Episode One Still Dated May 31st

bbson_john said:
By the way, what is "tuning the experience"?

That's code for
"Making the game shorter by removing material that isn't already done" so that they can meet their end of May release date.
Crysis is next gen. Plot, gameplay etc. are a more pervasive problem throughout the whole gaming industry. Games just seem incapable of not producing lame plots. It's the reason the only games I still buy are Valve's.
damn, you must play the same game over and over and over.

there are some great console games you could try. RE4 had teh cool story, God of war wa supposedly good. Kong was a good story, but i already knew it, only 6 hours of gameplay.

and zelda usually rocks, im sure the next one will be the best ever.

I think stories in games will get better as tools progress to allow more creative people easier access to creating the content. if you had tools that would allow a director to instantly come in and set up angles etc, without having to spend much time on learning the tools, it would be absolutly great. I mean imagine voice actors being able to get the game content and design their characters personalities through body language, voice acting, facial expression, being the puppeteer for hte character. tools solve problems
polyguns said:
there are some great console games you could try. RE4 had teh cool story

Good god you don't aim your sights very high. RE4 had an atrocious story. It was goddamn terrible. The dialouge, the characters - cliched and very, very grating. The gameplay more than made up for it though, but not to the point that you couldn't get through the game without thinking "Jesus, will they ever change the colour palatte?" or "This story sucks." So to speak.
the little midget boy was awsome though, umm, salazar? was that it? then sadler was the last one right?

i disagree, its not a realistic story, more like a cartoon, but was very interesting to watch. LEON shouted over and over by the chick got a bit old

what in youropinion would be some examples of games with good stories? other then zelda ;)
Hostile Waters, Deus Ex games, Operation Flashpoint, Thief games, Planescape: Torment, Syphon Filter (it was good enough for 24 to rip it off wholesale :p), Metal Gear Solid 1, Far Cry in a B-movie kinda way, all the GTA games.
AgentXen said:
That's code for
"Making the game shorter by removing material that isn't already done" so that they can meet their end of May release date.
So Valve, please don't tun the experience!!!!!
"Games just seem incapable of not producing lame plots. It's the reason the only games I still buy are Valve's."

waaaaaait a second, you raz on game stories, then you decide to put up Valve's "stories" on a pedestal? That just doesn't work! Valve's idea of a story is.. TO NOT EVEN HAVE ONE. Valve's games are atmospheric, sure, but they do not, in any way of the imagination, have a good storyline. A whole massive chunk of it is left up to interpretation, or is just so shallowly developed, you just won't care.

Anywho, games with good stories: Xenogears, Xenosaga Episode 1, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Lunar: The Silver Star Story, Lunar 2: Eternal Blue, Eternal Darkness, the legacy of Kain series, Jak 2, Jak 3, I'd say it's a bit cliched, but I rather enjoyed the stories of the Halo games (Now, gameplay wise, that's a, uh.. different story!), Killer7, hmmm.. heck, even RE4's Actiony cliched storyline trumps Half-Life 2's.
Er, no, it doesn't.

Just because you have to work out the story for yourself, piecing together bits and bobs to discover what's going on, it doesn't mean it's a bad/nonexistent story.

(Forgot Halo. Good plot.)

Also, MGS2 had an okay story. It was just very badly told. :p
EDIT: Hell, who am I kidding. MGS2 had an incredibly lacklustre story.
Sulkdodds said:
Er, no, it doesn't.

Just because you have to work out the story for yourself, piecing together bits and bobs to discover what's going on, it doesn't mean it's a bad/nonexistent story.
Yeah, I liked that HL2 didn't spoonfeed it to you. There were times when elements should/could have been better told/explained, but overall it was well done. No other games have done story-telling like that before (to my mind), and it shows where games strike out where other media can't.
A film could never work like that, because you don't have the potential to move around and find little clues, etc.
We seem to be having a bit of a troll infestation. Someone call Anti-pesto!
Samon said:
Welcome to a world where community input matters. A world where we are free, and should be free criticize things we do not like. If something is shit, then I'm going to tell them: It's shit. Its how things develop and get better. Can't accept it? Don't mod.

And I'd like to say that I find your constant mentioning of smash unnecessary. There is absolutely nothing wrong with smash's post. Nothing. Ermacs post was stupid, and truly idiotic. Ermac was an idiot, and now he's banned for being an idiot. Now everytime you mention smash, you can mention me.

You can criticize Valve all you like. You can criticize this site as much as you like. Its all you've ever done. You have come, and you've trolled. We aren't fanboys, we don't mind people having a go at Valve - I don't mind at all. Why should we? But when you barely string a sentence together, when your complaints are so downright stupid and the way you phrase everything is so damnright insulting - then it gets ridiculous, and people get annoyed, and then you claim persecution and list a great deal of things that are better. I mean, according to you Crysis is, and I quote, "Truly next gen."

Really? Because you've seen it in action? Its gameplay? Its story? Is that next gen? You haven't. And therefore you argument is obsolete. Nobody cares Polyguns, what you think. Why? Because you don't voice it appropriately and that pisses people off, like me.

One of these days you will be banned. Not because you spam, or shouldn't have an opinion. But because your a troll, and you've made it your goal on this forum to slander the site and Valve, steam, Hl2 - everything. And people have had enough. People have been getting away with things on this site for a good long while now, and its going to stop right now. Ermac marks the beginning. People are going to learn how to speak properly and how to treat people. You will not troll. You will not spam. And you will not flame.

If you step out of line, you are going to be banned. You get two chances. Your banned once, then if you step over the line again - your gone.

Zooomj, you're secretly me with mod powers.

-Angry Lawyer
potatojenkins said:
waaaaaait a second, you raz on game stories, then you decide to put up Valve's "stories" on a pedestal? That just doesn't work! Valve's idea of a story is.. TO NOT EVEN HAVE ONE. Valve's games are atmospheric, sure, but they do not, in any way of the imagination, have a good storyline. A whole massive chunk of it is left up to interpretation, or is just so shallowly developed, you just won't care.

In every possible way, wrong, as far as I'm concerned.

polyguns said:
what in youropinion would be some examples of games with good stories? other then zelda ;)

Well, its in my opinion that Half-life 2 (or the hl series as a whole) has the most superb plot ever to wind its way into a videogame. No spoon feeding, no cliched crap - an actual storyline that involves you in the narrative. The game doesn't stop and pause for you, your actually in there being swept along with the events unravelling around you, with the most in depth characters you'll ever come across. Other than that, I'd say:

Deus ex, MGS series, GTA games, Condemned, KOTOR 1/2, Halo, Syphon filter 1/2/3, Tribes V...quite a few others as well.
its hard for me to punp hl2's story, i had a horrible incident where i got to the end, had a video bug, and the only thing i saw after launching the orbes into that machine was a texture map of that dr that talks on the monitors all the time, and static. horrible way to end it :(

i did replay later, and it worked

whatever video game that may have a good story, will prompt uwe boll to take it and basterdize it. even if it has a bad story, he could make it worse
potatojenkins said:
"Games just seem incapable of not producing lame plots. It's the reason the only games I still buy are Valve's."

waaaaaait a second, you raz on game stories, then you decide to put up Valve's "stories" on a pedestal? That just doesn't work! Valve's idea of a story is.. TO NOT EVEN HAVE ONE. Valve's games are atmospheric, sure, but they do not, in any way of the imagination, have a good storyline. A whole massive chunk of it is left up to interpretation, or is just so shallowly developed, you just won't care.

Anywho, games with good stories: Xenogears, Xenosaga Episode 1, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2, Metal Gear Solid 3, Lunar: The Silver Star Story, Lunar 2: Eternal Blue, Eternal Darkness, the legacy of Kain series, Jak 2, Jak 3, I'd say it's a bit cliched, but I rather enjoyed the stories of the Halo games (Now, gameplay wise, that's a, uh.. different story!), Killer7, hmmm.. heck, even RE4's Actiony cliched storyline trumps Half-Life 2's.
Looks at films, ones that are declared to have an excelent plot usualy don't have everything raped up. Debating HL's story has been almost as fun as playing the game, and plus, the series isn't even finished yet. You don't learn the full plot of a series in the first film/book, it simply makes it uninteresting.

potatojenkins said:
whatever video game that may have a good story, will prompt uwe boll to take it and basterdize it. even if it has a bad story, he could make it worse
I doubt Valve would ever hand over HL to Owe Boll (though they did to Gearbox :p)

And please use quote tags, it would make your posts much easier to read.
THE STORYLINE WAS OK, JUST A CRAPTASTIC ENDING. I KNOW ITS A STOoopos sorry for caps. I know its a part of the whole, but the ending was terribly anti climactic. killing a buncha combine on a ramp to throw orbs into an energy field as fast as you can? look at star wars ep 2. Crappy movie, and part of a series, but in the end you got to see something awsome as hell like yoda doing a lightsabre battle. if aftermath would do somthing outstanding for the ending, and not just leave us hanging, but have a clear resolution , It could be good. A battle scene of epic scale, maybe a main character dying like barny (please hold the flames). An Episode of Lost can handle just a cliffhanger ending, but they show previews for the next week and the next ep is only a week away, as opposed to 8 mo to a year.

ohhh, wouldn't it be cool if at the end of aftermath there was a trailer for the next part? maybe they thought of that and thats what the delay is about?

damn ive posted like 30 times in this thread. get some new news up :p
Ending was perfect, to me. Brilliant climax - climbing up a reactor spire with Breen hurling some of the most awesome lines ever written for a videogame at you. Whilst easy, it was fun.
Plus, the portal opening and the view of City 17 - awesome.
Amazon are incorrect. The release date changed only recently, so I doubt they've caught on.
Actually, I used to look to Amazon for release dates. I learnt my lesson :O)
I think a rule should be, don't put out dates unless your game is GOLD. Thus would end mass confusion on everything.
I say Half Life 2 has one of the best plots because they don't spoon feed it to you, as Samon has said. I'm sick and tired of being tread like a complete and total nincompoop. I just watched Lord of War the other day and it drove me nuts! :frown: It's a thinly vieled political message, and if you didn't get the message, don't worry; they'll spell the damned thing out for you. :| Half Life 2 assumes I know my ass from my head, and I love it all the more for it. Also, the damn cliches. Like the whole scantily clad, gunwielding, female cohort who usually ends up becoming a burden. Far Cry anyone? Valve is teh god for adding in an ally that doesn't appeal so much to horny 14 year olds. Well, not that much, anyway. There's probably other reasons, but I can't be assed to write them out or remember them.
I deem that Valve should not give a precise data unless Valve has COMPLETELY finished the game. If valve did not give us the data, it's fine for me. However, Valve gave us a data, then the game delayed time and time again. As a result, we'd just disappointed everytime. Also giving a data is not good for Valve itself either since the game makers have to push themselves harder in order to finish the game in time. It will, certainly, directly affect the quality of the game, Aftermath.

Another point is that, HL2 is a bit, say, making me disappointed. I know that you will surely agree, there is no various textures and models in HL2. Let me make a concrete example, you can see the green shelf with four iron supports in every where in the game, like you can see the shelf in Nova Prospekt, in flat in City 17 and even in some houses in Highway 17. The corpses are the same, there is only two model. As well as the bottle, glass, sofa, washer, furnitures, trash on ground, etc. You can see the same model all over the game. Yet, in reality, you can see there are different things in different areas and they can pretty much show the local features, unlike HL2 in which everywhere is identical. I urge Valve should spend more time on making the details of the game, rather then trying to release the game as fast as they can.

Last but not least, I don't understand why the Zombies are dressing in write shirt when all other citizens are dressing in green. Is there any theory or it is simply a mistake?
Check the Steam Update News, talk of preloading means it is indeed close. If it wasn't they wouldn't announce anything about it.
bbson_john said:
I urge Valve should spend more time on making the details of the game, rather then trying to release the game as fast as they can.

I loled. I've yet to find a game without as much attention to detail.
bbson_john said:
Another point is that, HL2 is a bit, say, making me disappointed. I know that you will surely agree, there is no various textures and models in HL2. Let me make a concrete example, you can see the green shelf with four iron supports in every where in the game, like you can see the shelf in Nova Prospekt, in flat in City 17 and even in some houses in Highway 17. The corpses are the same, there is only two model. As well as the bottle, glass, sofa, washer, furnitures, trash on ground, etc. You can see the same model all over the game. Yet, in reality, you can see there are different things in different areas and they can pretty much show the local features, unlike HL2 in which everywhere is identical. I urge Valve should spend more time on making the details of the game, rather then trying to release the game as fast as they can.
It's a game. You try building a game where every prop is unique. :|

Also, in oppressive dictatorships, all goods are built by one company. Look up totalitarianism. It means total, centralised economic control. In Soviet Russia everybody ate the same brand of food, drank the same brand of beer, wore the same brand of clothes, drove the same brand of car, used the same brand of washer, same brand of shelves, same brand of everything. There was only one and it was forced upon the populace, and if there was more than one, it was only to present the people with a choice. So it's actually plausible as well!
If you really want more detail, go download Fakefactory's mod.

I don't think Valve should have skinned about 5 different versions of one prop, but I DO think there should be different skins for the NPC's.

Zombies: I want to see about 3 different kinds here. One with a white clothing, one with the blue clothing(With different wounds on the body) And then one that looks different...I don't know. This model may have a headcrab that isn't on straight or...is missing an arm or something.

Citizens-They can all keep the blue suits, but I want more skins for the suits themselves. I want some of them to have a stain on the front, or maybe one part is ripped.

Barney: Why is Barney wearing a metrocop suit during the rebellion? Those suits are weak. He should have some sort of body armor instead.

These skins are NOT very hard to make, and would take little time. I would love to see this kind of thing in future installments.
Why Zombie is dressing in white? Till now, I didn't find a citzen dressing in white, anyway.
bbson_john said:
Why Zombie is dressing in white? Till now, I didn't find a citzen dressing in white, anyway.
bbson_john said:
Another point is that, HL2 is a bit, say, making me disappointed. I know that you will surely agree, there is no various textures and models in HL2. Let me make a concrete example, you can see the green shelf with four iron supports in every where in the game, like you can see the shelf in Nova Prospekt, in flat in City 17 and even in some houses in Highway 17. The corpses are the same, there is only two model. As well as the bottle, glass, sofa, washer, furnitures, trash on ground, etc. You can see the same model all over the game. Yet, in reality, you can see there are different things in different areas and they can pretty much show the local features, unlike HL2 in which everywhere is identical. I urge Valve should spend more time on making the details of the game, rather then trying to release the game as fast as they can.
I agree, but only with NPC variation. I was never really bothered by the seeing the same table. I go with what Sulkdodds said about mass produced products.

I could have gone with some more facial skins for the citizens (maybe double?) and a few alternate models for the zombies. But perhaps I "connected" too much with my squad.