Evolution observed in a lab

God-botherers will say "what was the chance element? God, clearly."
Yea but the chance element would mean that god deceitfully designed our DNA to look like we share common ancestry with the other primates just for a laugh. The idea that the god they worship is a deceptive deity doesnt sit well within the mind of a creationist.
Oh yeah, no, I was referring directly to the OP's news story:

Something, he concluded, must have happened around generation 20,000 that laid the groundwork for Cit+ to later evolve.

Lenski and his colleagues are now working to identify just what that earlier change was, and how it made the Cit+ mutation possible more than 10,000 generations later.
...rather leaving the way open for someone to say "blatantly divine intervention!"

The youtube video was entertaining and informative.