Evil Mr.Breen or whatever

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Ahhh! The level of darkenergy is Evil!!!! I have the blue grav gun and im shooting all those balls at him but nothing!!!!!! HELP!!!!!
i think i can translate this- you are at the last level trying to stop Dr. Breen and you cant, right?

If so, use the grav gun to attract the orbs moving up the cylinders either side to first kill the gunships, then shoot them at the to of the teleporter
aim for the bottom left, just above those flaps, then when theyre blown up, go for the rotating peices in the middle- gotta be fairly quick
To be honest, I'm retarded. You need to explain this to me step by step because the walkthroughs online seem to be written by the illiterate.

I'm standing on the platform. Above my head to the right is one power beam sphere column. On the left is another power column, also abve my head. It indicates that I'm on floor 1 (and floor 0, apparently is unreachable).

I don't know what to do. I have noticed I can do several things, none of which seem effective---

1. I can pull the white boxes off of the side flaps of the teleporter from either side of it on the platform. Frankly, I don't know what this does except impress me with physics.

2. I shoot some of the power balls at very difficult (VERY difficult) to target portions of the teleporter ring. It's only when I hit a random sweetspot for which I cannot account that it has any effect. It'll shatter into a few pieces. I need to do this to the other two corners. And then, I suppose, I can start shooting at other parts too. But what parts do I shoot at? Can someone supply screen shot closeups?!

how is this hard... unload your supersayan power balls into the spinning thing right in front of you. Once you break every flap of that thing you win.
Well, once you reach the very top, just grab and toss the energy spheres at the metal plates in the green glowing mass of energy. Otherwise just keep tossing them at random and you'll eventually hit something.
There's a white glowing orb where Breen is headed. It's at the top of the column. You need to keep tossing the energy spheres into there.

If you do it correctly Breen will cry like a baby and implore you to stop. But when Breen says stop, he really means go. :)
Where do I shoot into the glowing light? From right next to it? Or from the platform, closer to the forcefield where the soldiers were attacking me? Or is it actually possible to get to level 0? Again, screenshots will make me feel less dumb.
its possible to go to lvl 0 as you say, if i remember correctly you have to use some of the bit piston like metal boxes.. hope that helps :)
At the very top of the teleportation tower thingy, where Alex is standing on the other side of the window watching you, there are metal plates spinning around Dr. Breen. All you have to do is smash these plates with the orbs. You have to do it quickly. That's all. When you hit one, you see it shatter and there is one less plate. You have to smash them all.
DogStarMan said:
At the very top of the teleportation tower thingy, where Alex is standing on the other side of the window watching you, there are metal plates spinning around Dr. Breen. All you have to do is smash these plates with the orbs. You have to do it quickly. That's all. When you hit one, you see it shatter and there is one less plate. You have to smash them all.

If you do it quickly, you don't even have to take out the gunships.
Do I do this while still on level one? How do I get up to where Alex is watching me?
You have to ride the moving parts to get up to the top, then you do what they've been telling you.

No wonder you're confused.
Actually, thanks for all the help guys. I figured out the problem.

I realized that every time I would walk in a direction, breen would talk, so I knew i initiated a scripted action every time i went there. But the problem is, while the object in front of me looked like it should be a platform that moved, it looked stuck. So I dropped down. Way down. And I found that a piece of a computer I had smashed got jammed, preventing the lift from moving at all. Making everything you guys said absolute crazytalk to me when I didn't even realize I could go up one more floor.

In any case, whoops. But hey, its cool that the physics of the game can affect it like that.
DogStarMan said:
At the very top of the teleportation tower thingy, where Alex is standing on the other side of the window watching you, there are metal plates spinning around Dr. Breen. All you have to do is smash these plates with the orbs. You have to do it quickly. That's all. When you hit one, you see it shatter and there is one less plate. You have to smash them all.
Hmm. I've been aiming for those plate things that circle around the main area where Breen's at, never thought of actually targeting those things spinning around that bubble that Breen's in.
Ok this one is wierd, I've cleared all the orbs out of the three collums, I killed all the guys coming on the platform behind me, I continue on , jump on the platform going up and down get up to the next level, kill all the guys coming out from the force fileld run on to the narrow ramp that turns left and is very narrow and transparent as it heads toward the center where a series of platforms lower down and then rotate around couter clockwise. Here is my problem . . . I step on the platform it starts to rotate and I always fall off. I can not stay on the little platform to save my life? Does anybody have a clue what I'm doing wrong?
You're not doing anything wrong, you just keep getting shot by an Orb that an Elite Combine Soldiers fires at you.
funny it took this long for people to figure out he was stuck on ground floor, i got it right away.

go around in a counterclockwise direction killing combine along the way, remove the energy balls from the 3 generators, comntionue and jump onto the big piston, ride it up and continue counterclockwise until you reach a few platforms that are spinning strangely around the central shaft. Ride one two stories up (health charger 1 story up) then get off and continue around. Finaly jump on anotehr big piston and get to the top.
Agent G-Man said:
You're not doing anything wrong, you just keep getting shot by an Orb that an Elite Combine Soldiers fires at you.
Huh! I think I killed all of those quys, anyway I'm not seeing an orb no matter which way I face but I do fall a different direction depending on which way I face. It's like the surface is slick as ice. If I'm being orbed would I not see it or hear it? Where would the soldier be as I've killed all I've seen?
The surface is not properly entangled wiht the universe, as such the surface slips out from under you and you have to walk wiht it.
I find it ironic that this was (In my opinion) the easiest part of the game and yet, when I see my friends play it, they are completely flummoxed by the whole "you are timed and have to stop that guy, yes that one who started monologing, from getting to the alien world" thang that they had going on.