Episode 2 article *spoilers*

Due to the sticky bomb nature of these Strider Blasters, I would expect them to be one of these new Resistance technological advances Kleiner bragged about. I do hope there's an actual incentive to using these things though other than massively increase what damage the Striders can take. Merely the lack of rockets in a Strider scene will do.
Black Op said:
Due to the sticky bomb nature of these Strider Blasters, I would expect them to be one of these new Resistance technological advances Kleiner bragged about. I do hope there's an actual incentive to using these things though other than massively increase what damage the Striders can take. Merely the lack of rockets in a Strider scene will do.

Hmm... possibly. But it would be nice to see some new organic weaponry. Especially as we were so devoid of Bugbait in Episode 1. And I think a simple Strider Blaster would be quite the dissapointment if that was suddenly the answer to taking down Combine. Especially as RPGs already do such a good job.

tehsolace said:
Page 4 stated it was a sort of sticky bomb thing that stuck to the strider and drained its energy making it weak. a naturally found sticky plant that drains energy? nahh... im willing to bet its combine tech or something.

Same realms of reality of a crab taht latches onto someone's head and takes control before mutating them grossly. Same realms of reality that combines metal and living material to cretae a highly manoueverable gunship? I think a simple plant or animal that drains the organic part of a Synth's life energy is perfectly pheasible.
Great article, the vehicle (passengers = hawt!) looks neat too but I hope they fix the physics on the car a bit.
Reginald said:
Especially as we were so devoid of Bugbait in Episode 1.

What I find strange is that if you do Impulse 101 you actually get bugbait in your inventory.
but even if you do impulse 101 and get the pheropods aka bugbait its useless in ep1 for some reason because you cant shepard antlions with it.

Also about these sticky bombs, it would be like bf2's C4, or a WW2 stachel charge.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
but even if you do impulse 101 and get the pheropods aka bugbait its useless in ep1 for some reason because you cant shepard antlions with it.

Also about these sticky bombs, it would be like bf2's C4, or a WW2 stachel charge.

I know you can't do anything with them I was just curious to why they were there.
Why do you think Alyx died in the first place? In the trailer Eli is talking to a girl and saying, "we're not gonna lose Earth again honey" Jee its not some random girl that he's calling honey now is it? I wanted to make a thread about that but I'm too lazy. :p I'm thinking maybe TF2 as the multiplayer? And they should have made a better vehicle that ghetto version of the Batmobile. They should have made a motorcycle. Imagine speeding down a forest with Alyx driving and you shooting Hunters. Then a Strider blast comes out of nowhere and trees fall down. Then a Strider emerges out of the fallen trees with Hunters. Then you would have to shoot down the Strider and hunters while chasing you. This sequence would fit in nicely on the way to the Missile Silo. That part should seriously be in EP2. :thumbs:
hool10300 said:
And they should have made a better vehicle that ghetto version of the Batmobile. They should have made a motorcycle. Imagine speeding down a forest with Alyx driving and you shooting Hunters. Then a Strider blast comes out of nowhere and trees fall down. Then a Strider emerges out of the fallen trees with Hunters. Then you would have to shoot down the Strider and hunters while chasing you. This sequence would fit in nicely on the way to the Missile Silo. That part should seriously be in EP2. :thumbs:
I'd rather drive into Hunters and Striders myself than be forced into a rail shooter anyday. :farmer:
TheCheckt said:
sv_cheats 1


It's there alright buddy.

yes but thats the player putting them in, I mean playing In the game, not entering codes, they are not there. Unless they were to put in having to extract more bugbait from the Antlion Guard, there was no purpose to have them availble to the user, not in the story to say
That car looks pretty fugly to me, but maybe that's the point, and it is just a concept.

These Hunter critters sound interesting, but from the looks of it, they might be the only "new" enemy in the episode, which would sort of suck. But it's still early yet.

I really hope there isn't a delay, the game sounds great already.
It would be quite fun to drive screaming into one of the strider's legs, effectively tripping the strider up :p

I like the sound of the more "battlefield-like" action too.

EDIT: Mine Shaft = Antlion nest???
Saying the car looks fugly is pointless. I mean, it's going to look cooler once E2 is actually out. Besides, when you're out there zooming through Hunters in the battlefield, you're not going to be whining about the colors. :p
hool10300 said:
Why do you think Alyx died in the first place? In the trailer Eli is talking to a girl and saying, "we're not gonna lose Earth again honey" Jee its not some random girl that he's calling honey now is it? I wanted to make a thread about that but I'm too lazy. :p

honey? Eli doesn’t say honey in the trailer. I believe he said: “We’re done running. This is our chance to take back our world. We’re not going to lose it a second time.”
hool10300 said:
Why do you think Alyx died in the first place? In the trailer Eli is talking to a girl and saying, "we're not gonna lose Earth again honey" Jee its not some random girl that he's calling honey now is it? I wanted to make a thread about that but I'm too lazy. :p

...are you joking or not?
xirow said:
honey? Eli doesn’t say honey in the trailer. I believe he said: “We’re done running. This is our chance to take back our world. We’re not going to lose it a second time.”

you are correct
Sounded like honey to me anyways. :| Guess he did say running.
to me it sounded like "huming" the first time, and with the vorts chanting in the background it fit at the time :p
I like the car because it looks like it was made out of random metal parts and hastily assembled for transportation
Black Op said:
Due to the sticky bomb nature of these Strider Blasters, I would expect them to be one of these new Resistance technological advances Kleiner bragged about. I do hope there's an actual incentive to using these things though other than massively increase what damage the Striders can take. Merely the lack of rockets in a Strider scene will do.

I thought I read in the article that the Hunters (when in the vicinity of a Strider and yourself) actively shoot down your RPGs. That would be a good way to rationalize the use of one, I think. Or quite simply, it could just be a tactic so you don't get overwhelmed. Striders + Hunters=need for Strider Busters:thumbs:
The battlefield style play sounds great (as long as you have a well defined objective and you don't get lost too easily)

PC Gamer US suck ass anyway - not having a clue about HL an all. :p
"Maybe we will learn what the Combine want with us?!"

Funnily enough, we already know!
Max35 said:
I thought I read in the article that the Hunters (when in the vicinity of a Strider and yourself) actively shoot down your RPGs. That would be a good way to rationalize the use of one, I think. Or quite simply, it could just be a tactic so you don't get overwhelmed. Striders + Hunters=need for Strider Busters:thumbs:

The hunters protect Striders from those two if I read the article correctly... Thus to fight the strider, you need to get ride of the Hunters, or else your attempts will be futile :borg:
Max35 said:
I thought I read in the article that the Hunters (when in the vicinity of a Strider and yourself) actively shoot down your RPGs. That would be a good way to rationalize the use of one, I think. Or quite simply, it could just be a tactic so you don't get overwhelmed. Striders + Hunters=need for Strider Busters:thumbs:
The article states clearly that the Hunters will destroy Strider Busters. But it would make sense for them to shoot down rockets as well.
I bet they're going to delay till Jan 2007, and once again PCGamer will be correct in their predictions :D
I'll wait till 2007, just as long as I get to see videos and pictures and concept art along the way
I'll embrace any delays with open arms, since they can only make EP2 better. Plus I've learned to be critical of all VALVe release dates by now. :p
Black Op said:
The article states clearly that the Hunters will destroy Strider Busters. But it would make sense for them to shoot down rockets as well.

Well, I guess I remembered wrong then. Well, maybe they have increased the hitpoints of the Strider (the Strider at the end of Ep1 seemed to have increased HP)and as you said, a scarcity of rockets would work too.
Black Op said:
I'll embrace any delays with open arms, since they can only make EP2 better. Plus I've learned to be critical of all VALVe release dates by now. :p

"half-life 2 will be released september 30th, 2003. Not a day sooner or later!"-Doug lombardi
tehsolace said:
I bet they're going to delay till Jan 2007, and once again PCGamer will be correct in their predictions :D

That's fine. Christmas 2006 and Jan/Feb 2007 are basically the same. Especially for Valve.
Gordon's driving a Hybrid? :/ If he gets too smug the experience will be ruined.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Gordon's driving a Hybrid? :/ If he gets too smug the experience will be ruined.
More likely he'll create a Perfect Portal Storm of Self Satisfaction. :LOL: