Episode 1... TEASER 2


May 27, 2003
Reaction score
new teaser is out on steam now! go check your steam media :afro:

"Alyx hates zombies. Even more than you do."

shows alyx and how she deals with zombies.
Just restarted Steam. Click on the pic in the news window and lo and behold, a zombine!
Wow did you see how detailed Alyx looks....Update in the GFX for the win.
Mannn i thought the zombine's chest was supposed to open up because it suppsoed to grow a mouth right. And its a regular headcrab too. But i still like the zombine. The teaser was awesome. Wished it showed about teh zombine.
Meh, can't download on Steam for some reason.

EDIT: Damn. Didn't restart Steam. Anyway, what's up with her roundhouse kick?

Now we just need to see how it pits against Chuck Norris.
Now that vid was awesome! :D I still hopw valve's not giving away all that they've been working on for this. :)
'Twas kickass, though I really hope (but I know it won't happen) they bring out new zombie models (as in generic human zombies).

I remember going into that part of Route Kanal for the first time, with the odd music in the background. The scripted sequence where that guy struggles with the headcrab chilled me to the bone, and the silence at times was just creepy. And then...a zombie popped up, and it made me gape in awe at it's high resolution glory (I hadn't seen many screenies before I played). And then another zombie popped up, with the exact same model...




Downloading....hope it's good. :D

Heh, awesome. But I'd like some shots of her fighting Combine. :p
Darksabre said:
(...) a zombie popped up, and it made me gape in awe at it's high resolution glory (I hadn't seen many screenies before I played). And then another zombie popped up, with the exact same model...




Yeah, I also don't like that. All games use the same model over and over again :( It's pretty stupid to see quadruplets or octaruplets (sp) attacking you :p

I remember reading a long time ago, probably in the "info you received from valve" topic, that a few months before release, someone at Valve said that no citizen looks the same 'cause they use some system to randomly generate faces. Did I read it in a dream (highly unlikely, you can't read in dreams) or was it fo' real?

BTW: this is also why Combine have masks. If you'd shoot the same guy over and over... well, it would suck. Thanks to the masks, you can assume all have different faces underneath :p

edit - is the teaser 2 available as a download somewhere or on Steam only? I'm at work now and don't have Steam with me ;)
edit2 - nevermind, got it here: http://youtube.com/watch?v=tKbDACVqNAE&search=half life episode teaser
edit3 - and the teaser is awesome :)
Przemek said:
BTW: this is also why Combine have masks. If you'd shoot the same guy over and over... well, it would suck. Thanks to the masks, you can assume all have different faces underneath :p

Yeah, that was another problem with the zombies. At first you could assume that they had the same model because of the standard citizen blue uniform. But then you shot the headcrabs off, their faces were all the same :(
They could make the zombies' faces in a more advanced state of digestion :)
Must find Jamil Mullen - imagine how cool it would be to date Alyx? :naughty:
I quite like the music in that clip...morbid in a "I'm going to kick some zombie ass" kind of way.
Pointed out in Teaser One thread. It seemed more obvious in the previous video.

Funny how she gets shot and everything, but yet there's not obvious indication of damage, but yet she gets a scar. A bit stupid IMO, but I is likes it anyways.

Me = Sucker for all things Valve.
When I click 'add to my media' Steam crashes :(
ríomhaire said:
When I click 'add to my media' Steam crashes :(
Same for me. And what's worse, I can't find Episode 1 in my games list that I preloaded earlier. And when I try starting the preload again, I get another error. Can it be better? I sure do hope so.
Steam is working fine right now for me. The new trailer is kinda uninformative :(
Eh? It's a teaser. :p
Seriously, I don't know what you people expect from something that isn't meant to be a great insight. It's a teaser. It highlights Alyx's new moves...that's it.
The damn grenade went off like a meter away from her. If she isn't picking huge bits of shell fragments out of her ass, the Combine need to build a better grenade.
Anyone else expect a third teaser tonight or tomorrow?
Hondo said:
The damn grenade went off like a meter away from her. If she isn't picking huge bits of shell fragments out of her ass, the Combine need to build a better grenade.
Haha thats exactly what I was thinking. She just calmly says "Run" and kind of shuffles away as it explodes no more than 5 feet behind her. :LOL:
Hondo said:
The damn grenade went off like a meter away from her. If she isn't picking huge bits of shell fragments out of her ass, the Combine need to build a better grenade.

So you would rather have her corpse ragdoll across the room with a black screen turning up right in front of your face, explaining the following.

"Subject: Freeman

Status: Evaluation Terminated

Portmortem: F*ckwit failed to protect Alyx from hostile fire."

Hmpf. Alyx is made of steel.
That's not HDR, is it? If it is I will die of hurt. Stupid gfx cards.