Excuses To Skip Work For Half-Life 2

Peabody McFee

Sep 17, 2004
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Help! I'm in a situation here.

I'm a manager of a department where I work, but I want an excuse to skip work to play HL2 on Tuesday; but here's the thing -- because I'm a manager I need the greatest, fool-proof excuse ever to do this. If I caught someone in my department skipping for a game I would rip them to pieces.

So come on guys how can I skip work? If I have to break a leg, I will.
Not skip work. :) Your job is more important than a game. You can play HL2 after you get home. :)
Get some perspective in your life. It's just a game, not worth risking your job for.
Peabody McFee said:
Help! I'm in a situation here.

I'm a manager of a department where I work, but I want an excuse to skip work to play HL2 on Tuesday; but here's the thing -- because I'm a manager I need the greatest, fool-proof excuse ever to do this. If I caught someone in my department skipping for a game I would rip them to pieces.

So come on guys how can I skip work? If I have to break a leg, I will.

Call in and say you're sleeping with the bosses wife or husband. he/she won't call back.
There was a resonance cascade in your neighborhood and you need to go clean up.
Tell him Half-Life 2 is out. He'll understand. :E
tell them "I need to fight the aliens! the ALIENS!!"
you wont be lying, and you'll get sent home 'sick' :D

... problem is, it will be a home, a home for the 'sick', the kind with padded walls and funny jackets :p
Just tell them you need to play Half-Life 2. They will understand.
FISKER_Q said:
Call in and say you're sleeping with the bosses wife or husband. he/she won't call back.

AHAHAHAA omg gotta remember that one, ahahahah.

try downing a bottle of cod liver oil (but take note of the word 'TRY'). i couldnt stop throwing up lol. got me off school and i played hl 1 all day when it came out lol.
say you have an errrm,
an infection that you would rather not discuss ;) lol
haha i really didn''t read the posts there :)

great minds think alike and all that! :LOL:
Tell your boss that the fuzzys have taken over the galaxy and a man in an orange suit (that's you...don't forget your orange suit!!), must save the galaxy from inducing hairballs and massive allergies with pink fluf invading the planet. It'll work...trust me :angel:
This is the easiest thing ever! Call in sick, and if they ask, tell them you have violent diarea (sp?). Easy!
Hmmmm a manager, well you could call an emergency meeting, sit them down, put on some wicked shades, and prophesize in a sinister and convincing way....

"Everything that has a beginning has an end. I see the end coming. I see the darkness spreading. I see death...

You are all that stands in my way. If you won't let me play Half Life 2 today, then I fear that tomorrow will never come! "

End that with a psychotic grin and leave the room.
Tell them your daughter needs to go to the dentists/doctors/hospital. My teacher did it last week, he got away with it. :p
my dad used to be a manager of intergraph.. so no fooling around with guys that worked above my dad but...

the #1 excuse = Go to your work early , work very intensive and complain about a headache , every 30minutes.. and the situation is still getting worse. tell them you need to visit a doctor because when ever you are working intensivly you get headaches.. You just go home.
doctors conclusion : take some rest *got the hint?:p
Conversation with my PHB a couple of weeks ago.

Me: Hey, Mark [my Boss]. I need the week of the 15th off. Not the entire week, just the wednesday thursday and friday.
Mark: Let me guess, you want spend the time playing Halo 2. Shouldn't you have asked for last week?[A couple of the guys here had requested same for Halo 2. The PHB isn't totally up on current affairs, but knows his staff]
Me: As if! I don't want to spend my quality time away from here playing stupid console games.
Mark: Well, there shouldn't be a problem with that. What do you need it for?
Me: [Shows PHB www.half-life2.com and stands there grinning]
Mark: A computer game? You said you...
Me: It's not a console game and it isn't stupid.
Mark: [Shakes his head] You guys are all lunatics aren't you.
Me: [Shrugs]

Alright, not an inspiring story, but the point is that honesty about it is generally the best policy.

Unless you are in a situation where you can't get leave in which case phone in and say that you are your own ghost, and you can't make it in for a couple of days due to being dead. It helps add to the authenticity if you say 'wooooohh' a couple of times. Clank some chains if you have them.
Simply call in work, say to them that you need to visit your Doctor Freeman, or just say you have a nasty headcrab that you need to take care of.
Edgar said:
Simply call in work, say to them that you need to visit your Doctor Freeman, or just say you have a nasty headcrab that you need to take care of.

hahaha good one! :cheers:
I don't understand how your parents let you play computer games when you are sick from school...

I mean really.. You should be resting and stuff...

Are your parents stupid or something? Or do they not care about you?
Edgar said:
Simply call in work, say to them that you need to visit your Doctor Freeman, or just say you have a nasty headcrab that you need to take care of.

lol, you got the crabs, lol. =) Damn fine excuse, use that one. =)
Just say you have 'personal issues' that have to be resolved on that day. and you are unfit to work if they arent solved.
vegeta897 said:
I don't understand how your parents let you play computer games when you are sick from school...

I mean really.. You should be resting and stuff...

Are your parents stupid or something? Or do they not care about you?

Playing some computer can actually have a great effect on getting well. So i think it could be great for those minor things.

It makes you relax, and it should be warm enough inside if you got a cold or something.
Boss: "Was that you knocking? I didn’t even know I still had a door."
Peabody McFee: "Er... Hey :)"
Boss: "Let me get a look at you man! My god, you haven't changed one iota!"
Peabody McFee: "Ahem... I'm told I won't be allowed to take a day off..."
Boss: "It's a design decision, not a technical limitation."
Peabody McFee: "Would it be such a problem?"
Boss: "Not that I wish to imply you have been sleeping on the job, no one is more deserving of a rest..."
Peabody McFee: "Have you ever heard about Half-Life 2?"
Boss: "First time I've heard about this."
Peabody McFee: "Okay, I really need a day off."
Boss: "It could be easily modded in."

You could always simulate an illness whilst at work. I've heard that wheat based cereal and vegetable soup mixed together makes for convincing looking vomit....

Stick a packet of cereal and some veggie soup in your drawer at work, and job's a good one!

Coincidentally I've got the day off work cos I've got my bike booked into the garage for a new tyre and chain and sprockets fitting. It's amazing how you can find reasons not to go to work when you really don't want to (even though it's going to cost me £170/$315 :S)
Why exactly do you need the day off? You're a manager. You do jack shit. Just preload HL2 on monday so you can play the whole tuesday.. at work. ;)
Dee said:
dont take off work for a got damn game man!
Well...Taking time off work is pretty sweet and you play games when you do.

It all adds up nicely
Stick a packet of cereal and some veggie soup in your drawer at work, and job's a good one!
Until the cleaners come in and ask "Hey, what's cookin'? " ...
just say you're ill and you're gonna go to the doctors... it adds credibility to add that you're gonna try and come in when you're finished there, "depending on how you feel."

But regardless of whether you pull a sickie that day, you can't say anything about the other people who develope short term illnesses that day ;)