Entry / Art Contest #1 : JiMmEh

OK small update, this is one of many ideas im working on, about a 20 minute sketch, this is the idea I'm mainly focusing on now really. I'll probably start on the final during the weekend.

Sorry for the messiness as it was a pretty quick sketch, and I couldn't help but a be a little clumbsy smudging the pencil everywhere with the side of my hand :p

The final image will be of a much better quality :D

awww f*ck...

you must use proper drawing pencils to be able to make that kind of metallic effects.. wither that or just a blunt one...

I need to put in more effort...
Proper drawing pencils? Seriously that's not me :laugh:

I had trouble finding a pencil at all, eventually finding a Holiday Inn pencil in me parents room - a bit disgraceful considering I'm meant to be doing GCSE Art. And yes it was blunt, but you need a sharp pencil for a metallic look - I didn't have a sharpener.

To be honest I'll be suprised if I ever complete/start a finished one - This one is a bit of a one-off really, I just started a crummy sketch then thought meh I'll see it out. I know (at least think) your doing GCSE Art at the moment Suicide and to give you an idea of how stupidly unmotivated I am, for my last two projects (almost a school year of work) - I've managed a measly 7 bits in total :( You never know, I may actually finish a piece :O
croiste :P im doing as level art :P and i cant draw that good

but then i did fek all last year and the year before and thats probably why i got sucha shite grade, C :/ but yeah one half emtpy A3 book of work and 20 pages of dire exam prepe later and thats what u get boo feking hoo dont make my mistake be prepared :!
JiMmEh said:
Proper drawing pencils? Seriously that's not me :laugh:

I had trouble finding a pencil at all, eventually finding a Holiday Inn pencil in me parents room - a bit disgraceful considering I'm meant to be doing GCSE Art. And yes it was blunt, but you need a sharp pencil for a metallic look - I didn't have a sharpener.

To be honest I'll be suprised if I ever complete/start a finished one - This one is a bit of a one-off really, I just started a crummy sketch then thought meh I'll see it out. I know (at least think) your doing GCSE Art at the moment Suicide and to give you an idea of how stupidly unmotivated I am, for my last two projects (almost a school year of work) - I've managed a measly 7 bits in total :( You never know, I may actually finish a piece :O

Yea, i'm the same. Ever scince i got the internet i just never feel like doing anything... because there's always something better i can be doing. I do barely enough in any of my projects too :D
Yep, in fact I'll blame this very website :(

And Joims I'll be lucky if I get to take AS/A Level Art as in my school you need a minimum of B in both Art & Design and English :O If I actually got my finger outta my arse and did some work I'm sure I'll be able to get a grade I wouldn't be disappointed with, but there's just no sense of urgency at all, it's just "Oh, 30 bits of work in for tommorow and I've done bugger all...aaah well."

Yeh and I know the feeling Suicide of there's something better I could be doing instead of art. Like on my list of prioriteis art is just at the bottom in a puddle of piss. My parents say "You don't do any art cause your either sat in front of the computer or your just nowhere to be seen". But then I think, well erm, if I wasn't sat in front of the computer or out, I'd be watching TV, or playing the PS, or sitting there doing nothing..:p

But nonetheless I'm doing a kind of "revised" piece of the one above as we speak :D May have an update before the night is out..
very nice Jimmeh :)

Heh, I'm going GCSE art too.. I haven't got any of my projects anywhere near finished, and I have 3 weeks left :D Meh, it's not like I'm doing it for a-level
My art teacher is the worst art teacher ever. If you ask her for help, she only has 2 responses: her negative one is "that needs more texture", and her positive one is "that's lovely dear". If you try and ask her what "texture" means, she just says it's the thing you need more of.

Not only that but she doesn't pressure us to do ANY homework. She says "this week you SHOULD be researching blah blah..." and that's all she says. She doesn't collect the himework or anything. I only ever do projects, and only because if i don't i'll get a D or an F. But i can't see if any of the boys in my class will get higher than that... I say boys because ALL of the girls have almost filled their sketchbook full of notes and diagrams and lovely collages, and most of the boys don't even have a sketchbook and sit there making fun of my teacher's nose.

The other class in year 11 is completely the opposite, they are pressured to do work and their teacher actually helps them. If i was in that set i would difinately get a B or an A... but the trouble is i would have to actually do work... so i prefer my class :p
Suicide42 said:
My art teacher is the worst art teacher ever. If you ask her for help, she only has 2 responses: her negative one is "that needs more texture", and her positive one is "that's lovely dear". If you try and ask her what "texture" means, she just says it's the thing you need more of.

Not only that but she doesn't pressure us to do ANY homework. She says "this week you SHOULD be researching blah blah..." and that's all she says. She doesn't collect the himework or anything. I only ever do projects, and only because if i don't i'll get a D or an F. But i can't see if any of the boys in my class will get higher than that... I say boys because ALL of the girls have almost filled their sketchbook full of notes and diagrams and lovely collages, and most of the boys don't even have a sketchbook and sit there making fun of my teacher's nose.

The other class in year 11 is completely the opposite, they are pressured to do work and their teacher actually helps them. If i was in that set i would difinately get a B or an A... but the trouble is i would have to actually do work... so i prefer my class :p

AH MAN! I can totally relate to that. You sound like you live in a parallel universe!! :O Oh man is my art teacher a waste of time! She's exactly the same as yours, she gives you bugger all help when you want it, and when you don't and you just finally sit down and get some work done she starts shoving shitty books in my face which have bugger all relevance to what I'm doing. She doesn't pressure us in the slightest, the lessons are just...come in..do bugger all (maybe play rugby with a melon) while the girls all sit and have a big gossipy chat, and half the time the teachers having a good old chat with them lol. The other class is the exact opposite, they finish their projects like 4 weeks in, and the teacher pressures them to their work, maybe 5 bits a week, and if they don't they're punished - something my teacher obviously has never heard of :laugh:.. Ah well
Yep, that's exactly like my teacher. She saw my design for a building and said it looked like some russian thing or something and gave me a few books and told me to reasearch it... "research" isn't my thing...
Ok here's a final update for my piece, this wasn't meant to be a final piece but it turned out OK and I'm lazy so bollocks to doing any more ;)

It was meant to be A3 and all brilliant like my ambitions always are in my head, but meh I'll probably be able to finish this :)

Let's call this a WIP then.

EDIT: FORGET THAT! LOL It was absoultely fecking hooooge!! :laugh:

EDIT: Ok, resized it ;)

wow, love the detail. How did you draw the iris btw? that looks cool :D
Thanks :) For the iris i pretty much drew a circle for it, just shaded it in real hard, but just left the top left/top edge untouched, and kind of tried to blend it in to the dark iris, if you get what I mean.

But I'm off to bed now - Nightey night!
JiMmEh said:
Thanks :) For the iris i pretty much drew a circle for it, just shaded it in real hard, but just left the top left/top edge untouched, and kind of tried to blend it in to the dark iris, if you get what I mean.

But I'm off to bed now - Nightey night!

me too. my eyes hurt. i think they're gonna start bleeding soon.
Suicide42 said:
me too. my eyes hurt. i think they're gonna start bleeding soon.

Take a photo and submit it :D

Better yet, stick a pencil in your eye and mail it to TDE....oh wait thats his idea.
wow, really nice! the detail is very good on those. :)
well, I´m off to bed too..I´m probably going to dream about eyeballs tonight :x
School now ;(

But just incase you wanted to know, i didn't dream about eyeballs i actually dreampt about night elves... it's all down to a conversation i had with crush. He wants a gun i want a night elf. meh
Suicide42 said:
wow, love the detail. How did you draw the iris btw? that looks cool :D

I just realised you asked about the iris and not the pupil. :p If you still care I again did a light outline and then started doing strokes from the pupil outwards to the outline, then after i started doing strokes from the outline back towards the pupil. I'm extremely stupid so I'm guessing here - The pupil=the black dot thingee? Iris = bit around it? lol :p
JiMmEh said:
I just realised you asked about the iris and not the pupil. :p If you still care I again did a light outline and then started doing strokes from the pupil outwards to the outline, then after i started doing strokes from the outline back towards the pupil. I'm extremely stupid so I'm guessing here - The pupil=the black dot thingee? Iris = bit around it? lol :p

yep :) i can tell someone falls asleep in science lessons...

funny thing that...today i was thinking about flowers... strange, large flowers... then i heard a voive calling "james..." "JAMES!!" and i JUMPED up and realised everyone was lauging at me, and i had been asleep for 20 minutes and the lesson was over. Science lessons are that boring.
LOL! I've only ever once fallen asleep in a lesson, it was English - but luckily my English teacher just let me sleep the whole lesson :D Heh, my "real" name is actually James ;) No-one calls me it though heh
w00 we have the same name :D whereabouts in London do you live? you might live near my grandparents ;)

p.s. I made a thread about it in general off topic, kindof exagerating it a bit, but hey- that's what i do!
I live in the South-East London county of Kent :)
Dude that are some awsome ass kicking sketches. Im trying to sketch myself too, but I just can't :( Any good idea's to get bettre?
thx :E