Everything you wanted to know...

If we take the stencil ape-human-combine graffiti to be at all acurate a soldier's brain is partially or wholy arificial and so would probably be usless, if not dangerous, to the headcrab. Thye only need access to the nervous system, which the spine delievers.

Why the hell Zombine seem to echo the last words of their (trans-)human lives does not make much sense though. Perhaps the headcrab is able to decode some memories as its victim is devouring the brain. This would also explain how they know that a grenade is a weapon, even if they are a bit ignorant of its actual purpose/usage.

On a side note, the headcrab's seeming complete lack of any kind of instict of self-preservation is one of the reasons I like to think that it could be a hive-animal.
Well we know the host is still alive and aware of its immediate doom, but unable to do anything about it. So perhaps the grenade thing is the host doing all in its power to kill itself, though more than one zombine doing this wouldnt really be coincidence thus wouldnt make much sense.
The host has no brain, it can't be aware of anything.
Ah thwarted, i forgot about that. Its farfetched, but perhaps *perhaps* while they were being modified, the combine soliders had some nanobots or reflex reaction programmed into their cns which causes them to blow themselves up in the event of being taken host.
I think it could be a way Valve decided to strip polygons off their zombine models.
So that we could have a free lag experience.
Ah thwarted, i forgot about that. Its farfetched, but perhaps *perhaps* while they were being modified, the combine soliders had some nanobots or reflex reaction programmed into their cns which causes them to blow themselves up in the event of being taken host.

Spinal reflex. Due to reflex action is much quicker, it is resonable that the battle actions are "coded" into spinal cord. The action's like "when you can't see the enemy, pull a grenade." While judging at where the grenade should be thrown is much complicated, it must involve cerebrum activities. Zombines have no brain, so they can finish the former action- pulling a grenade, but they cannot do the other action- throwing it out.
I agree, that does sound pretty reasonable bbson john.

All we need to do know is figure out why the troop trains carried nothing but pistol and shotgun ammo, and why we can't pick up grenades from dead zombine.:rolleyes:
This is the shitest forum i ever saw i am leaving this shit ,you make me feel Like it is the only half life forum shit
how the heck did u just deduce that, just cos his gfx card sux or smthing it looks like that..

and thats a combine ball shell..right?
No, not because of the picture - look at his goddamn earlier posts.
My game is illegal but when i bought it i didn't know that so put yourself in My position if you went to a store and bought half life for a lot of money Then you found that it's not original what the heck you will do ? stay Craying on the money you spent ? or at least have some fun with your game Even if it's illegal ?
I bought it from a year or something lol !! and btw my graphics card is Nvidia Geforce XFX 6400 256 Mb so it don't sucks i just didn't raise the game Graphics.
Just did when you said that my graphics sucks, is that the best i can get ?
Why did you not return the game earlier instead of letting a year 'or something lol' pass?
While most stores have a limited-timeframe for their return policy, surely you would've noticed that the legitimacy of the purchase was questionable.
For example, it was clearly stated that Half-Life 2 required online activation - a pirated version of the game would have surely bypassed this feature somehow, therefore would it not have been evident that no-online activation phase was demonstrated during 'installation' and therefore would it not have been reasonable to assume something suspicious about this 'purchase'?

I hope you realise that a person in an alley wearing a trenchcoat lined with pen-marked CDs is technically, not a 'store'.

That 'thing' you asked about is the ammo 'shell' for the Combine pulse rifle orbs. But of course, instead of finding out for yourself the simpler way (walking to it and automatically picking it up) you'd rather back up a bit, take a screenshot, open up explorer/mozilla, go to the forums and post the aforementioned screenshot in a question-formatted post?
I'm going to assume that last mystery can be attributed to the game's non-existent legitimacy.
It's a store have a website and it also sell ps3 games,ps2 games,xbox games,DS,Game Cube etc... and it sell the console itself and i didn't return The game earlier because i didn't know it's not original until i tried to Play online got it ? what about the graphics is it good now ?
here's a question...

Headcrabs jump on peoples heads and eat them. What if people
started wearing spiked helmets? So whenever a headcrab attacked, it'd get skewered.

Also, where can I get the vortigaunt packet?
Because then they'd look like Germans with Pickelhauben.
We shouldn't even be posting this stuff in this thread, but on the current topic piraters suck and you need to report that website.
Oh and while I'm posting, get a dictionary and learn that "lol" isn't a real word and therefore should not be used in forums.
Thank you.

Please put a new link up or something because it says "file not found" every time I click on the link.

I pm'ed darkside to tell him that the link is broken so hopefully he'll put it back up soon.
Unfortunately, the vortigaunt article along with two others I hadn't had the chance to upload were on a computer that is currently broken and sitting at my side. So I can't get to it right now. Hard drive still works, I just need to buy a sata-to-usb enclosure to access it. Once I do that I'll reupload the vortigaunt article.

In the meantime...anybody save it who could upload it?
You definitely spent time typing this one. You must have spent some arduous hours typing this up. I have to give you props though it's well typed. Good job.
I bought it from a year or something lol !! and btw my graphics card is Nvidia Geforce XFX 6400 256 Mb so it don't sucks i just didn't raise the game Graphics.

'So it Don't Sucks'
Right, so he's a pirate, and an arrogant idiot?

Even if it DOESN'T suck, what do you have to prove? There are 20,000+ accounts on this site, your graphics card sucking, is one out of atleast 1,000 other people, mine sucks, and I atleast have the honour to admit it.

ANYWAYS, awesome work Darkside, I hope you don't mind that I'll be saving it onto a floppy disk, and shuffling it to my laptop? I expect there to be lots of text, and would enjoy taking the time to read over it all, above all, nice work, and like others have said, I'm sure, the Vortigaunt File doesn't work =(

OH (edited) and the 'I bought it from a year or somehing'. . . Can I buy Half-Life 2 from the year from the year 1956? When did times become game vendors?
ANYWAYS, awesome work Darkside, I hope you don't mind that I'll be saving it onto a floppy disk, and shuffling it to my laptop? I expect there to be lots of text, and would enjoy taking the time to read over it all, above all, nice work, and like others have said, I'm sure, the Vortigaunt File doesn't work =(
I don't mind, of course. In fact I recommend it...it's quite long, so being able to put it on a laptop and move around with it is a good idea. Stretch your legs out every now and then, maybe take the thing down to a cafe and read it. :laugh:

ZeroPointGun said:
You definitely spent time typing this one. You must have spent some arduous hours typing this up. I have to give you props though it's well typed. Good job.
Longer than hours, unfortunately. The first time I wrote it, I got up to forty pages, then MICROSOFT WORD ATE MY DOCUMENT. So I had to type it all over again, no backups, no notes...;(

But, lesson learned. I make like three copies of everything now as I write. Unfortunately, especially in the case of the vortigaunt file, it doesn't help that they're all stored on the same hard drive, because when your computer suddenly blows up, that's that.

Anyway, thanks for the words, guys. :)
Sweet stuff...alot of effort put into this (i think).

Oh, and to Darkside:...RACE-X

You know what's crazy? I'm going to eventually have to do a Race-X article.
Good luck with that ^^
Throw in some anti-Gearbox comments, and the 'Inconclusive analysis thanks to their lack of contribution and well-thought-out characters" XD

You know, for all (or most >_>) of us here at HalfLife2.net
V-Man plea

SOMEONE PLEASE UPLOAD IT (yes I'm so desperate I used the caps)!
Darkside, i never understood, why do you have such hatred for Rac...ya know.

Is it just because, they didn't fit in with the game's storyline, and the fact that they only appeared once. Or something else?
I never payed Op4, so maybe, as an enemy, and their contribution to the story, they sucked, but to looks, aside from their weapons, and the pit worms etc. . . okay, the shock troopers only, don't look too bad, I kind of like the look, but something tells me, that as an enemy, they suck
Throw in some anti-Gearbox comments, and the 'Inconclusive analysis thanks to their lack of contribution and well-thought-out characters" XD
Haha, I like that. Perhaps I'll put something in there like that. Maybe a little more subtle. ;)

Darkside, i never understood, why do you have such hatred for Rac...ya know.

Is it just because, they didn't fit in with the game's storyline, and the fact that they only appeared once. Or something else?
Truth be told, I actually DO like them. With the exception of the pit worm, and a little less for the geneworm, I find them quite interesting. Problem is, they were unexplained. They didn't mesh with all the pieces of the puzzle; to continue along with that simile, they were like extra pieces in the puzzle box that COULD fit in certain places, or make their own little side puzzle that kind-of compliments the bigger picture, but leaves you wondering why it was included in the first place.

And it's not so much that they're hard to explain--during OpFor I realized they were coming in from Xen, that specimens of Race-X were being collected from Xen, so I reasoned that they were from a part of the border world we never saw. No, the real problem is that we can never get a concrete answer on them. I guess it's too much to hope for anyway. The best we have is that they were inhabiting Xen and they originally came from another place, just like the Xenians. That's all we're going to get from Race-X.

In a way it's ironic, because the name "Race-X" denotes that they're a mystery, an X factor. Trying to solve it seems contradictory.
Problem is, they were unexplained. They didn't mesh with all the pieces of the puzzle; to continue along with that simile, they were like extra pieces in the puzzle box that COULD fit in certain places, or make their own little side puzzle that kind-of compliments the bigger picture, but leaves you wondering why it was included in the first place.

Yeah, they look awesome, and their anatomy, and so on, origins raise question (Considering they don't seem to follow a certain anatomy, ie, most HL1 enemies had the thrid arm, or elabourate colors, thus 'grouping them') because they all seem different. I mean, the pit worm looks 'headcrab-like' with its color and beastish appearance, the Gene Worm (I gather to be thet thing in the portal, with the lasers and such, read about it on Wiki) seems more like the tentacles, so Race X, is like, several expansions to the pre-existing Xenians groups, but Race X itself, is not one group. . . making any sense?

Regardless, they look awesome (Shock Troopers =D) and they seem interesting, but because Gearbox was just throwing in random **** without any explaination, all we have are theories =\.
Yeah. Some things actually look Xenian, too. If you look at a voltigore, you can see they have a very Xen-esque design to them. The colorations, the gill-like slits in their back which are similar to a houndeye's; their lack of visible eyeballs, the ability to produce electricity.

The pit worm, btw, is the giant cycloptic worm that shoots laser beams out of its eyes. Man, I hate that thing. It's so stupid. It doesn't look very headcrab-like to me...there's also the pit drones, but they don't look like crabs. They do have the clawed forearms though. Matter of fact, so do voltigores. The difference is you can tell, by design, that the pit drones are completely unrelated to anything from the Xenian home planet.

The same with shock troopers. They are so wildly divergent from the four evolved Xenian races (the vortigaunts, the grunts, the controllers, and the nihilanths) that they must have come from another world. And while the geneworms look like they could be related to the tentacles, I doubt it, if only because of the way they work in harmony with the shock troopers.

That being said, the shock troopers could've just...tamed the geneworms. But that leaves a question as to why the Xenians wouldn't use them. Perhaps because they didn't need them to teleport.

Also, Xenian technology and shock trooper technology seem to be very similar, whether that's a product of a similar mindset, interaction between the two groups, or just a big coincidence, I don't know. The shockroach and hivehand though, those just make me wonder. And which world did the shockroach come from? It's insectoid, like some creatures on Xen, but its physical structure and coloring don't quite match up to Xenian conventions...

Gah, this is why I don't like Race-X. Like I said, it's not so much that I can't explain them, but because I don't have concrete answers. And when I don't have concrete answers, my mind starts rifling off a bunch of things that COULD be. But I suppose that's a good thing when you're a Half-Life content writer. :laugh: