EVERYTHING is unlocked

Wait, they're reseting everyone's account?
Nope, just resetting the unlocks and allowing you to reselect a weapon to unlock based on your rank.

This only applies to those who were affected, so I get to ditch my crappy L85 ::thumbs:
"So I guess what im saying is uhh... EA sucks my balls" - Jeremy from Pure pwnage.
bam23 said:
Nope, just resetting the unlocks and allowing you to reselect a weapon to unlock based on your rank.

This only applies to those who were affected, so I get to ditch my crappy L85 ::thumbs:

They said only the unlocks you got in the last 24 hours...so unless you got it recently I think you're stuck with it.
AmishSlayer said:
They said only the unlocks you got in the last 24 hours...so unless you got it recently I think you're stuck with it.



bam23 said:



The medic unlock kicks ass. I don't know why you wouldn't want it.

I'm still deciding what unlock I want for Corporal. Assault kicks so much ass but has no teamwork aspect, support is solid for defending areas and close quarters and I can get serious teamwork points...but isn't all that accurate...and the spec ops gun is pretty good but I'm not crazy about it :(
AmishSlayer said:
The medic unlock kicks ass. I don't know why you wouldn't want it.

I'm still deciding what unlock I want for Corporal. Assault kicks so much ass but has no teamwork aspect, support is solid for defending areas and close quarters and I can get serious teamwork points...but isn't all that accurate...and the spec ops gun is pretty good but I'm not crazy about it :(

Maybe it's just me. I went back to using the default weapons when the L85 was getting boring. I just thought they were much better weapons than the L85.

I love the PKM. Everytime someone picks up an ammo pack you dropped you get one teamwork point, plus the PKM is a SEXY gun (3 shot kill). With the combat and teamwork points you get from this gun you could get the next rank in a short amount of time. :thumbs:
I think the medic unlock was the best thing to ever happen to me. Since I use the Anti-Tank the most, I will probably get that unlock..unless somebody says it's the worst thing ever.
AmishSlayer said:
The medic unlock kicks ass. I don't know why you wouldn't want it.

I'm still deciding what unlock I want for Corporal. Assault kicks so much ass but has no teamwork aspect, support is solid for defending areas and close quarters and I can get serious teamwork points...but isn't all that accurate...and the spec ops gun is pretty good but I'm not crazy about it :(

I think I am going to get the medic unlock for Corporal. I've used it several times, and each time I did better with it than with the G36C.
cyberpitz said:
I think the medic unlock was the best thing to ever happen to me. Since I use the Anti-Tank the most, I will probably get that unlock..unless somebody says it's the worst thing ever.

If you consider unloading 12 shotgun shells as fast as you can click the worst thing ever, then I guess it is. I, however, adore the anti-tank unlock, as it will beat anything in close quarters.
AmishSlayer said:
The medic unlock kicks ass. I don't know why you wouldn't want it.

I'm still deciding what unlock I want for Corporal. Assault kicks so much ass but has no teamwork aspect, support is solid for defending areas and close quarters and I can get serious teamwork points...but isn't all that accurate...and the spec ops gun is pretty good but I'm not crazy about it :(

Go for the Berret.

Man, that's such a kickass gun! I've never used it, but I ALWAYS get pwned by it.

And it's much needed if you ever want to go snipe as a Pake man or an MEC.

Then again, sniping isn't fun at all unless done with somebody else, so if you play sniper alone allot, i'd say don't bother.

But I know that the berret is my next gun.

Oh btw, how do you even know that you're going to get another unlock at corporal? People who are there relay info to you?
sinkoman said:
Go for the Berret.

Man, that's such a kickass gun! I've never used it, but I ALWAYS get pwned by it.

And it's much needed if you ever want to go snipe as a Pake man or an MEC.

Then again, sniping isn't fun at all unless done with somebody else, so if you play sniper alone allot, i'd say don't bother.

But I know that the berret is my next gun.

Oh btw, how do you even know that you're going to get another unlock at corporal? People who are there relay info to you?

I tried the M95 and I'm disappointed. I'll tell you a story:

I'm a commander, giving orders, throwing artillery here and there etc. I'm lying with the Berett on a small hill near one of my teams outposts, just in case someone wants to possess it. Suddenly a heli comes hovering above the outpost, the pilot unaware of my presence. I am able to see only his head from my position, so I shoot at it. Nothing happens. I shoot again. Nothing happens. I shoot for the third time - finally the chopper "lands" on the ground, the pilot dead. I thought, that maybe it's mthe armored glass of a heli or something, but I guess the guy would react if he got injured. So I guess the M95 just missed twice.

I tried it out in other situations and it also missed often. Right now, the MEC Dragunov is the best for me, as it has a better rate of fire, than the other snipers, and considering it's hard to get a one-shot kill, I'd rather shoot twice or three times at a target in 1 second intervals and get a kill, than shoot, reload, without looking through the scope and have the target run for cover before I manage to shoot again..
I've sniped at least two people out of helicopters with the M95. One of them was driving a full transport... the other was alone in an attack helicopter.
the M95 has good moments and bad moments, sometimes it aims like a piece of shit, sometimes it aims like the m24. i have had times were i wasted 2 clips on a guy 100 ft away, then other times i had a head shot at 225 ft away. i guess that it has different moods you could say and it depends on how good of a sniper you are.
staticprimer said:
If you consider unloading 12 shotgun shells as fast as you can click the worst thing ever, then I guess it is. I, however, adore the anti-tank unlock, as it will beat anything in close quarters.
I use the pistol with the AT most, but with the unlock, I can finally get up close and personal since the MP5 sucks :(
OCybrManO said:
I've sniped at least two people out of helicopters with the M95. One of them was driving a full transport... the other was alone in an attack helicopter.

I must say eliminating the pilot with a sniper is a damn satysfying shot. Even though I hit him on my third shot, it was nice to see the heli "land" and the rotor blades coming to a halt after the pilot got sniped :)
You have to aim just above where you want to hit with sniperrifle, seriously.
staticprimer said:
If you consider unloading 12 shotgun shells as fast as you can click the worst thing ever, then I guess it is. I, however, adore the anti-tank unlock, as it will beat anything in close quarters.

But then consider that it takes 30 seconds to reload the entire thing, and you've got to be at least within 10 feet of the target to have any hope of getting a kill. Great weapon for two or three victims, but you'll usually die if you're out in the open.
The medic gun sucks, not enough damage. The support gun sucks, way too inaccurate. The anti-tank and engineer guns suck. (see Pesmerga's post) The Special Ops gun is ok, but it's not that different from the default gun. The sniper rifle is ok, it's a 2 shot kill, but it's not accurate enough to be a sniper rifle. The Assault gun is probably going to be my next unlock. It's still got some problems with accuracy, and it only has a 20 round clip, but I like the ammount of damage it does. (2-3 shot kill).
I just checked and i now have no unlocks, im hoping that if i get a point or whatever and i leave it will let me unlock something new where i will get the PKM. If not at least it is my old account i dont use anymore..
bvasgm said:
The medic gun sucks, not enough damage. The support gun sucks, way too inaccurate. The anti-tank and engineer guns suck. (see Pesmerga's post) The Special Ops gun is ok, but it's not that different from the default gun. The sniper rifle is ok, it's a 2 shot kill, but it's not accurate enough to be a sniper rifle. The Assault gun is probably going to be my next unlock. It's still got some problems with accuracy, and it only has a 20 round clip, but I like the ammount of damage it does. (2-3 shot kill).

Why does it have to be that everything but what you like sucks?
How about this: The assault/spec ops/sniper guns suck too. I just think they suck less than the others.
bvasgm said:
The medic gun sucks, not enough damage. Long range, single shot them like 3 times and they're dead The support gun sucks, way too inaccurate.You've gotta be prone for this one or at least crouching for it to be anywhere close to accurate...but I've seen people kick ass with itor get lucky in close quarters spraying The anti-tank and engineer guns suck.But unbeatable at close range (see Pesmerga's post) The Special Ops gun is ok, but it's not that different from the default gun. It's better, but I'm not that crazy about itThe sniper rifle is ok, it's a 2 shot kill, but it's not accurate enough to be a sniper rifle.Crouch or prone and you'll get plenty of accuracy to make headshots. The majority of my kills with the m95 are headshots. It just seems to easy to me The Assault gun is probably going to be my next unlock. It's still got some problems with accuracy, and it only has a 20 round clip, but I like the ammount of damage it does. (2-3 shot kill).True, the assault gun is probably one of the best unlocks but it comes at a price of the noob grenade launcher which people love to whore (especially on Karkand). I'd get the G3 if there was a way to get points other than killing.

Right now I'm leaning towards Spec Ops unlock or Support.
bvasgm said:
How about this: The assault/spec ops/sniper guns suck too. I just think they suck less than the others.

what about the engineer?
i wondered why, played BF2 yesterday and everything was unlocked for me to, was pretty funny :D nice way to try out the diffrent stuff, i liked the sniper, i earned my sniper badge with it, it feels alot more powerfull
I hoped the M95 would kick ass, but somehow it's way too inaccurate, even while crouching :( I'm confused, as some ppl here say, they get headshots, many kills etc. with it.
bvasgm said:
How about this: The assault/spec ops/sniper guns suck too. I just think they suck less than the others.
I can't really say which gun sucks since I don't play the game anymore, but I think the original Spec Ops, Assault, and Medic guns are better than their updates.. I remember playing the demo with unlocked guns, and they were pure shit. I only played a couple of groups though which would lead me to believe every category sucks.. :P

By the way, what happened to your post count?

Anyway, the last time I actually played this game was about 1 month and 1 day ago. It seems as though the game has never changed which means I won't be playing until they release the awesome August update. :)
What's in the August update?

BTW: My weapons are locked again. Seems they fixed this, at least for me.
My little brother has this bug. He made a new account because of it.
This is what happened: I made the thread. My post count was reset by Chris_D. I apologize to him. I get it back. Zerimski resets it again.

I really don't care anymore...I actually think they were right. Other people have done the same thing (Zerimski included) and had theirs reset, so why should I be an exception?
Already used all the weapons in the demo...nothing new.

This is what happened: I made the thread. My post count was reset by Chris_D. I apologize to him. I get it back. Zerimski resets it again.

I really don't care anymore...I actually think they were right. Other people have done the same thing (Zerimski included) and had theirs reset, so why should I be an exception?

borgasm, I asked to have mine reset after 3500 and you're bitching about losing 1000, just stop it.
I unlocked the medic gun in my first account but didnt like it at all so made a new account and got the M95 which i really like, but you miss out on alot of the fun and dont get much more points other than kills and kill assists, so ive been playing support lately to get some major points and i think that will be my next update. I tried it out when my first account had all the unlocks yesterday and really like it. I want the DAO-12, but when im anti tank i never really do anything but shoot rockets so it might be pointless.
Dalamari said:
bvasgm, I asked to have mine reset after 3500 and you're bitching about losing 1000, just stop it.
bvasgm said:
I really don't care anymore...I actually think they were right. Other people have done the same thing (Zerimski included) and had theirs reset, so why should I be an exception?
bvasgm said:

Now I really dont want to read, I'll just say
Borgasm, wtf is up with bringing your posts being reset here :(
CyberPitz said:
Now I really dont want to read, I'll just say
bvasgm, wtf is up with bringing your posts being reset here :(
Shamrock asked what happened.
bvasgm said:
Shamrock asked what happened.
Should I have put sarcasm tags around it? I knew what happened to your post count, borgasm. I just wanted to see you cry like a little baby saying that it was unfair and blah, blah, blah.. It seems as though you mellowed out about it. Good job. :thumbs:

Add me to Xfire: Shamrock13. We can play BF2 later since I got it running again! :D