Entry / Art contest #1: TDE

I suppose I better show something, even though I'm unlikely to follow this direction, or have time to complete anything now.

More a case of har har you believed me when I said I was gonna do a pencil skewering an eyeball :p





*Screws up his work*

Ah well... :|

But seriously, like all of your work, it looks great! Can't wait to the see the finished piece...
Ha! Munro! :P
I guess we know who wants to take his place :rolleyes:

This is seriously unfair, I spend hours drawing an eyeball and gnerator thingy in PS, and you come up with that??? You can't have drawn that, it's just wrong... Im going to hide my head in shame... I just need an appropriate paper bag
Thats just awesome :D
I didnt know you could do 3d stuff like that :O ,assuming its 3d
He appears to have used a canvas effect on the eyes... I have no idea why though...
Seriosly, whats the point? looking at that peice of work is like having someone rip your imagination clean from your head, screw it up and spit on it, then use it as a hammer to beat you down into the ground and crush any hope or inspiration that still flickers inside your dimming mind. You win.

Now i've got to think of a design so clever that it would cause Sherlock Holmes to gasp in amazement...
Druckles said:
He appears to have used a canvas effect on the eyes... I have no idea why though...
No canvass effect on any of those images. It's probably just the way the reflection is blurred a little and the bump map on the surface of the eye (how about that for anal attention to detail, sticking a faint bump map on something that would have been suspended in glowing thick green goo and hard to see) :p
i feel like god just bitchslapped me.... :laugh:

dead sexy looking TDE, and thanks for quoting me.... i feel appreciated lol
Very very nice indeed.

This is seriously unfair, I spend hours drawing an eyeball and gnerator thingy in PS, and you come up with that??? You can't have drawn that, it's just wrong... Im going to hide my head in shame... I just need an appropriate paper bag

He didn't draw it as such, it's a render. If it isn't I will drown myself in green goo.
It could be done in photoshop, with lots of circular marquees etc. But I think it's a render, judging from the fact the base is positioned at a different angle each time.
I am embarassed to have entered. :hmph:

hands down, the dark elf wins.

unless he has.. an accident... :naughty:
crabonhead said:
I am embarassed to have entered. :hmph:

hands down, the dark elf wins.

unless he has.. an accident... :naughty:
I'm not entering :)
why don't you just post the picture you've allready done? the most complex one would probally win anyway. seems a lot of wasted effort...
Complex doesn't make something good. It's what goes into it that makes it good. And lasers, that makes it good too. Lasers for eyes.
i ask for one thing... ONE THING... How hard it it to get frikkin' sharks with LAZERS STRAPPED TO THEIR HEADS?
Lol, erm... right...
Im kind've glad he's not entering, it gives me about 2% more chance, but I still only have 0.4% chance of winning anyway :rolleyes:
i WOULD have about 0.001% chance of winning, but i added breasts so now i probally have about 30% :laugh:
I should've stuck some bnaked woman in somewhere :(. Or else drawn a bit myself, it looks way too cpmuterised