EVIL goes off to build dah BIG HL² FAQ, please gimme questions to put in the FAQ

Why would someone working for Valve be making their own mod?
why would you continue to talk when you don't know anything? both questions remain a mystery. you know us programmers here at Valve DO have lives, and we DO play our own games.
You guys don't actually believe guinny is a dev, do you? 'Cause I sure don't :x
such as my "im building a computer i need opinions" thread? im merely asking the public what they think. and my mod thread, well, im making a mod, is there a problem with that? i understand what your saying, but its not my motive to get you guys to believe who i am. its not like us guys here at valve are gods or anything, we do exist in every day life, its up to you to believe me or not ;)
I grow so weary. Me dost thinks thou dost protest too much.

Easily solved... guinny, give us your real name and I'm sure it appears on Valve's personnel page.
brian jacobson if it makes you happy. i dont see what the big fuss is about. anyway of course we can get along neitz, your opinion is respected
guinny just stop trying. he could have just pulled out a name from the valve site or something....your acting totaly unprofessional hence your not what ur say u are.
lol, do you honestly think everyone who works at valve acts professional? me and scott (software developer) browse forums like these all day for ideas and what not. the fact that your defending that im not who i know i am amuses me! please though continue your rants:)
Originally posted by guinny
notice the little face at the end of the sentence?:afro:
Oooh, I'm convinced. I didn't actually get a good look at the smiley, I thought it was a different one.

listen, guys, believe what you want, but lets not get into a heated debate when i know who i am, u dont have to believe me, i dont blame you for it either, but just drop the endless argument
I knew he'd fall for that trick and go pull some random name off the Valve site. The name dropping of 'Scott' was a nice touch, though.

Let's see, Valve is busy getting HL2 done for a Sept 30 deadline but one of their top guys spends his time making useless posts in gaming forums. Yup. Ok.
Brian Jacobson - Software Developer
As a child, Brian first learned programming in order to crack all the computer games he couldn't afford. After being wracked with years of guilt, he decided to join the games industry to make up for his reprehensible childhood. At LookingGlass, he worked on Flight Unlimited, and then went on to co-found GameFX, and was a lead engineer on Sinistar Unleashed. After a brief stint out of the games industry, he came back to his senses and joined Valve, where he is currently hard at work on Team Fortress 2.

email: [email protected]

So if I email that direction asking if he (you) is (are) guinny, will I obtain a yes? Just trying to help.
sigh...give it up, please, your embarressing yourself:) we wouldnt want gabe to read your replies would we?
yes, email me! please do! if it will shut u all up!
So I just emailed your Valve address, Brian/guinny. Be a doll and email me back.
Originally posted by guinny
steam sucks. ill be touching my actual game box
So, is this Valve's official marketing policy, Mr. Brian Jacobsen?
omg....i hate it when people act like someone there not(guinny) and also no programmers do not play there own games.
You're right, nietzche. I got a bit carried away myself. I know what it's like to be young and getting caught in, let's say, an exaggeration. And usually I'm so well behaved. Apologies, guinny. Let's just drop the matter.
im sorry guys lol. i was gonna see how long i can go b4 u started hating me :(
Hi! I'm GABE! Yes it's true! Really!

Originally posted by Munro
Hi! I'm GABE! Yes it's true! Really!


I love you Gabe !
I'm not gay, but if you really want i can become it :cheese:
btw, how many HL1/2 fan's names are really Gabe ?
In the future, i'm sure that a lot of us will call their child Gabe (if it is a boy of course :cheers: )
Originally posted by Sat
btw, how many HL1/2 fan's names are really Gabe ?
In the future, i'm sure that a lot of us will call their child Gabe (if it is a boy of course :cheers: )

Hehe, I'm Gabe('Gábor' in hungarian).
back on topic:

her's a question.

how advanced is fire in the game? will it spread? will it char objects? and will wood and other flameable materials(eg: combine soldiers :P ) if burned for a longer time be effected(eg: crumble etc.)?

was the combine soldier AI turned off at any point during the 600mb vid released? or will it be improvd in the final build?(<---maybe not really a FAQ question...but bah)
how advanced is fire in the game? will it spread? will it char objects? and will wood and other flameable materials(eg: combine soldiers :laugh: ) if burned for a longer time be effected(eg: crumble etc.)?
Gabe said in the PC Gamer article that if something looks like wood, it will splinter like wood, sound like wood and burn like wood. And the combines can burn too, in the HL2 vid with the blue tentacle things, Freeman uses a sort of flare launcher to ignite the guy. And I think he also said that if the wood burns for long enough, it will crumble and eventually burn into ash.
Im gonna build a huge building out of wood then light one corner and see what happens.
crumble and burn into ash.. that would be cool! I would love to see screens off that!
proabably the whole thing will go up in flames. im gonna build a huge building out of wood, but the supports will be thin, shoot them out, and watch what happens :) shit, with this new physics engine does that mean we have to actually make buildings weight supported?
Truth be told, I'm not absolutely sure about it burning into ash, but I'm pretty sure that it crumbles. First thing I'm doing with Worldcraft is making a huge building out of wood (maybe an eiffel tower or something :E) and make all sorts of extra supports, then light the top on fire and watch it fall apart onto a huge group of scientists.

Hmm. Yeah, I think you'd have to make the supports hold up all the weight guinny. It kinda sucks, but its the only way to make the structures fall realistically.