Entry / Art Contest #1: SupremePain

I don't think the eye could be in a head. :P It's against the rules :(
As long as you can see most of it right?

okay, that's what i got coloured today, lol.... im lazy, anyway the idea is for the other eye to have been removed, and it's gonna be looking at the other eyeball being removed by some spooky robotic arms or something, dunno about the ground, it's supose to be "the safe place" so i might do grass... if i can make it look good that is...
Ok, now thats the definition of surreal...
Druckles said:
was that sarcasm or should i be doing my happy dance? :D

by the way this topic is a fun one to draw, i can't stop adding stuff to make it more weird...
Just draw a bit more blood. I mean it was original, it really is
If you are using psp, create a new layer with the properties on 'multiply', not 'normal'. When you paint on it it'll show whats underneath through it.
im using painter though, ill check if it has a setting such as that, but i doubt ill ever use it.... (i know layers should be my friend but... i don't really use them much)
SupremePain said:
im using painter though, ill check if it has a setting such as that, but i doubt ill ever use it.... (i know layers should be my friend but... i don't really use them much)
oh i get what your trying to do.


select the whole image, go to menu/select/float

then change it to shadow map.