

Dec 20, 2005
Reaction score
How high is the actuall expectations on Aftermath? I mean it's the sequell to the greatest game of all time, expectations must be huge? Is there anyone believing the opposite, that Aftermath will be no success?
i think it'll be a success. i just hope they fix up half-life 2 deathmatch. a good 20 new maps and bug fixes would be great.
Are you kidding? After the cliffhanger in Half Life 2, ANYONE would want it.

More G-Man, better Alyx AI coding, Citadel on meltdown, more Stalker involvement, it's just something any Half Life fan would get into.
it's taking so dang long that it's pre-destined to rock :)
And it's not a sequel, it's an expansion.

I have a strong feeling that people hate it... just because it's probably going to be rather short.
xlucidx said:
And it's not a sequel, it's an expansion.

I have a strong feeling that people hate it... just because it's probably going to be rather short.

No because rabid Halo fan boys will swarm all over the review boards giving it shit ratings...
But there are others in steam {in store, bad pun}. AM is testing the waters for episodic content to be released, after that it will begin to be released a bit faster.
evilsloth said:
But there are others in steam {in store, bad pun}. AM is testing the waters for episodic content to be released, after that it will begin to be released a bit faster.
Except that AM isn't episodic content...
ríomhaire said:
Except that AM isn't episodic content...
Aftermath is episodic content.. " Half-Life every 3 months " thats the plan.
DigiQ8 said:
Aftermath is episodic content.. " Half-Life every 3 months " thats the plan.
I think that by episodic content they meant more like Loast Coast.
ríomhaire said:
I think that by episodic content they meant more like Loast Coast.
No. Lost coast was a tech demo. You're wrong. Aftermath is episodic content, in a way.

Episodic content is releasing the game in steps or chapters; HL2 is not episodic because it came all together, but if they just released maybe 3 or 4 chapters at a time, every few months, that would be episodic. Aftermath is an "episode" of the continuous HL2 storyline.
I think I'll be disappointed by Aftermath's length, even though I know it'll be short. Looking forward to this imrpoved Alyx AI people have been talking about. If Valve can release a few chapters every few months that would be brilliant.
Yes, the lenght of Aftermath may be a problem, but it will rock anyway. But let's just hope you can't play through it in like 5 hours, that would be dissapointing indeed

riomraire said:
I think that by episodic content they meant more like Loast Coast.
Is that really true? That Aftermath is just a chapter of severel others coming up? That hasn't occured to me. Where have you got that information from?
The only expectation I have is on the story. I missed the flow and "need to know" feeling which forced you to stay at the computer. Hl2 was cool but I missed the brilliant story and pasing from the first game.

I would also like a few answers this time around. Exactly how do the combine and the events of hl2 tie in with black mesa.

I would probably be very disappointed if Valve chose to complicate things even further without giving any answers first.
Then again, complexity builds for a big and rich world in which to create stories. They just have to keep me entertained getting there.

Am I the only one thinking that hl2 felt a wee bit rushed despite the delays? It felt like Valve were to busy getting their technology working and the game itself lacked because of it. Not that it's not a good game. It's amazing! It just felt more like they got the tools working for the (late)release and now they are really ready to begin building a game.

I suspect aftermath will feel more like a complete experience, despite it's shortness.
mjollner said:
I would also like a few answers this time around. Exactly how do the combine and the events of hl2 tie in with black mesa. .

Its quite clear how they tie in, actually.
Mjollner, you have to get more into the story. If you look around this website and for example www.wikipedia.org you will get some more information helping you understand more of the storyline. But not everything, and thats how Valve works, "giving answers to old questions, whilst raising new ones at the same time"

mjollner said:
Am I the only one thinking that hl2 felt a wee bit rushed despite the delays? It felt like Valve were to busy getting their technology working and the game itself lacked because of it. Not that it's not a good game. It's amazing! It just felt more like they got the tools working for the (late)release and now they are really ready to begin building a game.

I don't think many will agree on that, except for the fat-style writing I've marked out. Thats completely true ;)