Exclusive HalfLife2.net forums easter egg hunt!

This from the interview email I just got:
To finish up, it's been quite a while since you told everybody there was an easter egg hidden in the preview movies yet not even the most dedicated HalfLife2.net forum lackey among us has been able to find it. Would you be willing to give a subtle hint to the loyal fans so that they might have some better luck in the upcoming weeks?
[Gabe Newell] Nope.
Originally posted by Mr Bond
This from the interview email I just got:
To finish up, it's been quite a while since you told everybody there was an easter egg hidden in the preview movies yet not even the most dedicated HalfLife2.net forum lackey among us has been able to find it. Would you be willing to give a subtle hint to the loyal fans so that they might have some better luck in the upcoming weeks?
[Gabe Newell] Nope.

is that getting posted on the frontpage?...soon? the whole deal? thats the interview from the big interview thread right?
Originally posted by Xtasy0
is that getting posted on the frontpage?...soon? the whole deal? thats the interview from the big interview thread right?

add me add me :)

i bet no one else can take a pic of themselves looking like this!

its a secret..

btw im beautiful.
sorry guys.. hit back by accident it must of sent it again.. why does this keep happening to me?
Originally posted by jemook
sorry guys.. hit back by accident it must of sent it again.. why does this keep happening to me?

because you're too much of hacker for this board to handle.

BTW go back to page 2 and look for my post quoting you.
xtasy0 .. nice work bud.. who knows u may have imortalized me on the net :P
Ok, im heading to bed. Im going to add all the rest of you tomorrow. Then I will try to finish the map and then hide your avatars.
Awesome! :D
NOTE: Had to change avatar, look for it in my next post.
Add mine, look at it, its got the most HDR technology in all avatars.

<--------- Marlene would be most upset if you didn't add her hubby!

I want my pic in there! with all 4 or 5 frames of animation too! and the timings, kthksby
Ha, I think we should leave some space for Textures and suchlike.
I'm at school, so I cant upload the images, but Adam, you have to put Thread Jackers Inc. in there... or I will devour your flesh.
And mine! ... are you planning on texturing the whole map with avatars? Atleast you'd have enough for that.
just do a list of names on who has posted in this thread! :)
I'm going to make a small graphic, you can add it if you still have room.