Ever had a crush on your teacher?


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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I'm in this predicament, she is my Art teacher and she is gorgous/young tall red head with freckles and long wavy hair. We talked about Family Guy the other day and she had seen the episode where he plays better piano drunk... She giggled at me when I passed her in the hall also. I dont know why but I think my current crush is... a teacher? Ever had this predicament?

/me prays she dosent read hl2.net

btw im in 10nth grade just started :p I eat freshman for breakfast :monkee:
So, you're how old and she's how old? It'll never happen, get over it :P

Edit: okay, so yeah, you're like 16 and she's undoubtedely atleast 25?
:) I know, but I cant get her out of my head with that logic anyways :P
lol, you may want to keep you hormones in check headcrab. Aim for somebody your age group.

PS - I thought you got banned.
blahblahblah said:
lol, you may want to keep you hormones in check headcrab. Aim for somebody your age group.

PS - I thought you got banned.

not happening

also that got cleared up :afro: (the banning not my hormones :P)
In 8th grade I had this 27 year old Science teacher. I didn't have a crush on her, but damn she was smokin.
:dozey: My high school has a handful of beautiful female teachers. But, i'm not crazy in love with any.
Got it bad, got it bad, got it bad,
I’m hot for teacher.
I got it bad, so bad,
I’m hot for teacher.
I never had a crush, but i just wanted to bone the hell out of various female teachers at my school. And when they came to school wearing a mini-skirt or something...it was just boner all class. There was NO chance of concentrating on work.
Mr-Fusion said:
I never had a crush, but i just wanted to bone the hell out of various female teachers at my school. And when they came to school wearing a mini-skirt or something...it was just boner all class. There was NO chance of concentrating on work.

i think they do that on purpose just to make us fail.
Mr-Fusion said:
I never had a crush, but i just wanted to bone the hell out of various female teachers at my school. And when they came to school wearing a mini-skirt or something...it was just boner all class. There was NO chance of concentrating on work.

LOL ahahaha :laugh:
ya i have seen my share of hotty teachers at my schooll.. TILFs

I can only think of two I've had that were hot really... and they both got pregnant... :O
Mr-Fusion said:
I never had a crush, but i just wanted to bone the hell out of various female teachers at my school. And when they came to school wearing a mini-skirt or something...it was just boner all class. There was NO chance of concentrating on work.
Quoted for emphasis.
Once with a substitute teacher... but she was only there for a few weeks :(

I guess its natural - just don't get caught rogering her :P
Right, so you all want to marry your cousins and bone your teachers.
Hl2.net'ters scare me :(
Just forget about it.

Otherwise I predict embarassing predicaments in your near future.
Whats wrong with being attracted to a teacher? It is no different than being attracted to a sexy model who is 10 years older than you at that age.
I can remember my hot teacher. Mrs.Larkin. Brunette, slim. She is gorgeous...I was in 7th-8th grade back then tho. I'm out of High School now. I still think about going back to my middle school to see if she's still there, which i doubt tho, heh. I didn't know her age, but she looked like early 20's. if she was older than that, i give her mad props on looking young.
merc said:
ya i have seen my share of hotty teachers at my schooll.. TILFs


LOL me and my friend said the same thing. TILF Teachers I Love to Fuc* LOL
CrazyHarij said:
Right, so you all want to marry your cousins
he brings up a good point. if you had a super hot cousin (1st cousin) named natalie portman. would you bone her?
No, you sick bastards.


But, saying this, at least it isn't your sister or something. Or a fat 50 year old who's on "that time of month" 24/7.
gh0st said:
he brings up a good point. if you had a super hot cousin (1st cousin) named natalie portman. would you bone her?
Depends on how close of cousin she was and how kinky she was.

It wouldn't be me initiating it though. :)
ShadowFox said:
Depends on how close of cousin she was and how kinky she was.

It wouldn't be me initiating it though. :)
Well, you could take the subtle approach.

"So Natalie, would you like to be boned"

I had a teacher once, but she was a lesbian. Lesbian, fat lesbian… ugly lesbian, but she still was my art teacher in high school. I probably should say, that it took a lot of skin-unrolling before I could find her privates. I felt like I was discovering something new, which will shock scientific world. And shock it did, my eyes burned with such passion, my brain bleed out of my nose, for I seen vagina of a fat and ugly lesbian art teacher. It was hanging there, asking me to come out, but I knew, if I would, it will capture me, annihilate skin of my bones. I didn’t touch it, I didn’t touch any female since that accident. Her vagina was a scary creature, even hell itself won’t be able to contain such UGLY sight… oh and the smell… THE SMELL!
ROFL!!!!!!! ^^

You paint such a disgustingly vivid picture reak.
ShadowFox said:
Depends on how close of cousin she was and how kinky she was.

It wouldn't be me initiating it though. :)

O M G you little perverts lol...thats incest ffs!! screwing your uncle's daughter??? omfg.

tho having crushes on teachers is perfectly normal, especially when they are in early 20's. i certainly had a crush on my bio teacher...omg she was so perfect, she wore tight clothes mostly, and her ass:...omg.

but if you're like 14 years old and fancy a teacher who is 25: get some help...really.
gh0st said:
he brings up a good point. if you had a super hot cousin (1st cousin) named natalie portman. would you bone her?
<Raises hand> How is wanting to marry your cousin in any way similar to fancying one of your teachers?

Anyways, I fancied my GCSE English teacher quite a bit. Alright a lot. But not in a "Hey, I'm still going through puberty and she's in her mid-20s - I'm f*cking in here! Something's bound to happen!" sort of way. Just in a "You're really attractive and really very cool. Why, if we were the same age and I wasn't quite so hopelessly inept with women, oh baby, I'd totally fancy you from afar and not really do anything about it..." sort of way. We got on really well too, which was nice really.

We had a couple of fit PE (physical education) teachers too, female and male. God, my secondary school was a big pile of wank.
Pureball said:
O M G you little perverts lol...thats incest ffs!! screwing your uncle's daughter??? omfg.

tho having crushes on teachers is perfectly normal, especially when they are in early 20's. i certainly had a crush on my bio teacher...omg she was so perfect, she wore tight clothes mostly, and her ass:...omg.

but if you're like 14 years old and fancy a teacher who is 25: get some help...really.

Oh come on. Lighten up a bit. Enjoy life.

A little incest never hurt anyone. :naughty:

Plus, think of how many more chores your kid can do with three arms.
Neutrino said:
A little incest never heart anyone. :naughty:
Speaks volumes that you misspelt "hurt" as "heart" though, doesn't it?
el Chi said:
Course it is, Neutrino. Course it is...

Giggety giggety!

Damn those Freudian slips!:p

Though I'm still trying to figure out what it would mean. Hmm....:laugh:
c'mon guys,... incest is the game the whole family can play.

and... hot teachers rule.
CrazyHarij said:
Right, so you all want to marry your cousins and bone your teachers.
Hl2.net'ters scare me :(
Whats wrong with the teachers part? The cousins bit i can understand, but hey, you can't really criticize anyone after having THAT dream