Expectations . . . and worries

Oct 23, 2004
Reaction score
I don't know about the rest of you, but I've been waiting for HL2 so patiently and excitingly that I have started to dream about it with it only a week away. Call me obsessed, but friends, lovers (yes as in multiple ;)), school and work all come second to HL2. I've seen most of the BINK videos (tunnels, strider, barricade, trap town and so on) and have been blown away. Completely and utterly blown away (and those were from back in 2003).

Now, I know I will get flamed for bringing up Halo2, but I feel it's necessary. General opinion so far seems to be that Halo2 just didnt live up to expectations, partly due to the fact that many Halo fanatics had perfection in mind. It's a fun game, but nothing "revolutionary" that it seemed like it would be. just the same thing, with a little better graphics and some new gameplay mechanics. I have played at my friends house, and although Xbox live is really cool, the SP campaign (even Co-Op) has been disappointing. It's been fun, but too short and too much like Halo 1. Just the same old, same old, although level designs were a wee bit better. No physics (cept for vehicles, but I miss the invincible Warthog), pretty crappy AI (aliens kind of just standing around...) but decent guns.

Anyway, I want to know your opinion on whether or not HL2 will die under it's hype as Halo2 seems to have. I myself have complete faith in VALVe to deliver a phenomenal product that will completey blow everyone away, but I guess you could call me a little nieve. I just can't stand to think that anything would actually be bad about HL2 (and no, I'm NOT a fanboy). I'm basing this on the fac that even today, HL1 amazes me.

I guess I'm asking for a worst-case scenario, or maybe just to look at things more realistically. Maybe something will be wrong wtih precious HL2. IMO, HL2 will literally "pwn" the gaming world. Truth be told, we'll all know in a week. Long live HL!

P.S. And, please, don't respond by saying "dude HL2 isn't friggin out yet so none of us know you dipshit!" I'm just asking for some opinions on whether or not you think HL2 will live up to the hype. I believe it will, and to quote PC Gamer, "HL2 raises the bar for interactive entertainment and then proceeds to club everything else into submission." I just don't want to have too high of expectations.
All the reviewers say that HL2 was more than they were hoping for!

That is a good sign!

(PS I knew Halo 2 would fall like this...)
Well, what has gotten my expectarions up, was the PC Gamer review that gave it 98% :eek:! Hopefully it's as good, if not better, than anything we've ever experience on a PC.
vegeta897 said:
(PS I knew Halo 2 would fall like this...)

me too, I just had a feeling...

Well, what has gotten my expectarions up, was the PC Gamer review that gave it 98% ! Hopefully it's as good, if not better, than anything we've ever experience on a PC.

well, halo2 got some pretty good reviews too...but that could be just to feed the hype. In my experience, PC gamer is really honest and fair in their reveiws (cept maybe for Doom3).
my expectation is that people are going to flame this forum to death in a month once every has finished singleplayer and have to wait another 2 months for the hl2 mods to come out
DrunkPanda said:
my expectation is that people are going to flame this forum to death in a month once every has finished singleplayer and have to wait another 2 months for the hl2 mods to come out

Just wait for our-remake of the 007 GoldenEye multiplayer ;)
vegeta897 said:
(PS I knew Halo 2 would fall like this...)

What utter bullshit.

Halo 2 has not fallen. So someone played it and wasn't that impressed, whoop-dee-doo :/

If the only criticism is that Halo 2 is too similar to the original then i'm very happy.

Sometimes it's nice to have a game that doesn't bubble wrap you in quicksaves and hold your hand all the way through.
halo 2 saves like every 3-4 minutes..... if you die your usually not far back at all.... i call that holding your hand
no no, I never said Halo 2 was bad. By all means it's a pretty fun game but it was hyped to be the frickin greatest game of all time. And there's nothign really that new or great, besides dual wielding (i really wanted some physics). Definetely the best Xbox game, but nothing else.

and please don't turn this into a halo2 forum, if you read my original post you'll see i want to talk about HL2...halo2 was just an example. it hasnt "fallen" per se, just hasnt lived up to what it was hyped to be.
What is all this talk of Halo 2 falling. Just because some whiners complain on the forums about it doesn't mean it has falling. The same will happen here. People will show up at 1am complaining about something they don't like. Halo 2 has a very, very, very good MP component. I for one have no need for online console games because I own a high end PC and a good net connection but not everyone does. For those who don't Halo 2 kicks some serious tale. It has not fallen and it will only continue to rise as time goes on.

I can say (wittout even playing it yet) that I will enjoy Half-Life 2 a whole lot more because I prefer the SP action over MP and HL2 is going to nail it!
I say again:

HALO 2 has not, I repeat, NOT fallen. By any means. Just isnt all it was hyped up to be ( AI could be alot better)

hell , HL1 ai is better.
Yes, wrong choice of words right there, sorry!

I meant what everyone already knows.. It just wasn't everything people thought it would be.

So back to HL2...

The reviews give us a good idea about what we should think. They said that it was more than they expected. So that means I highly doubt we will be let down. The only things they said were bad was some minor squadmate-getting-in-your-way and some low-res textures in areas that you will be wizzing by anyway.

I am not worried at all. (Except for how well it will run on my OK pc. :)) CS:S runs great.... That's good...
graydon20 said:
Just wait for our-remake of the 007 GoldenEye multiplayer ;)

DEAR GOD. When looking for beta testers, ring me up.

As for HL2, I don't think that HL2 will fail. I think the hype leading up to HL2s release will only improve its greatness. I think those other magazine reviews of H2 may have been slightly biased, or maybe just blinded by the glare of the supposed "Uberness" of Halo 2, but I think it is safe to say HL2 is the real deal. Personally, I got no worries.
I think its gonna be one kickass game. I'm into the whole physics thing in games always trying to test 'em out you know so thats prolly one thing that is going to keep me very interested the fact that most things have physics.

I read a review in PC Powerplay (a while ago) and it basically described the gameplay the reviewer experienced, taking you through each decision he made and how everything can be taken in a different direction depending on the player's playing style.
1st time i read it I was like... WTF!

besides being rather impressed by the gameplay footage as well i reckon its going to live up to the hype.
I'm a bit confused on the whole Halo 2 issue. I read the reviews, they say how amazing the multiplayer is yet pick apart the single player game to no end (how it's very short, the ending is terrible, the AI is blotchy at times, the level design is still like the first one). Then they talk about how great the multiplayer is and how it's exactly like Halo 1 except with some neat new tweaks and partially updated graphics... and the game scores something ridiculously high like a 98%. Does this sound a bit strange to anyone else? I mean, HL2 is scoring a tiny bit lower than Halo 2, yet the only grudge against HL2 is the lack of an HL2 themed multiplayer (even though it's multiplayer component is already out and being played... CS: Source) and a tiny bit of glitchy AI. Don't believe me about Halo 2? Read the reviews....

I think HL2 will live up to most expectations as much as possible. There will always be folks that dont like it, but that's totally normal.

And about Halo 2, I imagine I should play it before I wonder about the review scores... but reading a review that picks a major component of the game apart like they do and seeing it still get an insanely high rating just makes me think some folks may just be feeding the hype machine.
vegeta897 said:
(PS I knew Halo 2 would fall like this...

Wait wait wait...what do you mean fall like this?? Please explain. :)
[46] pushit [2] said:
me too, I just had a feeling...

well, halo2 got some pretty good reviews too...but that could be just to feed the hype. In my experience, PC gamer is really honest and fair in their reveiws (cept maybe for Doom3).

What are you talking about? Doom 3 is sweet. It's so f***in scary! It's one of the best pc games out right now, but I do believe HL2 will blow all the competion away. It's got so many good reviews so I'm guessing it's actually good. If it isn't though I'm going to go and riot.