Episode 3 Changes

Aug 17, 2008
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I was just wondering, if Valve chooses to change or replace any weapons or introduce new characters, (or bring back old ones) into episode 3 and I was wondering if anyone had theories?
Hence pretty much the entire purpose of this forum.
im guessing that if we have to fight advisors in it, then they are going to give s a new toy to use, like they did with the striders in Ep2.
Probably a source-based battle? Grav-Gun VS Advisor Telekinetic powers? who knows.
I don't know why but i really have the feeling that either the Advisors or the Gman will be vulnverable to a GG punt or crowbars in general... but danm that'd be so anticlimactic... but i just can't the idea out of my head.

But i stand by my opinion that after three games i'm getting tired of the same weapons over and over, the bugbait and Super GG were the only things that didn't get too repetitive since you only see each twice at most. If anything, replace one, i don't even care which (just not my shotgun! I love my shotgun...) i'm just sick of the same thing over and over, especially since every time VALVe decides to play a game with you called "Lose all your weapons and make you go search for every single one AGAIN" which i win every time since obviously if you don't find them all by the end you were probably noclipping the whole game. Even so i get tired of that game and i wish to propose my own game to VALVe called "Give us a goddanm weapon to start off with"
im guessing you wont use the bugbait again, so they will probably replace that with something.as for a starting weapon, im guessing you will start Ep3 with a weapon after where it left off.
Yeah, as for new weapons, a stunstick would be cool, it could act as a more powerful version of the crowbar for later in the game.
Perhaps weapons that we can't use- like artillery pieces for the rebels? It would be pretty cool to see a large battle open places with a bunch of rebels fighting with an armored division of the combine.

Or they can just make a newer improved smg...
id love it if you found a tank.it would be powerful becuase the only weapon in half life so far capable of taking out a tank was the strider cannon.but a tank fires way faster than that.
The climaxes of the Ep2 and HL2 focused on using the Grav Gun to throw things at stuff, so I'm assuming you'll be using the Grav Gun to throw things at Advisors this time around, just to shake things up.
that would be irony.they throw shit around and when you throw it back it kills them.
Was not said that mister Adrian is coming back??Or that is abaut time that he comes back,something like that...
i would like to see some kind of new weapon but ya never know... im pretty sure we'll meet at least one new character because we will be going far away from c17, antarctica possibly and we'll have to see new people or else its boring...
Know what I really want them to change?

1) The over-the-top blood splashes them Ep2, bring back the old ones. It's just ridiculous how shooting a fully-armoured Combine soldier looks like shooting a sack full of strawberry jam.

2) The over-n00b-friendly interface. It's a minor point, but I find it kind of annoying how every time you pick up some ammo it shows a picture of the weapon next to the ammo symbol. And how every time you get into the car it tells you how to brake and turbo. And how every time you select the shotgun it tells you what each mouse button does (correct me if I'm talking out of my arse on that one, I seem to remember it happening).

As for the weapons, I wouldn't mind a new toy or two. I'd leave it completely up to Valve as to what to add, although I have a feeling we won't be seeing any new weapons.
Know what I really want them to change?

1) The over-the-top blood splashes them Ep2, bring back the old ones. It's just ridiculous how shooting a fully-armoured Combine soldier looks like shooting a sack full of strawberry jam.

2) The over-n00b-friendly interface. It's a minor point, but I find it kind of annoying how every time you pick up some ammo it shows a picture of the weapon next to the ammo symbol. And how every time you get into the car it tells you how to brake and turbo. And how every time you select the shotgun it tells you what each mouse button does (correct me if I'm talking out of my arse on that one, I seem to remember it happening).

As for the weapons, I wouldn't mind a new toy or two. I'd leave it completely up to Valve as to what to add, although I have a feeling we won't be seeing any new weapons.

Wow, you're real picky... getting easily irrated over things so small? The blood splashes were taking advantage of the improved particle system. I prefer it over the 'shoot the enemy and the only blood you see appears on the wall' thing.
if little tiny hud display things that will appear very little throughout the game for like 3 seconds bother you, then go into the gcf files and remove it or toughen up. again, they dont really affect part of the game so much...
The epic final battle shall last five long days, and when the Advisors will all but win, everyone shall look to the west, where the Shephard appears and leads a horde of tamed zombies that smash into the Advisors, shooting rainbow rays as he flies on pink wings in the air, and when the ray hits an Advisor, it changes, grows pink and rans off to seek buttsex from other advisors, thus initiating a worldwide domino effect as gay advisors seek out each other for buttsex forfeiting everything else.
The epic final battle shall last five long days, and when the Advisors will all but win, everyone shall look to the west, where the Shephard appears and leads a horde of tamed zombies that smash into the Advisors, shooting rainbow rays as he flies on pink wings in the air, and when the ray hits an Advisor, it changes, grows pink and rans off to seek buttsex from other advisors, thus initiating a worldwide domino effect as gay advisors seek out each other for buttsex forfeiting everything else.

Thats so funny I thought exactly the same thing.
THIS is the Episode 3 concept art.


I found it on ign
Fighting advisors armed only with crowbar.

I like it.
The epic final battle shall last five long days, and when the Advisors will all but win, everyone shall look to the west, where the Shephard appears and leads a horde of tamed zombies that smash into the Advisors, shooting rainbow rays as he flies on pink wings in the air, and when the ray hits an Advisor, it changes, grows pink and rans off to seek buttsex from other advisors, thus initiating a worldwide domino effect as gay advisors seek out each other for buttsex forfeiting everything else.

I'm just going to nod my head and pretend that was completely normal...
The epic final battle shall last five long days, and when the Advisors will all but win, everyone shall look to the west, where the Shephard appears and leads a horde of tamed zombies that smash into the Advisors, shooting rainbow rays as he flies on pink wings in the air, and when the ray hits an Advisor, it changes, grows pink and rans off to seek buttsex from other advisors, thus initiating a worldwide domino effect as gay advisors seek out each other for buttsex forfeiting everything else.

It was funny at first, you were going in the right direction. But then it started getting really gay, literally, too gay.. kinda like the end of a Will Ferrel movie.
I just sometimes masturbate to gay Combine advisor porn.
Grizzly just C-C-C-C-COMBO BROKE whatever serious discussion was going on in the thread.

That gives me the right to post this.

if i don't get a new gun or two (and i mean a real ****ing gun, not just some paper to the combine's rock) i might not play this one. at least not with out cheats so i wont have to look at the ugly as sin weapon skins from 4 years ago. I mean seriously, how many MP4s are there in the world?

A hunting rifle would be a nice addition, if we're in the forest.
An ice pick... i seem to remember this from the leaked beta.
Another SMG, or maybe even a carbine.
A rocket launcher replacement, cause seriously how many rockets could there possibly be from city 17 to the borealis.
Oh and a soviet pistol.

Also, Zombie Bears. I want some ****ing zombie bears.
How would I Zombie antlion be any different. A human is a human. A human infected by a headcrab is a crazy son of a bitch you runs at you and trys to kill you.

An antlion is a crazy son of a bitch who runs at you and trys to kill you. An antlion infected by a headcrab is a crazy son of a bitch who runs at you and trys to kill you. You know what I mean.

But maybe it will have an opposite effect on the antlions. Could we see Zombie hippy antlions trying to hump your leg, in an annoying distracting fashion?
new weapons (interesting and different), new enemies, better A.I., and new game play element. of the and SMG is a H&K MP7
I want Morgan Freeman. And zombie bears.

I want to watch Morgan Freeman wrestle a zombie bear.
I could really imagine a stunstick or icepick in episode 3, but then i could also imagine that VALVe would refuse to put in more melee weapons because of all the people who'll probably start bitching about the crowbar and whatnot.