F*** Christmas

I didn't really ask for anything in particular, I got some clothes, which I actually appreciate, since my wardrobe sucks. Then I got two books, Emperor the death of kings and the halo story(already read the prequel, amazing books, too bad they slapped the xbox logo on the cover so no one will ever buy them). And monies, which I will use for a cokin filter system for my dSLR and possibly some more clothes. And another christmas meal with my grandparents. God, theyr food = christmas.
I'm sure you're chirstmas was'nt as bad as mine. I accidently broke some of my mates things so now I have to pay him 170$. Which is what I got for chirstmas together with a crappy DVD player. My step grandma gave me a present where 80$ was hidden, of course she didnt tell me that so i never found them there. The day after my mom asked what i got, then she asked if i got 80$ as my sister did and i said no. Haha that 80 bucks was still in the present package and unfortunantly my step grandpa had already thrown them in the fire :(
Garfield_ said:
My step fathers mother gave me a present where 80$ was hidden...
What a stupid idea.

And Riomhaire, you are really spoiled.
vegeta897 said:
What a stupid idea.

And Riomhaire, you are really spoiled.
I'm actualy one of the least spoiled people I know. I just go f*cking crazy when I get pissed off.
ríomhaire said:
I'm actualy one of the least spoiled people I know. I just go f*cking crazy when I get pissed off.
You had to get pissed off for a reason. You got pissed off because your sister got you one amazingly expensive and fun gaming handheld instead of another amazingly expensive and fun gaming handheld. You shouldn't have gotten pissed off. Why did you? Because you didn't get what you WANTED even though the thing you got is still a great gift. That makes you spoiled. Fact. Done. Over. Period.
ríomhaire said:
I'm actualy one of the least spoiled people I know. I just go f*cking crazy when I get pissed off.

You seriously are a brat.
vegeta897 said:
You had to get pissed off for a reason. You got pissed off because your sister got you one amazingly expensive and fun gaming handheld instead of another amazingly expensive and fun gaming handheld. You shouldn't have gotten pissed off. Why did you? Because you didn't get what you WANTED even though the thing you got is still a great gift. That makes you spoiled. Fact. Done. Over. Period.

Is there something wrong with being spoiled?
vegeta897 said:
You had to get pissed off for a reason. You got pissed off because your sister got you one amazingly expensive and fun gaming handheld instead of another amazingly expensive and fun gaming handheld. You shouldn't have gotten pissed off. Why did you? Because you didn't get what you WANTED even though the thing you got is still a great gift. That makes you spoiled. Fact. Done. Over. Period.
I...I'm not going to even atempt to explain my state of mind.
So far it does actually seem like you're throwing a tantrum.. on the forums :O
ComradeBadger said:
So far it does actually seem like you're throwing a tantrum.. on the forums :O
Pretty much yeah. Way of working off anger when you don't have a punching bag.
Nat Turner said:
It appears so.
Oh don't be a smart aleck :rolleyes:
I'm asking you why you think there's nothing wrong with being spoiled.
riomhaire from now on buy your own shit, you little brat. Problem solved, you are the type of person that makes me sick around christmas time. Your lucky you got anything you little bitch.
sorry but reality sucks

some of you need to stfu (not directed at you Greatgat) and stare at the pic for a few minutes
Baal said:
The trick is don't ask for anything so you can't lose.

Remember kids, aim low and you'll never be disappointed.
This is actually quite true. I didn't really ask for anything and I got some surprising gifts that I really like. You thank the others a lot more than when you get the exact thing on your little list.

Point of view and your intent have a lot to do with the situation. Change it. =p
CptStern said:
sorry but reality sucks

some of you need to stfu (not directed at you Greatgat) and stare at the pic for a few minutes

Thanks for the qualifier at least, Stern.

But yes, I do have to agree with you. When I hear about people who are actually PROUD of being spoiled, I just get irritated, and quickly. So you haven't had to work a day in your life for the things you want? Congrats! You're a failure! And you can't even claim you have failed through trying! You've just oozed your way into a shapeless, meaningless form through apathy and indifference!
CptStern said:
sorry but reality sucks

some of you need to stfu (not directed at you Greatgat) and stare at the pic for a few minutes

Dear god, how will I finish my caviar now?
vegeta897 said:
Oh don't be a smart aleck :rolleyes:
I'm asking you why you think there's nothing wrong with being spoiled.
I only answered your question. Don't ask a yes/no question if you don't want that sort of answer.

Anyways, "being spoiled" in this manner is just an attitude. There's nothing right or wrong about it. If a person enjoys acting spoiled, then that's fine. If others don't care for it, he probably won't enjoy being spoiled much longer.
Nat Turner said:
I only answered your question. Don't ask a yes/no question if you don't want that sort of answer.
Sigh, I guess you've never heard the expression, or of rhetorical questions for that matter.

Nat Turner said:
Anyways, "being spoiled" in this manner is just an attitude. There's nothing right or wrong about it. If a person enjoys acting spoiled, then that's fine. If others don't care for it, he probably won't enjoy being spoiled much longer.
How do you "enjoy" being spoiled? :| Spoiled means you are never happy because you don't get what you want. It's impossible by definition to "enjoy" being spoiled.

And of course others don't care for it, you give them stuff and they throw it back in your face with a scowl. Doesn't feel very good does it?
vegeta897 said:
How do you "enjoy" being spoiled? :| Spoiled means you are never happy because you don't get what you want. It's impossible by definition to "enjoy" being spoiled.

Maybe for some people, it's part of their personality and their normal behavior. They must go out of their way to act otherwise. Of course they can change, and probably should, but my point is that most people simply enjoy being themsevles.

And of course others don't care for it, you give them stuff and they throw it back in your face with a scowl. Doesn't feel very good does it?

Probably not.
CptStern said:
/me looks at location *snicker*

I would berate you were it not for the stalk of wheat in my mouth
ríomhaire said:
I'm actualy one of the least spoiled people I know. I just go f*cking crazy when I get pissed off.


Seriously, don't be an ass. You obviously got games with your PSP, and therefore, it cost more than the average £179, which probably tallies it up to something beyond oh lets say...£200?

Your sister spent more than £200 on you. I don't believe many sisters would do that, and you go about acting like a total ****ing ass about it. Spoilt brat indeed.
You guys suck :|. Is it true that all of humanity has forgotten what Christmas really is!? It's not for your sorry asses, it's for Jesus! You're suppost to wake up on Christmas morning and go "Shit my life sucks, but who cares? There's a new light in the world and things will get better now." DAMN STRAIGHT! My dog, Sydney, got hit by a (ironically) black truck a few days before Xmas. I found out 10 minutes later because I heard yelling. Of course, I ran out trembling from shock to see her laying there on the road whimpering and a pool of blood around her. She died a few hours later in the hospital. Anyways, even though she was just a dog, it ruined the Christmas feeling for me, but that's not really important.

BTW: Sorry to hear about the divorce :(
Not everybody believes in God/Jesus...me being one of them! I quite frankly couldn't care less.
Then why are you talking about Christmas? Isn't it the "holidays" for you people? By the way, holi-day = HOLY day.
I dont celebrate christmas, so I have no reason to be having a bad time on that holiday.
Who ****ing cares what the origin of "holiday" is or wether or not heathens swap presents during Christmas. They've taken on different values today and so arguing their roots is pointless.
I say the lot of you stop bitching and be grateful, only those who are bitching of course. A pat on the head for the rest of you.