EXTREME SPOILER: Somethingaweful Review


May 20, 2004
Reaction score
A site i visit called somethingawful.com has reviewed halflife2

They Gave it an A% (har har)

I didn't read the whole review yet, but there's a HUGE GIGANTIC HUMOUNGUS Spoiler in the cons section. Also the review )And alot of other things on the site) is offesive.

Anyways, the link is www.somethingawful.com it's on the front page

Also, the you are the Gman theories are correct and you fight him in a shootout at the end of the game
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
A site i visit called somethingawful.com has reviewed halflife2

They Gave it an A% (har har)

I didn't read the whole review yet, but there's a HUGE GIGANTIC HUMOUNGUS Spoiler in the cons section. Also the review )And alot of other things on the site) is offesive.

Anyways, the link is www.somethingawful.com it's on the front page

and you get flamed in 5...4...3...
You know it's a joke, right? They most likely haven't played the game. Just a big farce.
What hath happened to the lost art of reading and searching the forum for topics that have already been posted 46 times?
You really think Valve would send a copy to a SA journalist? Chances of that are like 1 in a million.
Mr-Fusion said:
What hath happened to the lost art of reading and searching the forum for topics that have already been posted 46 times?

it's dead. like santa claus, the easter bunny, and god. all dead. poor easter bunny.
I am calling BS on his whole review and the so called spoiler.
why all the sudden do I want those sugary marshmallow things that are multi coloured and shaped like little rabits..
The review is obviously not serious. Never take anything from SA seriously.
I want wait for the flames to get posted. It should be the best since the insane clown possy review.
yes....and a copy of the RC was sent to his house.... hahahahah heheheahahh hehehe...crackup

edit: wasn't flaming :P Commenting on the reviewer :P
There is no need to flame him.

An honest mistake I'm sure. Flames don't help anybody.
I just finished reading that whole so-called review, and I am now positive that the fool never played it. I could have written the exact same crappy jokes and dropped the same hints, and then capped it off by making up a silly spoiler. This guy is pathetic and i think nobody needs to worry about rooftop shootouts with the Gman as the game's finale. What a tool.
poo poo head said:
I thought the guy from EGM said that that thing wasn't true...

Don't worry its not real. RC sent to the door? No news pics? hehe. Great reporting :rolling: [/end sarcasim]
BRODIEMAN2k4 said:
A site i visit called somethingawful.com has reviewed halflife2

They Gave it an A% (har har)

I didn't read the whole review yet, but there's a HUGE GIGANTIC HUMOUNGUS Spoiler in the cons section. Also the review )And alot of other things on the site) is offesive.

Anyways, the link is www.somethingawful.com it's on the front page

Also, the you are the Gman theories are correct and you fight him in a shootout at the end of the game

lmfao, I can't believe you believed it.
Is it true? Someone tell me, I don't want to check it out, too scared. GOD DAMMIT I looked at the spoiler though. :flame: Why dammit! BRODIEMAN2k4 you F**KER!! :flame: :flame: I didn't read the review though.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
and you get flamed in 5...4...3...

Why would he get flamed? WTF is wrong with you guys?

Man, I thought the Gold announcement would subdue the acne-riddled Internet-only tough guys, but apparently that was not the case.

Sunlight won't kill you. You're not a real vampire, you know.
redpoints said:
I just finished reading that whole so-called review, and I am now positive that the fool never played it. I could have written the exact same crappy jokes and dropped the same hints, and then capped it off by making up a silly spoiler. This guy is pathetic and i think nobody needs to worry about rooftop shootouts with the Gman as the game's finale. What a tool.
10 char
Ownzed said:
Is it true? Someone tell me, I don't want to check it out, too scared. GOD DAMMIT I looked at the spoiler though. :flame: Why dammit! BRODIEMAN2k4 you F**KER!! :flame: :flame: I didn't read the review though.

no it isnt true. read the post above yours :P
glowdotdotcom said:
Why would he get flamed? WTF is wrong with you guys?

Man, I thought the Gold announcement would subdue the acne-riddled Internet-only tough guys, but apparently that was not the case.

Sunlight won't kill you. You're not a real vampire, you know.

wow...i fooled somebody into thinking i was an acne ridden, internet-only tough guy! and i only did my first post today!

...wait, that's bad, huh? DAMN it!
i read the "review" before and while i was reading it i did kinda briefly think "ahhhhhhhh my brains have been spoiled" untill i remember SA is a comedy site

i think the spoilers were confirmed as fake when random people started posting fake spoilers on the boards
Did you know they removed the word GULLIBLE from the dictionary??? I wouldn't have believed it until a friend showed me!
Yeah, livestock sure gets all them games before everyone else.

Don't worry guys, I'm a somethingawful goon.
Haha, on the SA forums livestock posted some of the e-mails he got.

Pretty funny.
That has got to be one of the funniest reviews I've ever read, heres a quote when he's talking about the pheropod weapon:

Wherever you throw the meat, the aliens will go and attack anything in the proximity of where the meat landed. I was developing a similar idea for use in getting fat women to do my bidding, but Valve beat me to the punch
Dude I think I am going to ****ing cry after reading that spoiler. I hate all of you.

Good thing it's not true though. :cheers:
nw909 said:
Yeah, livestock sure gets all them games before everyone else.

Don't worry guys, I'm a somethingawful goon.

sup fellow goon. :cheers:
Honestly people, why would Valve kill her off? Don't believe that crap :D
Biozeminade said:
Did you know they removed the word GULLIBLE from the dictionary??? I wouldn't have believed it until a friend showed me!

Yeah, I know!!! :naughty: It's missing from all the dictionaries in my house...it's a CONSPIRACY!!!! :bounce:
SomethingAwful said:
Thankfully it deviates somewhat with a few truly innovative weapon options such as a gun that shoots gravity, allowing you to "push" objects away. Like any good vacuum cleaner or prostitute, it has both a suck and blow option. This lets you pick up objects and dangle them in front of you, then launch them into the face of an enemy. I think this gun could lead to some awesome multiplayer mods, like one where players compete in a futuristic version of football using a human baby as the ball and the gravity gun instead of hands.

lol pure comedy
Mattigus said:
got a link?

Its in the games forum, only registered members can see it.

Sup Goons.

Pretty funny. Some moron abuses him for ruining the ending about the rooftop shootout with the gman and spoiling the whole game for it.

If it was anyone here, hang your head in completle and moronic shame.