I'm now up to the part where I'm escorting a load of rebels to a train. Impressions so far? Well I thought it started pretty good but tailed off from there. Couple of okay parts but I think the level design is a bit shoddy in places, especially the part I'm on now which is really poor. I think my other main gripe is that my least favourite part from HL2 was the City 17 bits. The Stalker battles were cool but the rest of it got on my tits a bit (endless streets, corridors & rooms to traverse with a bunch of yo-yo's in tow!) & with Episode 1 I feel like I'm stuck in a giant 'follow freeman/Anticitizen one' level. On the plus side it's harder which is good. But it doesn't feel so much of a combat challenge as it does battling against dodgy maps for e.g. I keep getting stuck in doorways that I want to nip into for a bit of cover. Combine keep springing out from everywhere meaning they are taking me by surprise rather than with intelligent combat skills. I've never thought that HL2's gameplay was as good as it could/should have been. Certainly not as good as the first game. Episode 1 only deepens that belief & all the other things that made HL2 so great are getting a bit tired now. A little dissapointed on the whole. Episode 1 moves the story on but nothing else! Anyone else agree?