EVE-Online coming to Steam!


Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score


Does anyone play this game? I know a lot think it's a boring game but that opinion usually comes from an audience lower then age of 20. It's a very complex game with pvp anywhere. It takes atleast 4-6 months to master.

Anyways for new people here are some features.



# 50,000 People on one server
# Massively multiplayer
# Epic 5,000 solar system persistent single universe
# Dynamic player controlled economy
# Exclusive offline skill advancement
# Unmatched versatility in game play
# Free expansions and game enhancements included with subscription

my ingame name is noisexbleed, send me a msg!
I've taken a vow of celibacy; or should I say vow to not play MMORPGs.

The features I'm usually "interested" in are . . .
  • Grinding
  • 1-dimensional class-based PVP, over-balanced (restrictive) gameplay.
  • monthly subscription payments
  • my ultimate need for a third job.
  • Grinding more
  • After enough end-game, you realize your character is really no different from anyone else's.
  • Game intentionally structured to be as addictive and time-consuming as possible.
  • Did I mention grinding?
  • Raids, Guilds, Drama, Raids, Drama, no life

Sorry if I come across as a little hypercritical. I don't mean to imply MMORPGs are bad games, just not so much for me.

P.S. Welcome to the forum.
I've taken a vow of celibacy; or should I say vow to not play MMORPGs.

The features I'm usually "interested" in are . . .
  • Grinding
  • 1-dimensional class-based PVP, over-balanced (restrictive) gameplay.
  • monthly subscription payments
  • my ultimate need for a third job.
  • Grinding more
  • After enough end-game, you realize your character is really no different from anyone else's.
  • Game intentionally structured to be as addictive and time-consuming as possible.
  • Did I mention grinding?
  • Raids, Guilds, Drama, Raids, Drama, no life

Sorry if I come across as a little hypercritical. I don't mean to imply MMORPGs are bad games, just not so much for me.

P.S. Welcome to the forum.

thank you,

btw there is no grinding in eve... all you got to do is gather money and buy a skill, select it and train it... then all you do is wait... you can even go offline and it will still continue to train.

no one is the same in eve, everyone's different because of time and massive amount of skills.

pvp in eve can be just about killing noobs all day long or it can be about gaining territory ( space ). so it's kind of like "realm vs realm" only it's corporation vs corporation.

you should try it... it's a very relaxing game which takes a bit of patience.
EVE(And Ultima Online) are the only MMOs I've ever enjoyed, don't have the time for EVE these days though sadly.

I wonder how Elite 4(Which is gonna have an MMO component iirc) will compare with EVE when it comes out.
EVE(And Ultima Online) are the only MMOs I've ever enjoyed, don't have the time for EVE these days though sadly.

I wonder how Elite 4(Which is gonna have an MMO component iirc) will compare with EVE when it comes out.

if you liked ultima online you might like this one ( coming out summer 08 ) http://www.wakfu.com
Can't seem to access that site, clicking on "English" doesn't do anything for me.:(
That looks pretty fun, I wish someone would make an SP RPG with the same crafting system etc as UO.

I'll keep my eyes on that mmo, ty for the tip!
Unless I'm mistaken, doesn't EVE online already offer it's client for download free-of-charge? It's presence on Steam amounts to little more than advertising...
Unless I'm mistaken, doesn't EVE online already offer it's client for download free-of-charge? It's presence on Steam amounts to little more than advertising...

yes of course it's for advertising but steam offers a lot of extra stuff... since you're connected through steam, you'll have the ability to open up steam community with shift+tab and the friends list.

steam is good.
Is it worth paying money for though just for the steam community?
I signed up for a 2 week trial and you need to devote yourself like 24/7 to the game. The game is too deep. They got cloning if you die, escape pods, self-destruct on ships, insurance on ships, etc. It's just too big of a game. I un-installed it shortly after getting lost then killed on my first mission. I'm a bounty hunter named "Garogar" and I need help! :( *I've always been intrigued by this game after I read this article though: http://eve.klaki.net/heist/ *There is even bills you have to pay in the game.
Yeah also deadlines for missions. I just died for the 3rd time for my first mission. It's "Smuggler Interception".
The game is basically like living real life on a computer. It's learning curve is vertical. It's very pretty, though.
I think they'd make a killing if they made a single-player version for people who don't want to pay monthly fees. A lot of people wouldn't mind doing the missions offline, Neverwinter Nights style.
Well, I mentioned Elite IV earlier, it will supposedly be both MP and SP, it will also have a heavier focus on realism than EVE Online, for a good idea of what to expect, play Frontier: First Encounters, basically, it will have a huge amount of starsystems, no gates(Instead you use sorta like hyperspace jump-engines), every celestial body has an orbit, everything can be landed on etc.

Ofcourse, it has been a long time since Elite IV was first announced(in the late 90s) and it probably wont come out until after 2010+, so I'm not sure if they decided to drop the MP/MMO version, I'd be surprised if they did though considering the amount of money to be made in the MMO market.
by the time any eve-like game will be released, we'll be able to walk and have meetings inside stations ;D
I played Eve when it was released. Got bored of it after a couple of months.

Mine asteroid.

Go to base

Mine asteroid

Go to base

Join clan

Get killed by big pirates

Lose stuff

Mine asteroid.....
I started the fee trial with a friend last night. We're looking for an MMO (quite disparately, I might add) and we've tried just about all of them. He's interested in EQ2, but after playing it for three years, I don't think I can go back again. Anyway, EVE looks promising, but overly complicated. I do think that turns a lot of people off right from the start. But it looks tons better than another else we've tried lately.
by the time any eve-like game will be released, we'll be able to walk and have meetings inside stations ;D
Pfft, EVE fanboi! I could care less about walking inside stations, but then again I'm a realism nut, which means that I love Elite series over all others.
Pfft, EVE fanboi! I could care less about walking inside stations, but then again I'm a realism nut, which means that I love Elite series over all others.

From the looks of it you're a Elite fanbo"i".
Well, erm.. Elite pioneered the entire space genre when it came out so.. BOO for you!>_<
Gave up on the first rookie mission and the game wont give me another. Game is a total wreck and it's so boring that I feel like going to bed.
Well, I mentioned Elite IV earlier, it will supposedly be both MP and SP, it will also have a heavier focus on realism than EVE Online, for a good idea of what to expect, play Frontier: First Encounters, basically, it will have a huge amount of starsystems, no gates(Instead you use sorta like hyperspace jump-engines), every celestial body has an orbit, everything can be landed on etc.

Ofcourse, it has been a long time since Elite IV was first announced(in the late 90s) and it probably wont come out until after 2010+, so I'm not sure if they decided to drop the MP/MMO version, I'd be surprised if they did though considering the amount of money to be made in the MMO market.

Have you heard of Infinity?

It's supposed to be the spiritual successor to Elite.


Infinity is an open-ended game in which you control a spaceship throughought the entire galaxy, trying to make a name for yourself. You connect to an online server on which thousands of people are playing, 24/7. The game does not stop when you log off, but continues to evolve: it is a persistent universe. The game mechanics do not emphasize any particular gameplay style. Combat, trade, exploration, social relationships.. you are free to choose your own carrier path and goals. The only limit is your own imagination!

Infinity is not a traditional role playing game. Although all players are expected to act in concordance with their avatar's motivations, there are no classes or skills to restrict your choices. Combat between spaceships is in true real-time, and the outcome is determined by your own intelligence and reflexes. Forget turn-based action and experience the great excitement of a first person experience!
A bar...

Using procedural techniques, the game universe has been designed to be huge and realistic. There are billions of solar systems and planets, each unique and awaiting to be discovered by a player... maybe you ? Coherent scales and distances are used, orbits of celestial bodies are correctly modeled and change continuously, allowing you to attend a sunrise on the moon of a giant planet, for instance.
I started the fee trial with a friend last night. We're looking for an MMO (quite disparately, I might add) and we've tried just about all of them. He's interested in EQ2, but after playing it for three years, I don't think I can go back again. Anyway, EVE looks promising, but overly complicated. I do think that turns a lot of people off right from the start. But it looks tons better than another else we've tried lately.

trials don`t justify this game at all... you need to give it more time afterwards ;p
Have you heard of Infinity?]

was originally supposed to be an mmo but now its single player only with stargates like eve... they even announced the fact that it will have 5000 solar systems... like eve.

was originally supposed to be an mmo but now its single player only with stargates like eve... they even announced the fact that it will have 5000 solar systems... like eve.


That was an april fool's joke, mate. :LOL:
EVE is like life, you'll only find the fun bits if you look for them. If you just do the boring parts like mining and PVE for money then you will get bored, there isn't much to it. You're much better off learning the basics then getting involved in either PVP or organised corporations.

The last time me and my friends played it we set up for PVP and within a week we'd got a few kills and had vendettas against us by most of the local pirates and it was a lot of fun. If you aim high then you're much more likely to enjoy the game.
Have you heard of Infinity?

It's supposed to be the spiritual successor to Elite.

I've known about it, read on its forums, used to hang in its chat until I got banned because I didn't believe Infinity would ever do all that they say it will.

I mean honestly, lets face it, it's not exactly a large commercial experienced game dev company, and they're planning on(according to what the devs write on the forum) make the most complex space game ever made, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out WORSE than Derek Smart's games..

Honestly, seeing as David Braben has confirmed that Elite IV will presume full production after their current main development project(The Outsider) they will resume a full development on Elite IV, I have larger fate in that.

The lead dev/designer hasn't even finished ONE game of his own, and no offense, but I have countless stories of games where people who hadn't done a single mod set out to do hugely ambitious games, and failing massively.

It doesn't make it any better the fact that his first game he's attempting is a bloody MMO, and is supposed to be complex as hell.
it's also only an 8-man team apparently... not being a fanboy here but that usually means game will go no where in terms of MMO.

mmo's need big teams... to keep releasing expansions/updates/addons... how is an 8 man team going to afford everything? how long is it going to take to release the game? the ships look like crap too.
Well I have a little more faith now, just talked to InfinityAdmin over IRC, and he said that he has got 6 months of sponsorship after the game is first released to cover costs for running servers etc, which is a good start.

On a LOL sidenote, Derek Smart is making an Space MMO apparently.
Peoples ambitions more often than not outstrip their abilities. Making an MMO is about the most daunting game design task going. Why so many people, with nothing behind them but enthusiasm and the promise of a bit of venture capital think they can pull one out of their arse with ease is truly mind boggling tbh. MMOs put other games to shame in terms of the sheer weight of content they require to be in place right from the off. :dozey:
wo0t... just bought my first cruiser... called "Thorax"

here's a picture... but this is before the Trinity expansion which upgraded the graphics.
