Episode One Dated

Wesisapie said:
guess what valve, nobody cares about your hl2 games anymore, or the outdated source engine. wow a short episode which took as long as a full game to create, maybe you can add in an extra player model in another year from now.

does anybody outside the diehard fanbase even care about hl2 single player? (they dont)

edit: just realised the title of this news post is ironic. "episode one dated"... yeah, its dated alright.

Hey guess what, you are successful at being a troll, now get a life. :|

Oh and you suck at trolling.
I would've thought that Valve's lenthy development process would be forgiven nowadays because they tend to end up with great games at the end of it.
Samon said:
Yawn. Speak for yourself, theres a great deal of people who do care.

I think the troll needs to go.
Wesisapie said:
guess what valve, nobody cares about your hl2 games anymore, or the outdated source engine. wow a short episode which took as long as a full game to create, maybe you can add in an extra player model in another year from now.

does anybody outside the diehard fanbase even care about hl2 single player? (they dont)

edit: just realised the title of this news post is ironic. "episode one dated"... yeah, its dated alright.
Nobody is forcing you to stay.

Wesisapie said:
guess what valve, nobody cares about your hl2 games anymore, or the outdated source engine. wow a short episode which took as long as a full game to create, maybe you can add in an extra player model in another year from now.

Your not wanted.
Much as I hate delays I trust Valve. Episode 1 is looking stunning and I find myself looking forward to it more with every new bit of info.

Valve my shiny new laptop is ready, when its released i'll get it.
Well, and here I was, toward the end of March and I suddenly find myself thinking "Wow, Afterma- er, Episode 1 should be out soon. I wonder if there's any news yet." And here we go.

But you know what? I don't care. When the game is done it's done, and once it's out I'll be all over it like stink on rice and so will 90% of us on these forums. Delayed? Whoop-dee-****ing-doo. Welcome to the world of modern game delevopment. It's not just Valve, it's everyone these days. Unfortunate, but it's true.
I dont really care that it got delayed. Doesnt surprise me in the least. What does worry me is that he said it took him about 7 hours to beat it. Whenever they say that, it usually ends up being about half that time. Hopefully we dont pay 20 bucks for 3 hrs of game.
it's alright i think i can wait a month later although this has really ruined my plan i was hoping to play it though the easter holidays.
Krynn72 said:
I dont really care that it got delayed. Doesnt surprise me in the least. What does worry me is that he said it took him about 7 hours to beat it. Whenever they say that, it usually ends up being about half that time. Hopefully we dont pay 20 bucks for 3 hrs of game.
How long did HL2 take you then?

It scales ... half the price for half the length.
Krynn72 said:
I dont really care that it got delayed. Doesnt surprise me in the least. What does worry me is that he said it took him about 7 hours to beat it. Whenever they say that, it usually ends up being about half that time. Hopefully we dont pay 20 bucks for 3 hrs of game.

Mmmm, Gabe is a gamer. I think his time estimates are close to what the average will be.

Don't rush through the game just to beat it; Enjoy its emersion. :)
It was Gabe's dad who beat hl2 in 40 hrs or something , not Gabe himself. if it is what you ment when they talked about hl2 lenght.

and BTW , this "small" and "short" episode is gonna show all the fps devs out there how to make quality games. I truely think Ep1 and the rest is going to put to shame all those "big" and "full" games.
Meh, £10ish a 'sode. It better be good.

EDIT: After reading a thread in General area, 4 episodes @ around £10 is actually good. Loads of hours for a price of a full game, well it is more than a full game... I was expecting alot more episodes, which would of put me off to spend more than £50 or so on them.
I fully expected the delay. But if the game is better off waiting another month to deliver a top notch episode, I am all for it.
Wesisapie said:
does anybody outside the diehard fanbase even care about hl2 single player? (they dont)

I read many gaming forums, 10 + and i haven't seen 1 post on episode 1s release date.

I was diehard once. I followed half-life2 right through to release, i do not give a flying fubar about episode 1. Why? I should be excited about this, i loved half-life 2. I think i'm sick of computer games.

Screw you people i'm going to get a girlfriend and a life, the shit just ain't worth it anymore.


No seriously..maybe i'll go and ...mow the lawn.
This also gives me time to upgrade so I can play through it in a good enough looking way. I did HL2 in its lowest settings and still found it brilliant, mind, but I want to go through this in the best form (or close) I can get.
I dont really mind although I thought Valve had learnt their lesson in regards to putting out release dates they cant meet after the HL2 fiasco. I do think they should keep their mouths quiet. Like yeah yeah delays happen, but perhaps it would be better to keep all this stuff internal instead of taking the fan base on a PR trip. Delays are acceptable, but noone forced them to release any dates at all. Wasnt it originally slated for Nov/Dec? Been a while now for what isnt supposed to be a lengthy title.

Hopefully it will mean we dont have to wait long for ep2.

One thing I would like to add but. The entire point of episodic content was that the companies could release games in a shorter period of time. with this game been delayed 6 - 7 months now plus the development it had already gone through, it does add a question mark as to how valid the claims are that content will get delivered faster. Both HL and Sin have been delayed now. Hopefully both companies will learn and can refine how they go about this since it's a new process. I guess the real issue with episodic content that wasnt really touted alot is that you simply cant just make the 1st episoide and release it, you have to plan out every episode in advance or the continuity will suffer. Considering the deisgn and planning is like 75% of any development time, getting the initial episode or two out the door will still be a drawn out process as you need to know how the later episodes will work otherwise you run the risk of taking the game in a direction that is wrong in the long run.
Smigit said:
I dont really mind although I thought Valve had learnt their lesson in regards to putting out release dates they cant meet after the HL2 fiasco. I do think they should keep their mouths quiet. Like yeah yeah delays happen, but perhaps it would be better to keep all this stuff internal instead of taking the fan base on a PR trip. Delays are acceptable, but noone forced them to release any dates at all. Wasnt it originally slated for Nov/Dec? Been a while now for what isnt supposed to be a lengthy title.

Hopefully it will mean we dont have to wait long for ep2.

One thing I would like to add but. The entire point of episodic content was that the companies could release games in a shorter period of time. with this game been delayed 6 - 7 months now plus the development it had already gone through, it does add a question mark as to how valid the claims are that content will get delivered faster. Both HL and Sin have been delayed now. Hopefully both companies will learn and can refine how they go about this since it's a new process. I guess the real issue with episodic content that wasnt really touted alot is that you simply cant just make the 1st episoide and release it, you have to plan out every episode in advance or the continuity will suffer. Considering the deisgn and planning is like 75% of any development time, getting the initial episode or two out the door will still be a drawn out process as you need to know how the later episodes will work otherwise you run the risk of taking the game in a direction that is wrong in the long run.

With the delay of both SiN & Aftermath (now both slated for May), I believe both companies are waiting for possibly a huge Steam upgrade that is supposed to be released within these 2 months.
Don't you think Valve is funny? Halfilife is delayed, Halflife2 is delayed, Sin is delayed, and now Aftermath is delayed! Every Valve product delayed.
Nevertheless, DON'T PUSH VALVE TOO HARD. Maybe Valve really wants to add something more into the Aftermath, like the length (seeing so many forum complain about the short gameplay of Aftermath, Valve might want to actually do something), variety of enemy and puzzle or even some modification in term of the storyline. I expect Aftermath should include more unexpected elements, or even some profound breakthroughs. Lastly, pushing too hard on Valve will only cause negative effect. What they need is really time to improve the quality of the game.

What I dislike is the way they sell the game! I never buy things with credit card, let alone buying games with credit card ON-LINE. Hacker can easily grab and credit card number and.... So, I don't buy things on-line. On-line is not trustworthy! Please, Valve sell it in retail store!!!!

They are selling it retail.
Smigit said:
One thing I would like to add but. The entire point of episodic content was that the companies could release games in a shorter period of time. with this game been delayed 6 - 7 months now plus the development it had already gone through, it does add a question mark as to how valid the claims are that content will get delivered faster.
So you don't consider 6-7 months to be faster than 6 years? Call EA, tell them they can hold back on the Fifa for a while!
Pi Mu Rho said:
They are selling it retail.
Ya? I have never heard of them. They won't sell it in retail immediately after the aftermath is out, that's my version. Will it be sold in retail store aoon after aftermath is out, or it will be sell in a fell set of expansion packs after all expansion packs are out(which I cannot wait for it)?
bbson_john said:
Ya? I have never heard of them. They won't sell it in retail immediately after the aftermath is out, that's my version. Will it be sold in retail store aoon after aftermath is out, or it will be sell in a fell set of expansion packs after all expansion packs are out(which I cannot wait for it)?
"Lombardi: $19.95 is the price point, and it’ll be at both retail and on Steam on May 31st."

Reading the article might help....
ríomhaire said:
So you don't consider 6-7 months to be faster than 6 years? Call EA, tell them they can hold back on the Fifa for a while!
How many games take 6 years? That was to build a new 3D engine...they dont need to do that with HL2:EP 1 and the Steam platform is more mature now. Add to that a years delay with HL2 and the fact this is an expansion pack that is meant to be 1/3 the length of HL2 and thats what I'm referring too. It hasnt been in development for 6months... It was slated for release 6 months ago. It's likely been in development for closer to a year.

Like I said I dont mind, but it hasnt been the speedy process that we were initially made out to believe it would be. All I was saying initially was that I believe that episodic content may not get games out initially as fast as some think. You still need to plan pretty much all the episodes in advance otherwise it wont work and that adds time.

I never said it wasnt a quicker process than making a new game with a new engine. But we were told they could churn these things out fast which so far hasn't been the case.
AAA titles take about 12-24months to develop at the moment, I would say 7 months is faster.
bbson_john said:
Ya? I have never heard of them. They won't sell it in retail immediately after the aftermath is out, that's my version. Will it be sold in retail store aoon after aftermath is out, or it will be sell in a fell set of expansion packs after all expansion packs are out(which I cannot wait for it)?

Sigh you cannot read interviews, can you? :rolleyes:
What I dislike is the way they sell the game! I never buy things with credit card, let alone buying games with credit card ON-LINE. Hacker can easily grab and credit card number and.... So, I don't buy things on-line. On-line is not trustworthy! Please, Valve sell it in retail store!!!!
Only if you don't maintain your computer very well.
When the april 24th date was said , Lombardi told that this isn't set in stone so here you go. Besides , it's neat that they can laugh at themselves on this subject.

Obviously the developing of the first 2 eps together is so they can release them faster in between , though I doubt ep2 will come 3-4 months after the first.
The most frustrating thing about Valve's delay dates is that they always dish them out when the original date release is just around the corner! Didn't we find out about the 6 month (which became a year) HL2 delay a fortnight before it was scheduled for release?

May 31st has not been made official by Valve. But if the date wasn't the case wouldn't they be quick to rectify the news? May 31st? Erm. I'll believe it when I see it! there's still a couple of months for Valve to give out another delay notification. Place your bets for at least July!
ríomhaire said:
So you don't consider 6-7 months to be faster than 6 years? Call EA, tell them they can hold back on the Fifa for a while!

man, fifa is great, but that comment was kinda wacked. 6 years included concept, engine building. nah, dood is right, episodic is a nice idea, but not on source, its just too damn tricky or something cause every source game seems to get a big ol fat delay. but then again it could jsut be valve and their expectation that noone release episodic before them so they can get in the history books.
polyguns said:
but then again it could jsut be valve and their expectation that noone release episodic before them so they can get in the history books.

Yes I'm...sure thats their intention...:rolleyes:
Solaris said:
Only if you don't maintain your computer very well.
The hackers take our visa card number from the selling store or they directly get information in the course of data tansfering. No matter how many protections I have erected within my computer, it still does not help since the hackers are extremely skilled.