

And last but not least, let us show you two vessels as a conclusion of this Media Release: Our final version of the shuttlepods, and the Sh'Ran class Vulcan cruiser:

Any suggestion/remark/critique is welcome as usual.

Thank you for your attention!
Live Long And Prosper! ;)
Media Update 16

Star Trek Enterprise: Temporal Cold War
Media Release 16

Summer is about to end, only to give way to autumn. As the end of this season marks also the end of a month, it is time to release our newest Media Update.

In this issue, we would like to showcase some of our usable small arms and equipment, and also some vessels which are going to be featured in the mod. Let's start with small arms! On the left, you can see the EM-33 plasma pistol. It served Starfleet and Earth's armed forces up until the 2150s, when phase pistols were introduced - making the EM-33 outdated. On the right, the Class III Pulse Rifle is featured. Make sure that you are on the right side of its barrel! ;)

We would also like to present two vessels in this release. The ECS Corinthia (a freighter of the Earth Cargo Service), and the Tholian ship.

All of the released pictures can be viewed in the ModDB Media Gallery, and in our Forum.

If you check our ModDB portfolio, please take a look also at our "Help Wanted" section. We are in need of a character animator, a character texture artist, and one or two female voice actors.

Thank you for your attention! Live long and prosper! :)
Media Update 17



The time to give you an update about our current progress has come again!

We continue to work on the mod slowly, but steadily. Since the previous media update concentrated solely on our newly-made renders, we would like to showcase some "in-game" media this time, focusing on the mapping work of one of our talented mappers, HerbieZ.

To begin with, let us show you the Weapons Locker of Deck-E. If you are ever in need of some firepower, be sure to stock up here! :D

We have also improved HDR-lighting in all of our maps. Just take a look at the pictures below. The left one was taken in the Atmospheric Control Room of Deck-E, the right one in Launchbay.

And finally, let us show you the newest version of the Decon Chamber:

And to answer the question that has probably arisen in our male followers: NO, we do not know whether or not we will implement a decon scene where the player's companion would be Hoshi and T'Pol... :lol:

Thank you for your attention and your continuing support! ;)

Live Long And Prosper!
Media Update 18

Star Trek Enterprise: Temporal Cold War
Media Release 18

It has been a long time since we gave you a report about the status of the mod - the last media update was released two months ago. We do not want to bore you with its reasons, let's just state that real-life interferences delayed our progress to a degree which made the release of our 18th Media Update impossible so far.

But finally, it arrived. :D

In this recent Media Release, we firstly would like to feature some of the mod's main characters in their current (still Work-In-Progress) state. But enough of words, let the pictures talk:

We would also like to show you the latest version of our NX-01 model with a "bit different" texture, along with the latest concept art of our very talented Flanker: the Guardsman-class heavy destroyer. The ship herself has been developed after the Xindi-conflict, and is in service at the human law enforcement agencies in most colonies of the Solar System. The strong hull-plating, agility and weaponry makes the Guardsman one of the best military vessels of the 2150s - and a perfect sidekick for the Enterprise.

And finally, here is a new video, made by CaptainSource. This features the current state of our drydock-map along with the Main Menu Theme, composed by Basstronix. A new DivX codec is highly recommended to download before watching the video. ;)


This concludes the 18th Media Update. Thank you for your attention and please, support us by voting for the mod at the ModDB Mod Of The Year Award - this can be easily done by visiting our ModDB Profile, and clicking on the VOTE button. ;)

Live Long and Prosper! ;)
HL2: Episode One Giveaway


LightSpeed Design Studios is pleased to announce that in cooperation with Hailing Frequency (a podcast dedicated to Star Trek Gaming), a giveaway has been organized. During the event, the following prizes will be drawn:

A boxed HL2 Episode 1
Two HL2 Episode Ones, downloadable through Steam
A dedicated Star Trek Legacy poster

For more information, visit the contest topic at:
Media Update 19

Star Trek Enterprise: Temporal Cold War
Media Release 19

The time to present the first Media Update of 2008 has finally arrived. :)
But before we would show off the work we have done since the last update, let us give you a little status report...

We are really happy to announce that the first internal test version (entitled "Beta 1") has been released for our betatesters. As such, the first phase of betatesting has been started, during which we will polish general gameplay, implement those feature requests (given by our testers) which we find reasonable and necessary, and will constantly add new content (levels, weapons, models) through patches. Currently, our plan is to develop this beta further into the upcoming single player teaser demo.

The main website also got updated to give it a more clearly arranged look - we hope that you will like the new design. :)

OK, enough of the chit-chat, let the pictures talk! :)

This month, we would like to present both some models (render and also in-game) and a couple of in-game map screenshots. Let's begin with the models!

On the left, you can see the elements of a complete EVA suit kit, the space suit used by Starfleet personnel in the 2150s. If you have any repairs to be made on the ship's hull, or you just want to take a walk outside the final frontier (that is, in space :lol:), then be sure to change clothes and put on Starfleet's absolutely uncomfortable EVA suit! ;)

On the right, you can see some Vulcan equipment: a pair of environment scanners and the standard-issue sidearm of the officers serving in the Vulcan Fleet.

And now, some screenshots from Beta 1, featuring some key areas of the Launchbay map:

The Launchbay Control Center

Airlock #2 and the Turbolift Corridor (under maintenance)

Well, this concludes the 19th Media Release of the mod. Thank you for your attention,
Live Long And Prosper! :)
I hope the game play is as good as the visuals.
i ****ing love star trek enterprise. it was my favorite show until it got cancelled :(. good luck with this

edit: nm. i was thinking voyager, got it confused. this is pretty disappointing :(. oh well, the mod still looks cool
Media Update 20

Almost two months have passed since the release of the previous Media Update - two months, full of work and challenges in the development. We haven't rested on our laurels, and to prove this, we have decided to bring you probably the largest media update ever released for the mod. Without further ado, let us show you what we have progressed in the last two months.

Updated forum:

As you can see, our forum has undergone a major revamp. The engine has been updated by CaptainSource, so now we are using PhPBB 3.0 instead of 2.0. We hope that you will like the new (still work-in-progress) design and the extra functions that come with this version.

Weapon models:

We have a couple of weapons to showcase this month. On the left you can see the standard-issue Andorian Pistol, the regular sidearm used by the units of the Andorian Imperial Guard. On the right, you can see a pair of Klingon Disruptors, and a couple of D?K Tahgs, the most widespread melee weapon among Klingon soldiers in the 2150s.

The weapons were modelled by our talented TripTucker, and textured by the versatile CaptainSource.

Character models:

Progress has been slow but steady on the character models. We have decided to showcase two of the Enterprise's senior officers. You can see Captain Archer on the left, and Commander Charles "Trip" Tucker on the right. They were created by Gregory O'Connor and CaptainSource.

Ship models:

Two new ships have reached an almost final build in the devteam's shipyards. :lol:

The first of them is the UES Intrepid, the first ship of the Intrepid-class. Some of our members probably recognize her, as she has already made her first appearance in our most recent newsletter. This small but rather agile starship is primarily used for defensive purposes, since her relatively elementary warp drive makes her unfit for longer deep-space travels.
As such, they are primarily deployed in the vicinity of Human colonies, and carry out patrolling missions.

The class is armed with particle beam weapons and has two spatial torpedo launchers. Because of her agility and moderate weaponry, several vessels are in service also in the United Earth Stellar Navy besides Starfleet.

The vessel was modelled by Flanker and TripTucker, and was textured by CaptainSource.

The second vessel is the ECS Kobayashi Maru, a Class III neutronic fuel carrier. During the Earth-Romulan Wars, vessels like the Kobayashi Maru were a frequent constituent of human freighter convoys, as the transport of deuterium to the front lines for UES and UESN forces became the primary assigment of the Earth Cargo Service.

The homeport of the vessel is Amber, Tau Ceti IV, and is captained by Kojiro Vance.

Although the ship's name is part of the Star Trek universe, her design is not. The ship was worked out by our talented Flanker, and was realized by TripTucker and CaptainSource.

Map Screenshots:

Our talented mappers (HerbieZ and LordHorusNL) have continued working on our current playable map, Launchbay. Several bugs and glitches have been fixed, and many new areas have been added to the current version. You can see some montages below.

The Drydock-map was also tweaked a bit. The results can be seen on the montage below:


It's been a long time since we released a video, so we decided to make up one to show you the current state of our character animations and rigging:


A better version can be downloaded here:


As you can see, we have done a lot of work since January. We intend to keep up this level of activity, but without additional help it's gonna be hard. Real Life is making the development increasingly harder, as work, school or other errands take our free time away from the mod.

Therefore, the following posts are now open, and await fulfilment:

a.) Mapper: We are looking for experienced mappers, who know how to make a single-player level vivid and really atmospheric. Knowledge of Star Trek: Enterprise is a plus, but not required. ;)

b.) Animator: We have a vacant position for character/creature animators. The reason for this is that all of the character models used in the mod are completely custom-built, and as such, there are several changes that are needed to be made to some of the stock animations of HL2, with new ones created. These include (among others) the NPCs' weapon handling, the movement of the alien characters, equipment usage and character mannerisms.

c.) Character Animator Assistant: We are looking for developers who are either experienced in using Face Poser, or are very willing to learn quickly how to use it on an advanced level.

d.) Coder: We are looking for a coder who is confident in single-player level scripting.

For application, just start a new topic in our recruitment section, and post a portfolio! We hope to see you there.


Thank you for your attention, and as usual, we are counting on your feedback! ;)

Live Long And Prosper!
Star Trek: Enterprise - Temporal Cold War
Media Release 21

A public newsletter in the middle of June and a Media Release teaser three weeks ago - besides the occasional chit-chat in the public sections of the forum these aforesaid media reports were the only sign of our activity since Media Update 20 had been released. Lots of things have happened during this period, good and bad alike; now we tell and show you our current milestones. :)

Ladies and Gentleman, the subspace signal entitled "Media Release 21" is hereby decoded! :)

Development Report
Reg. number: UE-SF-4312-ETCW

1. First the good news...

Heaps of work have been done in all the major areas of development since the last Media Release. Our dedicated team members are unsparing in their efforts to move the modification out of its current internal alpha state and make it look like an actual, playable computer game. Hopefully, after you have read through this Media Release, you will be able to affirm that they are on the right track. :)

Now, let us show you the major improvements of the past four months...


Our modellers were diligent as usual and produced a great number of starships, character models and level props since the previous Media Update. Let's showcase the vessels first!


The first starship below might be familiar to those readers who receive our newsletter. The vessel is the Kumari-class battle cruiser, probably the most widespread warship in service of the Andorian Imperial Guard. The class is equipped with four particle cannons (and ten torpedo launchers on models built after 2155), duranium hull plating, an engine capable of accelerating the vessel well beyond warp 5 and an advanced shield generator. This impressive list of specifications proves that the class rightly composes the backbone of the Andorian Fleet.

The vessel has been modelled by Abs (who sadly can not help us out anymore) and textured by CaptainSource, as usual.

The second starship is also a warship; a Bird-of-Prey belonging to the Romulan Star Empire.

Although the designation "Bird-of-Prey" has been in use for centuries in human terminology to label Romulan warships, the name first came to be used in the middle of the 22nd century, when the United Earth vessel Enterprise encountered with the first known variant of the class. The "Bird-of-Prey" excelled the NX-class starships in every way; its advanced weaponry and experimental cloaking device made it a fearful enemy to the Coalition of Planets during the Earth-Romulan War.

The model has been built by our talented and resident modeller, TripTucker, and has been textured by CaptainSource.


Since March, our modelling crew has been strenuously working on new character models to be able to populate our maps as soon as possible. The results of their work can be seen below.

On the left, a screenshot of our custom Enterprise-crewmembers can be seen. Of course we are planning to make more than just ten models, so expect more to come. All of them are FacePoser-ready actors, and as such, they are ready to be choreographed for specific parts in the mod; from crucial storyline characters to extras in the background to give the maps life. On the right, you can see a picture which was already featured in our last newsletter (and on the main websites front page), the first screenshot of the Enterprise crew, who are already being set into choreographed scenes, in the maps, who have been superbly voiced by our talented voice acting crew.

The following two screenshots showcase four members of an organization that played a pivotal role during the Xindi-mission in 2154, and who became a permanent part of the NX-01 crew following the mission's successful completion. They are the M.A.C.O.s, the operatives of a special military contingent of the United Earth Military Forces. Even though their organization is not part of Starfleet, Starfleet Command accepted Captain Jonathan Archer's recommendation in 2155 and transferred a detachment of M.A.C.O. troops to every existing Starfleet vessel to serve as additional protection.

Usually, M.A.C.Os are deployed either when a precise surgical strike must be performed against enemy forces or when the escort of Starfleet personnel require additional protection on away missions. 2156 onwards, they became a constant participant of the aforesaid away missions and Starfleet assault squads.

On the left you can see the first commanding officer of the M.A.C.O. detachment stationed aboard Enterprise, Major Joss Hayes. On the right, a trio of M.A.C.O. troops can be seen.


Besides starships and character models, the team has also been busy in creating additional level prop to fill our existing levels with portable and (some) usable objects. A selection of these can be seen below.

First of all, engineering equipment. The left shot shows a corridor section on Deck-E which was under minor maintenance when the picture was made. It features an equipment case, various engineering tools and an enginner who cannot be seen as he is spending his coffee break in the Mess Hall. :D
On the right, you can see the injector housing of the Warp Core. As its name implies, its role is to house the injectors (equipment pivotal to the undisturbed operation of Enterprise's warp drive). The reason why the housing did not contain any injectors when the picture was made is unknown, but probably the engineers were in the middle of replacing them (or they have been stolen by Romulan spies - I mean the injectors, not the engineers). :D

The next pair of pictures showcases some additional decorative elements.
The left picture shows the clean and arranged desktop of Captain Jonathan Archer, while the right screenshot features a large pile of standard-issue Starfleet containers. No one knows what these containers actually contain, but they look really nice. And besides, they can create a nice labyrinth for hide-and-seek if they are embarked to the cargo bay without any logical arrangement. :D

All the abovementioned objects have been created by CaptainSource and TripTucker.


Our resident mappers, HerbieZ and LordHorusNL did their best to enhance all our existing maps and populate them with our custom NPCs. Hopefully, all of you will like the results. Let me show you some screenshots about all our current maps in the works.

1. The Bridge

2. Mess Hall

3. Sickbay

4. The transporter and minor repairs on a corridor

5. Jefferies Tubes (standard Starfleet maintenance shafts) on Deck-E

6. Dry Dock (pay attention to the improved lightning effects)

All the levels have been (and still being) mapped by HerbieZ and LordHorusNL.


Cpangrace, our new and talented animator is busy in creating new custom animations for our NPCs while CaptainSource has started experimenting with FacePoser to be able to create the most important scripted sequences and scenes of the upcoming demo. Our crew of talented voice actors are also working very hard and record their lines every time when their schedule permit.

To demonstrate the talent of the animating and voice-acting crew, CaptainSource created the following featurette, starring our talented Croesus as Captain Archer.
Besides voice acting work, the video also demonstrates the fully-functional FacePoser-compatible 3D facial muscles of our custom NPCs in action. Enjoy! :)

2. And now, the bad news...

As you can see from the media above we are still working very hard on our modification. However, development takes a lot of time (almost all of our free time, to be more precise) and to make things worse, several crewmembers have left our team in the last couple of months creating thus a small core developer team - probably smaller than the one required to complete this project.

The departing crewmembers include Abs (modeller of the Andorian cruiser), ManaT, Rickenbacker (our two talented coders), Shadow (designer of the new HUD) and Stavaas (a member of our mapping crew). They were unfortunately unable to continue working on the mod for one reason or another. We thank them their dedication and all the hard work they have done. A very special thanks goes to ManaT, who (among others) wrote and implemented a fully functional Zero-G environment to our modification.


Currently, we are looking for several experienced developers in the areas of mapping and coding.

The would-be mappers who apply for the position must be able to produce quality maps that are optimized without leaks. Knowledge of how to create realistic lighting effects and single-player coding events within the map is a great advantage.

Just as I wrote above, we are also in need of experienced coders. The applicants must possess a deep and thorough knowledge of Source-coding.

Besides these, we are also looking for a person who is confident in the usage of the Source Particle System Tool. This tool would allow us to create all the custom effects required for our maps currently in production - from console explosions to sand- and snowstorms.

Knowledge of the Star Trek universe is a great plus for all the applicants, though it is not a requirement.


This help-wanted section above concludes our 21st Media Update.
We would like to thank you for your continuing interest and your votes that constantly keep us in the Top20 list of Half-Life 2 modifications. Keep up the good work! We guarantee that we will... :wink:
I have to change my pants like 4 times every time you guys post an update. Truly outstanding work. Best of luck filling in your ranks. :)
Yeah it looks amazing, get some kick-arse gameplay going and you'll have a sensational mod.

BTW are you worried about Paramount shutting you down at all?
BTW are you worried about Paramount shutting you down at all?
No. We hope that Paramount will not forget that the fans and fan-made productions have (and always had) a large role in keeping the Star Trek phenomenon alive and generating interest toward their franchise. ;)

Of course we also insert the remark on every piece of released media (whether it is a video, audio file or screenshot) that we respect Star Trek as the intellectual property of Paramount.

Also: There are lots of Star Trek-themed mods out there, but haven't heard about a single one that had been cancelled by the studio... This mod itself is in production for more than two years, so we think (and hope) that Paramount wouldn't start complaining just now... ;)
XMas Media Update

Star Trek Enterprise: Temporal Cold War - Christmas Media Update

The development of the mod is going on slowly but steadily with most of the basic modelling and mapping tasks being done for the teaser demo currently in the works. At the moment, besides revamping some of the level props and character models, our dedicated modelling team is focusing on the remaining unfinished non-player characters. The mappers on the other hand are either optimizing the current versions of our beta maps or are busy planning the last remaining one that has not been produced yet. Thus, while there is only a handful of new content in these areas whose quality is worthy for a media release, our situation is fairly good in these areas of development.

On the other hand, there is much more to be done on the animating, voice acting and coding front. Cpangrace is very busy working on the weapon and character animations required for the teaser-demo, while the voice actors diligently keep recording their lines from the demo script.
Coding is however still the most problemful area of development. Even though one of our former coders (Graham alias Rickenbacker) has found time and returned to help us out a little in solving the awaiting programming tasks, we are still looking for additional assistance. So if you are an experienced coder who possesses a deep understanding of C++ and/or Source coding, and would like to help us out, do not hesitate to apply today in our Recruitment section! ;)


In this media release, we have a couple of work-in-progress game elements, two wallpapers and a music compilation to show off. Let's start the media presentation with the WIP stuff!

The first picture on the left showcases some of the most recent texturing work of CaptainSource, featuring some custom ceremonial banners of the Star Trek universe: the Starfleet banner (decorating the walls of Starfleet Command in San Francisco), the Enterprise insignia (used during the decommissional ceremony of the NX-01 Enterprise) and the Starfleet Mission Control logo. These instances of textile-texturing (LOL) are planned to be used only in some minor cutscenes, still we hope that they will also help us in achieving a more diversified level environment than what our previously released level screenshots would suggest. ;)

On the right, you can see a work-in-progress demo NPC: a Vulcan engineer who will have a much greater role in the upcoming demo than what its designation would suggest... ;)
The NPC was designed by Flanker, and is currently produced by TripTucker.

Since our last Media Release, Flanker however has worked not only on character models but also on a couple of mod-related wallpapers to be used by our supporters for decorating their desktop.

The first of these features Starbase 3, one of the newest designs of Flanker, along with our Y-Type freighter, the Kurt-class support tug, the ECS Kobayashi Maru, and two Amarillo-class cruisers designed by Masao Okazaki. These cruisers are actually not part of the mod, but Mr. Okazaki gave permission to use them in the wallpaper - so who knows, maybe he will also let us use them in the mod too... :)
The wallpaper is available in 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x800, 1280x960 and 1440x900 resolutions.

The second picture however features one of the key events of the main mod: the discovery of the destroyed UES Zagreb and the derelict ECS Kobayashi Maru by the NX-01 Enterprise in 2156. Just like the previous image (not counting of course Mr. Okazaki's design), this wallpaper also features our actual ship models. However, this one is available only in 1440x900.

Finally, we also have something to present you from the audio department. Basstronix was busy to produce you a mix from the mod's current soundtrack, featuring both normal level background music and more dynamic combat tracks in a little-more-than two minutes long MP3 file. You can grab it here!

Publicity news

Three of our members (namely, Cpangrace, Croesus and Flanker) had the pleasure last weekend to participate in the HL2 webradio "Podcast 17" where they were roundly interviewed by the show's hosts, Phillip and William. You can check the interview out on the podcast's official website here. Kudos to the staff of Podcast17, we are very grateful for the invitation and wish them all the best! :)


An acknowledgement is however due not only for the aforesaid pair of radio hosts, but also to our community who tirelessly follow our project since its inception. We have received lots of encouragement, suggestions and constructive criticism from this community both in our forum and on the rest of the websites/portals/message boards where our news materials are frequently featured. We would like to thank you all the attention you have been giving us - hopefully, we can release a palpable evidence of our work soon enough to prove how important our community is for us.

In this spirit, we wish all our readers/members/supporters a very happy Christmas and a very successful New Year!
Looks great.

Any idea when we'll be seeing a beta release or gameplay trailer?