Exemptions from Permanent Bans?

Ya, it really seems that people around here can't get banned for any long period of time.. :imu:
We don't permaban people all of the time.
I think my life would be pointless and mundane if i were permabanned.

I'm a sad sad lil person though
I think all of our lives would be pointless and mundane if you were permabanned Ikerous.
On topic:

Permanent Bani seem to be over rigorous. They have no difference with sentencing a person to death. You ban a person, you banished a person. He can neither come back nor make contact with others. In fact, people in this forum may impulsively break the rule, probably because of immaturity. They are not truly evil or that bad. If the administrators ban that person permanently, he will have no chance to either reflect himself or make an appeal, let alone redeem himself. Society itself is already cruel, let not make thyself be cruel too.Always give people a chance.

Unless a person does a great harm to the forum, like hijacking, I will not support banning any one, no matter I knew him or not.
i dont like permabans... i usually only reserve it for bots/spam/advertisers who register only to post a link to free tvs click here, and then a few special cases like Nat Turner and whatnot :)

some of our staff like permabans though. i personally think we're too liberal with em and we need both a warning system and a general consensus that temp bans are way better than permas for actual members
Nat Turner was banned because he had conflicting morals and opinions with the rest (most) of us. I'm torn between right to opinion and keeping order and public morality by squashing dissent with permabans.
15357 said:
Nat Turner was banned because he had conflicting morals and opinions with the rest (most) of us. I'm torn between right to opinion and keeping order and public morality by squashing dissent with permabans.
This isn't a complete democracy. It's on the contrary a dictatorship, we just happen to be mostly benevolent. I believe in being absolutely fair, but reasonably so.

Also, the current beta for vB has a warning system built in, so as soon as that turns release candidate then we're going to finally have it! hoorah!
I agree. Democracy can't really be used in a internet forum.

**** freedom of speech. Authoritarianism FTMFW.
bbson_john said:
On topic:

Permanent Bani seem to be over rigorous. They have no difference with sentencing a person to death. You ban a person, you banished a person. He can neither come back nor make contact with others. In fact, people in this forum may impulsively break the rule, probably because of immaturity. They are not truly evil or that bad. If the administrators ban that person permanently, he will have no chance to either reflect himself or make an appeal, let alone redeem himself. Society itself is already cruel, let not make thyself be cruel too.Always give people a chance.

Unless a person does a great harm to the forum, like hijacking, I will not support banning any one, no matter I knew him or not.


Yeah, members in this community who are perma banned at hl2.net cannot ever contact their friends. Its just like the death sentence.

Lemon was banned for contributing only spam and dumb shit to these boards and actually being a racist anti-semi. No one wanted him to be here any more for any other reason besides his general stupidity was actually entertaining at times.

Nat Turner was banned for constantly bringing up really sick, disturbing ideals just to stir up a community fight, and for generally being an annoying member. Even his user name referred to a muderer.

Maybe you don't like perma bans, Ennui, but I don't see too many mods going crazy with the perma ban stick...
Erestheux said:
Maybe you don't like perma bans, Ennui, but I don't see too many mods going crazy with the perma ban stick...
Most of the bans are justified and I support them, but on occasion one of us bans someone permanently for reasons that don't really warrant it. Samon tends to ban people just for being noobs (see the HL2 discussion forums, admittedly they're annoying but they don't really know better) because he feels it improves the site quality. I agree with that and don't really mind, but it's not technically all that fair. Danimal is a little heavyhanded with bannings for spam and whatnot; and last but not least I tend to get overemotional and worked up and ban people. Usually they deserve it, but not all the time (the whole OvA thing for instance I now feel bad about).
I don't often dish out the perma ban to noobs, more of an extended stay from the site so that they forget about it and don't come back. :p
Generally, I only ban them if they are being stupid, because whilst most noobs are just that, noobs, others come to simply annoy and know when they are being idiots. These people, I ban. Ennui is absolutely right in saying I believe in site quality. It is unfair, and it is a little over zealous. Oh well!
Samon said:
I don't often dish out the perma ban to noobs, more of an extended stay from the site so that they forget about it and don't come back. :p
Generally, I only ban them if they are being stupid, because whilst most noobs are just that, noobs, others come to simply annoy and know when they are being idiots. These people, I ban. Ennui is absolutely right in saying I believe in site quality. It is unfair, and it is a little over zealous. Oh well!
Mm. Right.

Dog93, one of the most dimwitted people to join, but he did nothing wrong other than being so, which he could not control. You temp banned him.



That bit of idiocy is added to show that I'm not going into one of my big Ennui fits of anger over this :E because it's not a big deal, only a difference in opinion that Samon and I are already well aware of!

To drag this a little off topic, if anyone is interested in Ennui's massive explosion debate of the day:
Dog93, was without a doubt, a born and bred troll. I'm sorry, but nobody is that silly, or plain stupid. http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=105403

Take a good look. Nobody is that silly. Nobody! He was out of control, he just kept posting threads, bumping old threads - he just didn't stop. So he was temp banned - that is fair enough. He was lucky I didn't click perma ban. :p

You might not frequent the HL2 discussion forums much, but I do, and alot of other people would rather not be spammed into an oblivion of nothingness by a madman. He was temp banned so that he might just learn his mistake. No pansy pm was going to teach him anthing :p
Samon said:
Dog93, was without a doubt, a born and bred troll. I'm sorry, but nobody is that silly, or plain stupid. http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showthread.php?t=105403

Take a good look. Nobody is that silly. Nobody! He was out of control, he just kept posting threads, bumping old threads - he just didn't stop. So he was temp banned - that is fair enough. He was lucky I didn't click perma ban. :p

You might not frequent the HL2 discussion forums much, but I do, and alot of other people would rather than be spammed into an oblivion of nothingness by a madman. He was temp banned so that he might just learn his mistake. No pansy pm was going to teach him anthing :p
He didn't stop? He had 8 posts. A troll without a doubt? I have mine. It looks to me like he's just a younger kid. He deserved a warning, and perhaps a temp ban eventually, but only after a little while.

I'm inclined to think he was a lobotomy patient really.

And you know Samon i think you and I actually work out well, kind of a yin and yang type thing :E
Many of his posts were deleted due to bumping threads. If we kept him unbanned he would have kept going, the only sane thing I could do was ban him in order to stop him!

Ah, well, yellow's a good color. Snazzy purple stripes you've got there.
I'd like to take this opportunity to support the fact that Samon should be ugraded to a super mod.
You've always been one of my favorite mods. Plus you're a super awesome guy. <3

Just don't get too mean and turn into Abom. He's a jerk.

k so now can I be a vigilante?
He has the power to kill a guy
from a hundred yards away
they say that when you get that extra 'super' in front of your name, you also grow three tentacles.

why do you think i'm so irresistably attracted to bliink, eh?
Samon? He.... uh.... scares me... :(

Ennui? He on the other hand....... scares me more :(

So I vote samon.... err.... I mean ennui.... err no wait both.
Wait... Nat Turner got banned purely because his views conflicted with ours? :|