Evolution in American Schools.

Science is good at stealing any little faith left in humanity. When theres no hope left, theres no fear. Mankind will put itself in a mass hysteria over time. The earth will be nothing but a constant battleground, only until concentration camps are put into effect around the united states to simply "calm" the people and as soon as the captors get ill with power they will start to lose the sight of morality causing them to treat humans like objects. We can call it a holocaust.

What are you, some kinda [false] prophet?

Here's my vision of the future.

People fight because they disagree. People disagree about religion more than any other topic, ever. Religion therefore causes war. "Faith" in something intangible is merely gilded wishful thinking and a scapegoat.

I say when all religion is crushed wars will cease and there will be no excuses for fanatical people. Everyone can look forward to a generally pleasant time fighting disease and famine without having to worry about being blown up by "evil" people. We can call it "getting back to nature".

You're crazy. People will always disagree about something, and some idiot will always resort to violence to solve arguements.

Human nature is to kill your competitors! W00t.
Science is good at stealing any little faith left in humanity. When theres no hope left, theres no fear. Mankind will put itself in a mass hysteria over time. The earth will be nothing but a constant battleground, only until concentration camps are put into effect around the united states to simply "calm" the people and as soon as the captors get ill with power they will start to lose the sight of morality causing them to treat humans like objects. We can call it a holocaust.

No, we can call it paradise. Follow me, soldiers of Freedom!
What are you, some kinda [false] prophet?

Here's my vision of the future.

People fight because they disagree. People disagree about religion more than any other topic, ever. Religion therefore causes war. "Faith" in something intangible is merely gilded wishful thinking and a scapegoat.

I say when all religion is crushed wars will cease and there will be no excuses for fanatical people. Everyone can look forward to a generally pleasant time fighting disease and famine without having to worry about being blown up by "evil" people. We can call it "getting back to nature".
Wow. Do you have fantasies like this all the time?

People will always find some reason to disagree and therefore fight. While the person may change, people never do.
the invasion of iraq was not motivated by religion ..so as much as I'd like to see a world without religion I dont think it's absence will bring about an end to war
ya but that was only so they could get support from the stupid part of america

I mean come on this is so blatantly obvious:


which is odd because his offspring seem to worship at the altar of drunken debauchery ..but that might have more to do with genetics than anything else


but Bush does cozy up to the religious ..he sure is wishy washy


although I do agree that his latest ads targeting the religious does seem a little heavy handed:

Science is good at stealing any little faith left in humanity. When theres no hope left, theres no fear. Mankind will put itself in a mass hysteria over time. The earth will be nothing but a constant battleground, only until concentration camps are put into effect around the united states to simply "calm" the people and as soon as the captors get ill with power they will start to lose the sight of morality causing them to treat humans like objects. We can call it a holocaust.

Sorry what is this faith thing? I sure don't have any faith as you put it and I get along just fine.
Science is good at stealing any little faith left in humanity. When theres no hope left, theres no fear. Mankind will put itself in a mass hysteria over time. The earth will be nothing but a constant battleground, only until concentration camps are put into effect around the united states to simply "calm" the people and as soon as the captors get ill with power they will start to lose the sight of morality causing them to treat humans like objects. We can call it a holocaust.

Your insane. Did faith create the computer chip? Did faith create the car, or discover that the stars are actually suns? Did faith discover the earth is round, and that the Earth orbits the Sun? No. Science did. Your wrong. Faith hasn't achieved anything worthwhile, save put unimaginable guilt and fear of eternal torment, along with various false promises, upon the followers. If you can live your life happy that billions are being tortured by your twisted god, so be it, by I am much happier as an athiest.
You should compare that number to something. Eg. how many people died in the name of communism.
As long as we're not comparing faith-based killings to non-faith-based killings, because that would be a horribly biased experiment.
The funny thing about my school is they didn't teach EITHER. No evolution, no creationism. Nothin'. However, all of the physical science and everything always approached from the idea of the world being however many billion (4.6?) years old, so I guess that rules creation out?
Science is good at stealing any little faith left in humanity. When theres no hope left, theres no fear. Mankind will put itself in a mass hysteria over time. The earth will be nothing but a constant battleground, only until concentration camps are put into effect around the united states to simply "calm" the people and as soon as the captors get ill with power they will start to lose the sight of morality causing them to treat humans like objects. We can call it a holocaust.

Wow. Do you have fantasies like this all the time?

People will always find some reason to disagree and therefore fight. While the person may change, people never do.
He was purposefully making his post as silly and unsupported as the other guy's to prove a point. I think. That's why it ended with "we can call it 'getting back to nature'" which bore no relation to what he'd actually said.
You're crazy. People will always disagree about something, and some idiot will always resort to violence to solve arguements.

Human nature is to kill your competitors! W00t.

I know. I am a human and exist in this so-called "nature".

I am also quite crazy.
Im gonna make a museum of mastagology. The museum will claim that the universe was created when Chuck Norris bitch slapped king kong, which caused the big bang. That is precisely as credible as the theory of creation.
Im gonna make a museum of mastagology. The museum will claim that the universe was created when Chuck Norris bitch slapped king kong, which caused the big bang. That is precisely as credible as the theory of creation.

Theory implies that there's evidence that supports it.
You're abnormally normal. (Figuratively speaking)

So he's niether. Or normal. Or abnormal or what? *head explodes*

Well, we've all estabilished that creationists are idiots and that America needs better (coughsmartercough) teachers. This thread has no point anymore.
Well, if you wanna get technical, scientific theory implies that there's evidence that supports it.
If you want to get technical without also being wrong, any theory requires evidence, whereas any unsupported claim is a hypothesis.
