Exploring the GCF *spoilers*

In the core, whilst your trying to enable those power thingmies for the field bridges the stalkers will fire friggin laser beams at you, like superman.
the only time i remember seeing a strider was when it was being transported and it fell off i dont recall seeing anymore untill you reach the surface
Stalker not Strider.
Cut Audio Part 3: City 17 (I'll be lazy since many of these have already been mentioned)

1. Sound files tagged with crank2 suggest you might have needed to use the crank again. A fire might have been involved in some fashion.

2. Unherd excerpts from Combine regulations: no eye contact with Combine soldiers, don't damage Combine property, don't kill the Combine representatives, have your papers out and available, no loud noises after 6:00, or before six for that matter.

3. Curiously, Alxy refers to the Poison Headcrabs as Venom Crabs.

4. A Gunship was to make an appearence in the Citizen escort sequence, along with a soldier with an PRG.

5. The Strider & Company was going to show up before Barney's train left the platform. It would be up to Gordon to distract them. However the train leaves eariler in the final version, probably to emphisize how the Overwatch is more intent on finding Anticitizen One.

6. Flashbacks to HL1: Alyx claims that her dad took her on the Black Mesa train once. However she was too young to remember it. Also, Barney confesses he never had a trophy room (a reference to the "that'd look nice in my trophy room" quote that's uttered when Barney killed an enemy back in HL1).

Well, that's basically it since everything else has been spoken for either by the commentaries or by ríomhaire.
shuin4 said:
Is that actually in the game? I just finished playing the Citadel part again looking for it and I never found it.
I think it was cut by VALVe. It probably would have gone with Alyx's traitor sound byte and the stripped for parts dialogue as well.
Ministriders apparently have miniguns. And something called a SonicWindup - maybe they are like houndeye-synths?
RakuraiTenjin said:
How can I view the sounds for Episode 1 in the GCF?

I can't seem to find any .wav files like in the HL2 GCF.

Can't even find any .txt files of dialogue
Black Op said:
2. Unherd excerpts from Combine regulations: no eye contact with Combine soldiers, don't damage Combine property, don't kill the Combine representatives, have your papers out and available, no loud noises after 6:00, or before six for that matter.
I think that was just an extended joke by Alyx.

Edit: There is a piece of Nova Prospekt concept are identicle to this is Raising the Bar.
In the \episodic\sound\vo\episode_1\npc\alyx folder there's a lot soundfiles I haven't heard during the game. A few desperate cries for help, affirmatives (also 4-5 "sarcastic"). I don't remember Alyx desperately crying for help during firefights, nor do I recall her accepting my orders (can you give her orders with the "c" key? I don't think I've tried).
Unfocused said:
In the \episodic\sound\vo\episode_1\npc\alyx folder there's a lot soundfiles I haven't heard during the game. A few desperate cries for help, affirmatives (also 4-5 "sarcastic"). I don't remember Alyx desperately crying for help during firefights, nor do I recall her accepting my orders (can you give her orders with the "c" key? I don't think I've tried).
WTFS I don't have \episodic\sound all I have is a bin and maps folder!

UltimaApocalyspe said:
I never saw the Stripped Soldier. I guess I either missed it, or it was cut.
Visible off in the distance just before the door into the section with the lift down to the reactor core.

It's very useful if you pay attention in these games. ;-)
I'm not prmoting the use of pirated versions of HL ep1 here, but my friend got a torrent of the game and in it all the sound files are availiable as .wmas if anyone is interested in listening to these clips, even the ones that got cut.
All you need is GCFScape and you can dig through all legal copies of HL2 and EP1 for their content.
Arcrath said:
I'm not prmoting the use of pirated versions of HL ep1 here, but my friend got a torrent of the game and in it all the sound files are availiable as .wmas if anyone is interested in listening to these clips, even the ones that got cut.
Like the others said they're present in the legal version, too.
Okay, i thought people were talking about only reading the subtitles files or something. I gotta get GCFscape to see this for my self
Barney this time
"Dr. K's in fine fettle, isn't he?"

"Although, I suppose we really should send a foray party for specimens at some point after the event" (talking about the citadel blowing up, what the hell specimens would be left?)

"Overwatch soldiers!" (I thought it was interesting because in HL2 they always said Combine soldiers)
ríomhaire said:
"Although, I suppose we really should send a foray party for specimens at some point after the event" (talking about the citadel blowing up, what the hell specimens would be left?)

I think Valve have gone for the Chernobyl idea. Basically, the core explosion wipes out the Citadel and devours the City. We see the C17 vista in the EP2 trailer, wherein the Citadel has been reduced to a crater, the rest of the city remains.

I suspect the citizens/soldiers/zombies/whatever else that remained would have been...mutantised.
Mutants... I don't like the sound of that. It's the most overly-used excuse for enemies :(
It's Valve. Do you really think they'd throw a bunch of generic mutants in? :p
I don't think they'd have generic mutants, but having any kind would be crappy at some level.
I don't care. I don't want to see the overly-used cliche of mutants mar Half-Life's near-perfection.
What about the cliche of zombies?

Not that it matters to me. I think the area surrounding the citadel is a dead-zone now.
Zombies are already the basic mutant creatures of HL. Those caught by the Citadel's blast would have to become "super-mutants" in order for them to be different from the Zombies.
I digged through the ep1 Intro sound files and I think Merlie Danridge(did I get it right) should get a grammy award lol, Alyx says things like Ohhhh Gordon!!!!!!!(Gets all upset) :naughty: , Also says Gordon You're Allright!!!!(With a all Emotional tone of voice), HE's Alive!!!!(emotional again), And in Eli's V.O he says: and Gordon, Take care of my Girl I'am counting on you! hmmm that was never in ep1 ????? why did they cut those out damnit.
Crowbar-at-hand said:
And in Eli's V.O he says: and Gordon, Take care of my Girl I'am counting on you! hmmm that was never in ep1 ????? why did they cut those out damnit.

Probably because Valve thought they were pushing the LOL FUK MY DAUGHTER, GORDON" vibe a bit too strongly.
Where the hell are you finding the unused speech files? I can't find anything for Alyx or any of the major characters. What file and folder are they in?
Some of the voice file's where over than what the should have been like alyx seem like way too emotional like she was on estrogen pills, wierd. "OHhhhhhh Gordon!!!!!!!!", wtf there must have been a sex scene but it was cut out because they heard a possible 18 rating.

No I was too lazy I just wanted to hear what was cut off.

If you have GCF scape, make sure you have steam closed or it won't work, anyways C:\Program Files (x86)\Valve\Steam\SteamApps and you should see a whole bunch of files that were not that originally, but select the file 'Episode 1 Shared'
And to think, we all thought that the Advisor attacked you, but it was really a Mindblast.