Episode One Dated

No, they're not. There's just stupid people.
Wesisapie said:
guess what valve, nobody cares about your hl2 games anymore, or the outdated source engine. wow a short episode which took as long as a full game to create, maybe you can add in an extra player model in another year from now.

does anybody outside the diehard fanbase even care about hl2 single player? (they dont)

edit: just realised the title of this news post is ironic. "episode one dated"... yeah, its dated alright.
I want to touch your nose.
It's not the delay that has me just a little bit angry but the price.

Does anyone remember when someone from Valve suggested it would be $12.99 or $14.99? Now it's $19.99 with a pair of multiplayer games (one of which I already got for free) and the other I don't want at all.

I thought one of the advantages of Steam was that there could be multiple price points for those of us who don't necessarily want the full course meal content.

Sure $19.99 ain't a lot o' money at all but still I don't relish having to pay for HL2:DM.
Now , i'm not all that sure that people who already have hl2: dm will have to pay the full price.

We should just and wait and see ( i.e somone send an e-mail)
Tamer17 said:
Now , i'm not all that sure that people who already have hl2: dm will have to pay the full price.

We should just and wait and see ( i.e somone send an e-mail)

Right, it will be $19.99 for every REGUARDLESS of someone owning HL2 DM. Thats just an EXTRA.
It's not the delay that has me just a little bit angry but the price. Does anyone remember when someone from Valve suggested it would be $12.99 or $14.99? Now it's $19.99 with a pair of multiplayer games (one of which I already got for free) and the other I don't want at all.
$19.99 for the first episode. I'm betting there will be at least 3. That's $60 for the lot. Doesn't sound so good when you start mounting it up like that! all I can say is that we better get some lengthy content for our money. HL2 was way to short & clearly Episode 1 is not going to be anywhere near as long as that. If Episode one is really short it could be the first & last one I'm buying! I don't want to be dictated to by Steam no matter how good the games are. Episodic content is still something that I'm not entirely sold on. The potential is there both for an interesting new way of delivering content but also, unfortunately, for us to be taken for a ride!
i don't see why anyone is complaining, the writing is all over the wall from valve on their intentions to maximize profits, and, maximize profits. they want to grow, expand, that over every aspect of pc gaming they can, and prolly console. don't complain if they try to take a game, break it up into 3 pieces, then sell it to you with no package at all, for more money. and SERIOUSLY don't be suprised when steam becomes a monthly service fee like a cable channel once they get you all hooked on the "episodes"

I think these delays though, are showing severe weaknesses in source, especially for episodic. look at crysis, truly next gen, new engine, new game, already to be released prolly later this year, and all done in 2 years. source, hl2, took 6, and just an episode is taking forever and a freaking day.

good lord now time for certain staff to quote me and call me a troll, but im telling ya'll, this is jsut the beginning of people bitching. Its not gonna turn out like everyone fatasized
Yup your right, you are trolling and completly wrong on all counts.

Whya re you on a HL2 site if you are just going to troll and pull the "zomg valve and source sucks and i dont care and wont buy anything they do" card?
polyguns: you do all the work for me.

Come back when:

a) Crysis has been released (not this year - no Vista until 2007)

b) Crysis runs well on mid-range hardware (already failed on that score)

c) Crysis sells anything like as many copies as HL2

d) Crytek manage to release an SDK that is i) on time and ii) actually worth using
dogboy73 said:
$19.99 for the first episode. I'm betting there will be at least 3. That's $60 for the lot.
Er, so? That's 30 quid. That's your average game price.
Pi Mu Rho said:
polyguns: you do all the work for me.

Come back when:

a) Crysis has been released (not this year - no Vista until 2007)

b) Crysis runs well on mid-range hardware (already failed on that score)

c) Crysis sells anything like as many copies as HL2

d) Crytek manage to release an SDK that is i) on time and ii) actually worth using

Erm yeah but SOURCE ISNT NEXT GEN OLOLOOLOLOL! Just don't mention the fact that Crysis isnt out in the short term and won't run on anything but a high end beefy card.

OLOLOL Steamsux0rz and vulvix sux0rz dey r gonna charge mooonthly for stemiz!
i love mods and like seeing what they produce.

mods can educate you greatly on the process of game development in a way you will never find anywhere else. most game companies can't give you wip screens, or media at a level mods can. its cool to see what is comming out, and what ideas amateurs have thought of. I always come here to check any new mod news, then i get to reading, i get an opinion, post it, then the response is always an attack against me.

but theres reasons why i say this. well over a year ago, i remember an article or something, i think maybe even posted here, about the steam eula, and something about "monthly fees" which led ALOT of people, not me, i didn't discover this, to believe that that was the inevitable future. It makes alot of sense, if your providing bandwidth, upgrades, and most importantly, a dependency on your sole product to provide game content, might as well charge a monthly fee? right? look at cable tv, they provide episodic content, they proivide movies, such as video on demand, you pay for your cable connection, then pay extra for the movies.

thing about steam is when you start it your hooked on it forever unless you want to give up the value of your games. if you purchase darwinia over steam, you will always need steam to play it, if you want to play your game in 8 years, then your gonna have to deal with steam as it is in that current form. (im not sure as i didn't purchase nything off steam but im assuming you can't download it, and install it independently of steam).

wow, though, its sad. i made a post, every response was an attack on crysis or myself. nothing addressing the point that episodic content via source may not be a great idea cause nearly everything made with it was delayed, more then once. no one wants to deal with that, so just go after me :imu:
Because the points you make are crap and have been disproved time and time again relating to the Steam EULA.

Thank you don't come again.
I don't get why you emphasize "source" episodic" like the engine is an issue here. The long dev. time is to make the game better , gameplay wise. It's not an issue of the game engine and ep1 will be out in 3 months and the gfx of it will be amongst the pc has to offer.

Next Gen engines are exactly that , next. Source is here and now. When the time comes to "jump" to the next gen gfx , Valve will do that.

and btw , since when having "Next-Gen" engine says anything about the game? every future title that's announced supports wonderful graphics and because of that , those games won't be noted and succeed for their gfx level but for the gameplay that they present and what's makes it unique from all the other games out there.

Another thing , if we consider a minimal gameplay time for the episodes , we'll have 12 hour long experience for 60$ . Remind me how long ( or good , for that matter) was Black? Games got shorter but not necessarily better for higher prices and not only FPS's but RTS's and TPS's aswell.
polyguns said:
wow, though, its sad. i made a post, every response was an attack on crysis or myself.

Oh BOOOHOOO, you brought all this shit upon yourself with your past trolling about this forum, I'm suprised a mod hasn't banished you from this forum yet.
I wouldn't ban polyguns. He amuses me.
polyguns said:
look at crysis, truly next gen, new engine, new game,

We've seen a few screens, an interesting premise and a video. Wait a few moments whilst I get excited. What you say is so not relevant to anything your trying to argue its laughable.

Truly next gen? Is it? Is it really next gen? You've no idea - you've seen some screens and a vid. What about its gameplay, will that get as naff as Far crys was, ultimately? Will its story be as piss poor? Will it just be run and gun? What can Crytek offer, other than a very good engine that will qualify for next gen?

You've next to no idea. And so, I laugh at you Polyguns, because quite frankly your wrong on all counts.

I guess , if the game will be ready at that time , nothing will stop Valve releasing the game via Steam on may 31th.

The June date could be for the retail.
bbson_john said:
The hackers take our visa card number from the selling store or they directly get information in the course of data tansfering. No matter how many protections I have erected within my computer, it still does not help since the hackers are extremely skilled.
Funny thing is, that's just about the only point of the transfer where they CAN'T get at it. :p
Insano said:
He's the modern jester.
In a thread that made me want to pound my own head and the heads of others into a sturdy brick wall, this post brought me was a ray of sunshine in a rolling storm of incomprehensibly brain-dead lunacy. Thank you.

As for June 30th? Mildly irritating, but I'm finding it awfully hard to care. For pity's sake - it comes out when it comes out and in the mean time stop bitching about something you:
a) don't have an insight into the inner workingsof.
b) haven't seen the full extent and quality of.
c) can't really compare to another game, seeing as neither are out nor fully revealed yet.
d) can't change, yet can't seem to get over.
I mean, honestly... Valve miss a deadline. So what? Move on, for God's sake; it's really not that important.
As someone (whose name I have unfortunately forgottern) said when Valve infamously missed 30th September '03:

"You make it sound like Valve is your abusive uncle who touched you in the shower."
-smash- said:
EA now says June 30th is Episode One's release... So, let the confusion fester!

Yay! A couple of pages back I had edged my bets on a July release. It just needs to slip a couple more days & I'm in the money! The odds are in my favour because half the people on here have faith Valve will deliver on time! Have they learnt nothing?! Get your wallets out! :) Erm, I might even have a fiver on an August release ............ but it doesn't matter because we're all as patient as saints on here & it will be so damn good we won't care when it comes out or how many times Valve put the date back! Go Valve, Your the best ;-)
dogboy73 said:
Yay! A couple of pages back I had edged my bets on a July release. It just needs to slip a couple more days & I'm in the money! The odds are in my favour because half the people on here have faith Valve will deliver on time! Have they learnt nothing?! Get your wallets out! :) Erm, I might even have a fiver on an August release ............ but it doesn't matter because we're all as patient as saints on here & it will be so damn good we won't care when it comes out or how many times Valve put the date back! Go Valve, Your the best ;-)

that last line will save your life sometimes ;)

i think everyone would be disapointed if they made a release date. its kinda a running bunch of fun nowadays

funny quote i read elsewhere

"The various stages of Valve's issues with release dates:

Optimism - "September 30th, all the way!"
Denial - "October!", "Late November!", "Holiday!"....
Further Denial - "February", "April", "Summer", "Fall"
Recluse - "No comment."
Acceptance - "we have trouble with release dates"
Minimalizing & Denial - "We’ve learned that, once again, we’re better at making quality than trying to keep to a schedule. (laughs)"

A few months or so ago was the acceptance stage, and now they are just minimizing it (laughing) and in denial that it is a major issue.

I just learned of the latest stage from that interview."

now its time for pi mu to pop a hemroid
You act like I deny that Valve miss release dates, which I obviously don't. The difference between you and me is - I just don't care. When the game is released, I'll get it and play it - it's not like I'm building my life around specific release dates.
Pi Mu Rho said:
The difference between you and me is - I just don't care. When the game is released, I'll get it and play it - it's not like I'm building my life around specific release dates.
Good for you. Same here. Hell, Lets just tell them to hold it for Xmas & keep working on it. Then it will be REALLY good! Gauranteed. Because the longer it takes, the better it will be! Though hopefully the longer it takes, the longer it will be as well! It may only be $20 but I expect a game out of that all the same!
The other difference is, come each delay we don't pop hemroids regarding Valve, and play the game of jump on the bandwagon and flame Valve to holy hell and back and we don't take the chance to show how every other game and company is better than Valve.
Valve was right, they are horrible at keeping a schedual. Still, it ought to be good when it comes out.
polyguns said:
I think these delays though, are showing severe weaknesses in source, especially for episodic. look at crysis, truly next gen, new engine, new game, already to be released prolly later this year, and all done in 2 years. source, hl2, took 6, and just an episode is taking forever and a freaking day.

It'll be released January 2007 at the soonest. Crysis requires DirectX 10, which requires Windows Vista, which hits mainstream in January at the earliest.
I'm still curious as to why Valve haven't adopted the "When it's done" approach. They almost look incomptent giving release dates.
wormstrangler said:
I'm still curious as to why Valve haven't adopted the "When it's done" approach. They almost look incomptent giving release dates.
They don't want to look like 3D Realms for whom 'when it's done' means never! Not wanting to have a pop at anyone on here, but there are still fanboys over on the 3D Realms forum who are patiently awaiting the day DNF will apear!! This was posted only yesterday (Tue 28 April 2006);

Aftermath costs $19.99 in US, rather expensive. However, I have found that the initial package of HL2, which I have brought in Hong Kong, was a bit cheaper than the one in USA, which has it's price displayed in steam. Is the price difference has something to do with the difference of taxation between HK and US? If no, how could it be happened? Will the price of Aftermath in HK be lower than the one in US as well? Can anyone explain it to me, an economic-ignorant kid?

p.s. How do you pronounce the word "ignorant"? Does the "n" sound turn into "d"? Or is it simply a mistake in Yahoo dictionary?