Episode One Trailer


Jan 15, 2004
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I know it’s crazy, but there are a lot of people out there who’re still lumbered with low-bandwidth internet connections. While 27mb of video footage might seem a relatively small download to you and me, some people will have to sit rigid at their computers, watching that small download bar inch further and further to the far right of their PC monitor before they can watch the brand new Half-Life 2: Episode One trailer. So, while you all download the trailer from Valve’s newly unveiled Episode One website, I’m going to describe the events of the clip to all those poor souls unfortunate enough to be stuck on the cobbled old path that is 56k. Anyone who’s connection is currently being sucked up by a million torrent downloads can read along too. [br] [br] Argh! You cover your eyes defensively as R2-D2’s deep-voiced older brother attacks you with a strange metal spatula. Oh, wait, it’s just a dog. But there’s no time to play fetch now, as Samuel L. Jackson kicks in and screams “where’s that crazy motherlover alex, fool?” His question is answered by an anorexic corpse in a trench coat; Alyx pulls the words out of your mouth. “Stalkers!” But as you both make a dash to the local police department, the sky starts raining concrete blocks. Then the trailer skips a bit forward – I think they must have cut out some bad language or something – because we’re suddenly flying through the insides of an alien toaster in a modified flying car. “Don’t worry”, she says, as Alyx is ripped to death by savage antlions. And zombies. But lo and behold! She has legs! Alyx saves the day by karate kicking all the bad guys, which spontaneously makes a bridge explode. Then Valve just stuck in some War of the World footage, followed by the message “buy our game!” [br] [br] Okay, so maybe I’m not that good at translating crazy action-packed trailers. Maybe all of you 56kers should just bite the bullet and download it yourselves. Here’s a link – click the banner!
I've seen this before, but this is higher quality.
Edit: omgomgomgnewfootage!
suicide42 said:
Alyx saves the day by karate kicking all the bad guys, which spontaneously makes a bridge explode.

Officially megapsyked!

Ah, who needs the video when Suicide can summarise all the visuals in perfectly compact textual format? THE MEDIA IS DEFUNCT!
In Half-Life, the G-Man made you. In Half-Life 2, he used you to defeat Dr. Breen and start the Resistance. In Episode One, he's lost control.

Very interesting... G-Man losing control? Also, that trailer was pretty ****ing great.

[edit]: Also, reading the "story" on the website reveals some interesting tidbits of information...
When she says "Look out" does anyone think the thing thats falling looks really shit quality?
SimonomiS said:
When she says "Look out" does anyone think the thing thats falling looks really shit quality?
Agree. A piece of a building hits the ground, no one escapes, the ground is probably untouched. Yeah.
Man, it took 51 seconds for me to download this. 51 SECONDS.


Uh... it looks fantastic to me. Besides, it's hard to tell what's happening as after the chunk of what looks to be the citadel falls the camera pans back to Alyx.
The crotch of my pants just got a whole lot tighter after watching that.
SimonomiS said:
When she says "Look out" does anyone think the thing thats falling looks really shit quality?

Thats what I thought too. "Gordon's heroics catch the attention of a sinister interdimensional bureaucrat." Who woulda thought the G-MAN was a sinister alien? :O Flies off to the rumour board... *Edit: wow they have the US PCGamer pics in the media section with an Alyx and G-MAN wallpaper! G_MAN wallpaper is cool.
The Hulk said:
Man, it took 51 seconds for me to download this. 51 SECONDS.

I know, it's outrageous. 51 seconds of agonising boredom as you wait, rigid with anticipation, for the download percentage to reach it's climax. And you don't even have 56k...
Holy **** that looks awesome. I'd totally buy this if I had the money.
Awesome trailer. But, did anyone else find the "Available June 1, 2006" and then the G-man's following "we'll see about that" comment to be slightly ominous?
Suicide42 said:
I know, it's outrageous. 51 seconds of agonising boredom as you wait, rigid with anticipation, for the download percentage to reach it's climax. And you don't even have 56k...

That's what I mean. I've got to blame someone... someone not here... VALVE! How dare you give us the awesome, sweet, juicy media when you know we'll just download it!
Praetorius said:
The "we'll see about that" is not the G-Man's voice...

If I recall correctly, Valve confirmed that it was G-man's voice a while back in an interview.
In a interview, one of the last questions asked was if that was the G-man... It is.
Oh man..i've resisted all info about aftermath ever since I watched the first trailer...I don't even want to read any speculation threads n stuff, and I didn't read anything in this thread...

Anyone think I shouldn't worry about it and just read these aftermath threads so I can see why the plot so amazing? Or should I continue to wait and find out when I play the game?
Jesus ****ing christ! Did anyone think the whole rollercoaster thing a ma jig looked absolutely kickass? Can't wait for it :D
When Alyx opens those doors, Just before the Strider carrieing Dropship look inside them, The Blue thing is the Hydra...
Useful Dave said:
When Alyx opens those doors, Just before the Strider carrieing Dropship look inside them, The Blue thing is the Hydra...

Hmm... I don't think so...
loadqm said:
It looks like a big blue bubble with something inside it to me...
Looked like Breen's stasis bubble when he was rising to the top of the reactor but with a blue energy coming from it. Maybe something coming in from another dimension? Maybe a Combine Advisor? D:
Greatgat said:
Looked like Breen's stasis bubble when he was rising to the top of the reactor but with a blue energy coming from it. Maybe something coming in from another dimension? Maybe a Combine Advisor? D:

no i was look at the trailer a few 100 times it's some kind of combine troop, maybe really to come out of the other side