Evil Association joins up with hollywood hack, hilarity ensues


May 5, 2004
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senor spielbergo and EA team up for future games:

CHERTSEY, UK, - October 14, 2005 - In a ground-breaking long term agreement, Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced that Academy Award® winner Steven Spielberg will be collaborating with the game makers at EA's Los Angeles studio (EALA) to create three new original franchise properties. Beginning this year, with offices located on site at EALA, Spielberg will work directly with EA's development teams to offer his signature style of storytelling to the concept, design, story and artistic visualization of the new games. EA will own the intellectual properties and the game franchises will be developed, published and distributed worldwide by EA. Financial terms of the agreement were not disclosed.


this gives me little doubt of the quality of games from EA/spielberg:

"I have been playing EA games for years and have watched them master the interactive format." said Steven Spielberg. "Having watched the game industry grow from a niche into a major creative force in entertainment, I have a great deal of respect for EA's understanding of the interactive format. I'm looking forward to working closely with the team in Los Angeles."

while this isnt speilberg's first foray into games (medal of honor (ps one) was his first) i have little faith in an outsider trying their hand at something they have no real experience with ..somehow I see these games as set ups for his next movies ..movie tie ins are rarely good ...but I'll keep an open mind

ps: EA is the spawn of satan
c'mon stern we know you love bf2:E
there's no denying that is there?
of course not ...but it's EA ..they're just EvAL

/me shakes fist at EA
There's no denying that Spielberg is quite the creative force, and I think everyone will agree that whatever he comes up with will at the very least look great. There's just the nagging feeling that he really isn't that experienced with interactive mediums, especially designing and creating them. I just hope that he knows how much a game differs to a movie, and doesn't try to make what could end up as a CGI film rendered in real-time.
It just says he's working with it though. I'm sure there'll be an entire development involved as usual, and its their job to know what they're doing. He's probably just going to be involved with some design and pacing, which he's exceptional at.
well he'll definately make it more cinematic than most
Even this shows the greed of EA. Three(not one but three) franchises(franchises) not games. Make 1 good game first for God's sake.
Well, considering he created Medal of Honor, which was an awesome game at the time.

And Spielberg is a very talented and creative director, don't call him a hollywood hack :(.
ríomhaire said:
Make 1 good game first for God's sake.

What? That's just ridiculous:

Battlefield 2
Black & White 2
The Sims 2
Medal of Honor
Battle For Middle Earth
From Russia with Love (Yeah, I know it isn't released)

You have to give them some credit.
Ok, how about this: make one good ORIGINAL game- not a sequel, series or knockoff.
TheSomeone said:
Battlefield 2 - Developed by DICE.
Black & White 2 - Developed by Lionhead Studios.
The Sims 2 - Developed by Maxis.
Medal of Honor - Developed mostly by either 2015 or TKO Software.
Battle For Middle Earth - Okay, EA-LA. But still :p
From Russia with Love (Yeah, I know it isn't released) - Also EA-LA, but shouldn't count yet :)

Basically, so far the better "EA games" have been developed by non-EA studios. They're merely published by EA, which means they had very little to do with the actual development of the games.
Stigmata said:
Battlefield 2 - Developed by DICE.
Black & White 2 - Developed by Lionhead Studios.
The Sims 2 - Developed by Maxis.
Medal of Honor - Developed mostly by either 2015 or TKO Software.
Battle For Middle Earth - Okay, EA-LA. But still :p
From Russia with Love (Yeah, I know it isn't released) - Also EA-LA, but shouldn't count yet :)

Basically, so far the better "EA games" have been developed by non-EA studios. They're merely published by EA, which means they had very little to do with the actual development of the games.

EA develop games? I thought they were just publishers.

JNightshade said:
Ok, how about this: make one good ORIGINAL game- not a sequel, series or knockoff.

You mean like medal of honor and battle for middle earth?
I think they're simply too big to risk doing something completely original. They have to stick with games that will bring in a near-guaranteed profit.
Stigmata said:
I think they're simply too big to risk doing something completely original. They have to stick with games that will bring in a near-guaranteed profit.
Exactly. Their developers also don't have time to put in some really cool content, the deadlines are poking at their stomaches :p

I don't want to crush your poor little feelings, but all publishers are in it for money.
we have to accept EA dont get their all mighty status from top quality games, they get it from TOTAL DOMINATION. *burning fire* Its usually the road to boring shit at some stage.. so lets just hope they trip over a corporate sized banana skin and have to sell parts of their company off to help the poor.
Lets hope Valve can influence EA and not the other way round.
houndeye said:
Why does everyone hate EA so much?

Because it's cool to hate on big corporations.

*jumps on bandwagon*

Oh, and you hypocrites may not realize this, but the people who hate steam are acting the exact same way towards valve that you are towards EA, but it's okay for you to do it and not them?

*bandwagon smells like bullshit, jumps off*
no, people are more justified to have a go at EA because of the size of their wallet, you should always be vigilant and cautious when executive company founders are raking in so much money from the gaming sector.



It can be grounds for corruption


It can threaten some of the more specialised unique gaming company's