Episode 2, TF2 & Portal - Expected Summer 2007

Will you guys get it? All the games aren't ready. Ep2 isn't finished , TF2 isn't done and Portal isn't sealed. They can't release portal or tf2 as a perck for those who pre-order Ep2 now because none of them is DONE.

Plus , it will damage all the 3 games in one package thing.

No, not necessarily. You don't know for sure. Besides, Valve would want to release all of them at the same time for mega-hype.
Will you guys get it? All the games aren't ready. Ep2 isn't finished , TF2 isn't done and Portal isn't sealed. They can't release portal or tf2 as a perck for those who pre-order Ep2 now because none of them is DONE.
You have absolutely no idea if tf2 or portal are finished.
It's the console's fault. It's always the console's fault.

Yeah well it was the consoles that delayed HL1 and 2 by a year, Episode one by some months. DOD Source too was the consoles fault.;)

Anyway I'm cool with it. I want it sooner but I have enough games comming out over xmas to keep me happy.
Your missing the point. Of course nobody would buy games if they were buggy, I agree with that 100%, but as I stated I want them to keep a release date. Thats what this is all about, not buggy games.Keep this in mind, Is it so impossible for a game company to hold its promise that a game would be coming out at this date and it will work properly and have no malfunctions? when did it become ok for a game company to push its customers around? I hate it. Maybe I should get a way cool disclaimer for my signature so I can state my opinion freely without causing anguish amongst the board
Yes it is basically impossible for Valve to give a release date without probably behind way off. I've explained that.
BUGS come up all the time, and when you have millions of lines of code... it takes quite some time to track them down. Especially when you just added a ton of new code to your engine. I mean Valve has added mult-core processing, new lighting\shading system, physics system, probably improved level handling(massive levels). Those are some very significant changes and can mean hundreds of thousands of new\changed code if not millions! Valve has no idea how many bugs will come up or how quickly they will be able to fix them.
I mean I work with idk about 700 - 800 lines of code for my program. It's easy to debug. If I had millions of ****ing code and all of the sudden when going over my program I noticed something didn't work. Maybe you accidently used a wrong variable somewhere, that can take a long ass time to figure out. Some bugs can take weeks to fix. A lot of it is just finding out where the code is that has the bug, then understanding what that code means, then you can finally fix it.

Yes, you definently should get the sig, and then when someone yells at you just quote back with the signature. However if you steal mine...... Don't get me started in a Sig War.... I will win.
I partially agree with COALslaw here. Valve shouldn't keep giving out dates and then not meeting them, yes it is hard to predict stuff like debugging but they've had 8 years to get the hang of it and some developers do manage it. Yes, better to delay than release a buggy product but even better to meet the deadline even if it means giving more distant deadlines. However, Valve don't really give deadlines, it is generally interviewers going a bit mad with vague estimates, it would be different if Valve was plastering the date all over steampowered.com and then changed it.

But back to blaming Valve again, making hype by releasing videos over Steam and then delaying it till long after the videos... doesn't make them look good. It does get everyone on the edge of their seat waiting for it I guess.
I couldn't care less what Valve is doing with their marketing strategies. As long as they don't go all EA on my ass, I'm happy. :)
I partially agree with COALslaw here. Valve shouldn't keep giving out dates and then not meeting them, yes it is hard to predict stuff like debugging but they've had 8 years to get the hang of it and some developers do manage it. Yes, better to delay than release a buggy product but even better to meet the deadline even if it means giving more distant deadlines. However, Valve don't really give deadlines, it is generally interviewers going a bit mad with vague estimates, it would be different if Valve was plastering the date all over steampowered.com and then changed it.

But back to blaming Valve again, making hype by releasing videos over Steam and then delaying it till long after the videos... doesn't make them look good. It does get everyone on the edge of their seat waiting for it I guess.
But theres only one question I have to ask you?
Is it worth the wait?

That should sum up everything.

yes it is hard to predict stuff like debugging but they've had 8 years to get the hang of it and some developers do manage it.
They may have had 8 years, but thats ends up being 3 games.(HL, HL2, HL2:EP1).
Who else's fault could it be?
Apparently it's their new shaders' fault according to a post in a thread I read a minute ago (Don't know which one).

I'm amazed at how people seem to feel that Valve and other developers owe them these games. Guess what, Gabe Newell and other employees at Valve (probably not all of them though) could retire now and live a far better (in the sense of far richer) life than you. They don't owe you anything and they don't need you. They're making games not to get your money; they don't need your money. They're doing to give you a great game. Although they have promised a few more games, they don't need you to buy them so stop feeling so damn entitled.
Yes, yes it is worth the wait. It is but a minor criticism 'cos frankly they're Valve, I haven't got anything more major to criticise them on.
Yes, yes it is worth the wait.
I think that sums up everything.

btw complaining to companies wont get you anywhere.
I'm amazed at how people seem to feel that Valve and other developers owe them these games. Guess what, Gabe Newell and other employees at Valve (probably not all of them though) could retire now and live a far better (in the sense of far richer) life than you. They don't owe you anything and they don't need you. They're making games not to get your money; they don't need your money. They're doing to give you a great game. Although they have promised a few more games, they don't need you to buy them so stop feeling so damn entitled.

Jesus Christ. You make it seem like it's a privilege to pay money out the ass for crap that needs updating constantly and crap that doesn't even come out half the time! They DO owe us.

They're making games not to get your money; they don't need your money

Had to laugh at this. If you think for even a second that Valve, a game company, is making games out of the good of their hearts you might as well shoot yourself in the face. If your little theory were correct why the hell would they have advertisements for games that aren't even running on the source engine? Gahhd, come on..
Jesus Christ. You make it seem like it's a privilege to pay money out the ass for crap that needs updating constantly and crap that doesn't even come out half the time! They DO owe us.

Wrong. Absolute tripe. Crap. Rubbish. Shite. More obscenities. It gets updated to fix bugs, to improve the game based on feedback, and to enhance the game overall. The idea that the game I buy gets updated free after I've purchased it is fantastic. Your very reasoning here is stupid.

Most games are released and contain a vast amount of bugs and issues, and after you have purchased the game that’s it. Oh no, wait, you get monthly, often yearly gaps between 'patches' which need to be found, installed, and sometimes for the next patch to work, uninstalled. Updates on Steam are convenient, on time, and do not set my games back.

Please, stop now.
btw complaining to companies wont get you anywhere.
It's not so much as complaining to the companies, its more about trying to reach to someone and show that whats going on is getting retarded.
Thats it, i'm not debating this shit anymore. My point has been stated, some of you will take them into consideration, others will stick their fingers in the ears shouting "blah blah blah" thats fine, thats cool. It's good to see people will eat up their shit when they're told its carrots. Next time Samon don't negate my points, even you know there is truth to them to whatever degree your brain will allow it to see.
There's nothing to 'take into consideration', because all you've said is childish nonsense.
"I'm right, you're wrong. You just don't see it."

You aren't the arbiter of Truth and Rightness.
I was waiting for Pi to say something crushing and witty.

Episode 2 better be worth the wait cos that sure wasn't :p
Jesus Christ. You make it seem like it's a privilege to pay money out the ass for crap that needs updating constantly and crap that doesn't even come out half the time! They DO owe us.

Had to laugh at this. If you think for even a second that Valve, a game company, is making games out of the good of their hearts you might as well shoot yourself in the face. If your little theory were correct why the hell would they have advertisements for games that aren't even running on the source engine? Gahhd, come on..
Yes, valve enjoys being paid for it's work, but the first priority is making good games.

PS: Nothing released by them yet is crap, IMO.
Jesus Christ. You make it seem like it's a privilege to pay money out the ass for crap that needs updating constantly
Why pay for something you think is crap? If you don't like Valve's games, don't buy them, it's that simple. Why would you go onto a fansite for a game that you don't like? Do you have so little going on in your life that you feel the need to bitch about games to their fans on the interent? As for updates, every game has bugs, they're just trying to iron them out. It is almost impossible to get rid of all bugs prior to release.

and crap that doesn't even come out half the time!
Doesn't come out half the time?
Valve has released to following games:
Half-Life 2
Half-Life 2: Episode 1
Counter-Strike: Source
Team Fortress Classic
Day of Defeat
Day of Defeat: Source
(Can't think of any others. The HL expansions where Gearbox, CZ was Turtle Rock)

Games that will be released next year (that we know of):
Half-Life 2: Episode 2
Team Fortress 2

Games Valve started but never released (that we know of):

Yeah...half the time...

They DO owe us.
  1. No, they don't
  2. Why do you even care if their games are "crap"?

Had to laugh at this. If you think for even a second that Valve, a game company, is making games out of the good of their hearts you might as well shoot yourself in the face. If your little theory were correct why the hell would they have advertisements for games that aren't even running on the source engine? Gahhd, come on..
Valve was founded by 2 very rich ex-Microsoft employees. They could have easily retired and lived a very stable, stress-free life but they didn't. They decided to make entertainment. They didn't need the money, but they decided to make games anyway. If it wasn't for them there would be no Valve and no Half-Life. Valve is a company, Valve needs the money and they try to make money but behind Valve there where 2 men who didn't need any more money but decided to just try and give people a great game, and they succeded.
They DO owe us.
How did you come to that conclusion?
You payed $.
You got a game.
Done deal, Valve never promised ANYTHING else. Everything Valve gives you after that should be considered Gifts.
Had to laugh at this. If you think for even a second that Valve, a game company, is making games out of the good of their hearts you might as well shoot yourself in the face. If your little theory were correct why the hell would they have advertisements for games that aren't even running on the source engine? Gahhd, come on..

Oh noes, a for-profit company wishes to make a profit.

Oh noes, a game company with a digital distribution system in place distributes games by other companies, including companies that otherwise would not reach a broader market.

Oh noes, how evil.



K better

(I don't want to waste any more words on this bag of carrots)
If I really cared about this shit I'd continue to prove my point, however your incessant loop-d-loops are really getting tiresome. That goes for the majority of you people here. I simply came here to throw my perspective in the pot and clearly that was a mistake because you morons shit-flipped. I've heard alot about ME not having a life when in fact it is all of you that do not have lives! Your DEFENDING A ****ING GAME AND A GAME COMPANY. ****ing hypocrite's go jump off a cliff.
Go read a dictionary.

Then jump off a cliff, just to make sure.
Your perspective is like yelling out the christian god exists in a world full of atheists. With everyone of those atheists being as smart as Mecha about the bible.

I still do not understand how you can think that Valve owes you anything. They give you game, you give them $. It ends there. Valve have given you a bunch of patches for free....what have you given them for free?(Besides your complaints). I think we all owe Valve.
If I really cared about this shit I'd continue to prove my point, however your incessant loop-d-loops are really getting tiresome. That goes for the majority of you people here. I simply came here to throw my perspective in the pot and clearly that was a mistake because you morons shit-flipped. I've heard alot about ME not having a life when in fact it is all of you that do not have lives! Your DEFENDING A ****ING GAME AND A GAME COMPANY. ****ing hypocrite's go jump off a cliff.

Damnit you know you're right: You're sane and we're all crazy.

Your perspective is childish wingeing. I think I speak for everyone when I say, go **** yourself.
If I really cared about this shit I'd continue to prove my point, however your incessant loop-d-loops are really getting tiresome. That goes for the majority of you people here. I simply came here to throw my perspective in the pot and clearly that was a mistake because you morons shit-flipped. I've heard alot about ME not having a life when in fact it is all of you that do not have lives! Your DEFENDING A ****ING GAME AND A GAME COMPANY. ****ing hypocrite's go jump off a cliff.

If you came out here to merely throw your perspective in the pot you wouldn't be insulting us continually.
I've heard alot about ME not having a life when in fact it is all of you that do not have lives! Your DEFENDING A ****ING GAME AND A GAME COMPANY. ****ing hypocrite's go jump off a cliff.
How ironic you should label your critics hypocrites in that very post.
You're ATTACKING a game and a game company, they're defending them - how does that make them hypocrites?
Perhaps the response to your comments was disproportionate but at the end of the day, you rose to them. You chose to counter the defending posts, so how can you say someone has no life for countering your attacking post?