Ever pulled a hiest?

Just about everyone in my highschool stole stuff from the wal-mart and futureshop across the street in my senior year. It was some sort of fad I guess. I imagine over the year my friends stole more than 5000. Then someone got caught and everyone stopped haha. I've only ever stolen food and rubber, kinda tame I guess.
ComradeBadger said:
My friends and I had an idea to fund our trip to Europe - I'll post it if you're lucky/want to hear
oh do tell.
This one time I was in the dungeon of despair on a dark, cold, lonely night in October. I had been in this place many many years before with my eldest brother Xila in attempt to steal the potion of enternal light+2, however my brother, Gods rest his soul, stepped on a steel plated trap. I quickly shouted, "XILA! PUT ON YOUR GLOVES OF INFINITE!" of course, the gloves have +2 to dodging, and since he had dexterity of 10, it would have put him to 12 dexterity, easily allowing him to dodge the swinging hammer that now flew at him at full force from the side, but he could not hear my cry of advice from afar and before we knew it, he rolled a 0. Xila was slain instantly and I fled. I had never returned since that fateful day, and finally this October night, I had come to claim what was mine in the name of my brother, Xila.

I was in the dungeon, scared out of my mind, yet very curagous. As I entered the main hall leading to the last room where the potion lay rest I stepped over the cracking bones of fallen hero's before I who had failed. As of yet I had not run into anything other than the typical trap, so thus i was anxious to find out who had killed all these poor men. And as I had placed my hand upon the door and pushed it open with a creak, light emitted from within the room, blinding yet brilliant, I stood in awe for a second which seemed to last forever. I regained myself and continued my journey into the room, and alas the potion lay atop of a small mound of gold.

Anyway, long story short-

I stole that sh!t lol :D

Absinthe said:
Okay, key word here is "heist".

Umm, if we kept them, we had over 20, we could have gotten $1000+ dollars worth of accounts
ComradeBadger said:
My friends and I had an idea to fund our trip to Europe - I'll post it if you're lucky/want to hear

If you don't tell us these forums are gonna ASPLODE!!!1
OvA said:
Umm, if we kept them, we had over 20, we could have gotten $1000+ dollars worth of accounts

Perhaps he was pointing out the fact that the thread title says "hiest" while the word is "heist".

This place is quite well known for its mispellings in thread titles though. It's quite pathetic actually.
I stole a toy car off a kid in pre-school once. A bit pathetic i know.
I (unknowingly) stole some plates that were supposed to be used for radiation (or was it chemical) contamination of a construction site. I thought it looked cool and got it.

I was 5 at the time.
kaf11 said:
oh do tell.
I'm not proud of this, but myself and two friends had a plan to knock over a petrol station just outside our town - it was planned down to a T.

In the end the efforts involved wouldn't be worth it - plus it was rather illegal :D

Again, if anyone wants, I'll share the plan itself :E

My friend's stepmother used to work at this petrol station that was also near where I worked at the time. We knew therefore that it held at least 3000-5000 cash on the premises.

The plan was based around the fact that the money was in a room with a wall that faced the road. There are no security cameras facing the road, they all focus on the court of the station. Someone would drive a white transit van with a re-enforced bonnet into the wall at high speed. The van would then be soaked in a mixture of White Lightning and cheap vodka and torched to made it look like an alcoholic accident.

The key to it all was the wall breaking, giving us acess to the money that would either be counted on the table, or in the safe, which we knew the combination to. The plan was to leave 2 or so notes from each pile on top of a pile of faked notes, they didn't even have to be good fakes, they just had to look like they were still in the pile - this was just to buy us a little time - we reckoned this would give us a buffer of about 6 hours. Having had one of us take the money and done the replacing another would drive past the petrol station and pick them up.

The car would then be driven into the woods nearby and driven into a ditch, and torched. We'd change clothes, into suits, and get into borrowed BMW and drive towards a nearby roundabout and away.

There were other details that I forget, including various delay tactics.

We never did it on the grounds that it was kinda immoral, and none of us wanted to go to jail :D
If it had involved more than 5k in cash, and you'd have gotten away with it, you'd be legendary.
We probably would have, since we'd have been on the Eurostar then to Eastern Europe the next day :D

Plus there would have been other suspects etc - this was very very well planned. Very well.
My friend knew where we could get them second hand - also they weren't registered so they wouldn't be easily traceable :D
Me, personaly, only on accident a single time when I put something in my pocket <.< a twenty cent plastic ball
*Yells as he is taken away by the police*
And my friend has stolen a pill box...
Dunno about you getting the van through the wall.. that's the only part I wouldn't be sure about. Cool plan though.

Greatgat said:
Well, often the fleeing part is the most important part, so congrats to your survival instinct.
I messed up the fleeing part, as I will elaborate (not a heist but we have entering and fleeing):

Me and a few friends were breaking and entering into our school for part of a harmless prank (no, really - damaging pranks are for lamers). The hard part was getting in - they put serious thought into security the year we did this. We decided on a 1st floor window, which we could get to easily because the ground floor was larger than the 1st, and there was a nice flat roof for us to climb up to and stand on. The window was held shut by your normal swing catch (checked every evening before lockup), a window lock (bolt screws through both moveable windows so they can't open) and two woodscrews going through the windows. So, one night I went up on the roof and put another wood screw through from the outside - not visible, but large, and would hold the window shut - you'll see why later. The next day, I needed to get access to the window on the inside, I did this while lessons were on (the windows in the door of the classroom opposite were mostly covered by posters for school events, I made some mock-ups of other posters round school, printed them off and filled in the gaps). I took both wood screws out, the window lock bolt (had to buy a window lock myself to get the "key"), and the screws from the catch. I borrowed a hacksaw from tech, went back to my room in the boarding house, and sawed the window lock bolt in half. I went back to the window, put in this new half-length bolt which would only go through one window frame, thus doing nothing. I put half length wood screws in to similar effect, and put nails instead of screws back in the catch, and "secured" it with blu-tack (so the catch body would just lift out of the frame if we tried to open the window). This meant that the only thing holding the window shut was my wood screw on the outside, but it looked like a whole lot more. So, that night we broke in using a screwdriver. Unfortunately a security guard saw us, we ran, and jumping down from the roof I broke my foot. I still managed to run the 200m back to the boarding house before collapsing in agony in my room, though - adrenaline and endorphines really go a long way.

And an actual heist: The UK Independence Party were patrolling round our town in their tour bus, blasting us with their ridiculous tripe via megaphone. We took offence, and I convinced a mate to steal the union jack they had on the bus. He went up and utterly destroyed the candidate with superior knowledge of economics (says something, my mate was an a-level economist and a slacker) before stealing from under his nose not only the flag (literally snapping the pole and tearing through the duct tape) but the crib sheet he was using (we later realised this was an official House of Lords document and he only had the one copy, thus rendering him useless - this is probably treason or something, this country goes in for whacky laws about these things). Good times. Escape was made in the form of running like mad loons, cackling with laughter and swearing at the bewildered politician.

One more: One of my uncles was put away for robbing a bank with the classic lead pipe & sacking trick.

Wow, I really hang out with a good crowd! :P
Awww, there there Que-Ever. How 'bout i steal you the externonet?